Obsidian Sea Geographic Location in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil

Obsidian Sea

The Obsidian Sea, also called the Ocean of Darkness is an ocean a good distance south of Styx.

Its coast, the Obsidian Shore, is claimed by the Duchy of Sharhaven.

The Obsidian Sea is named for the fact that it lies in complete darkness: while the Greenbright Crystal and the accompanying Greenbright Moss cyclically lights most of Aman-ya the ocean is the exception, no crystals nor moss grow here leaving it utterly devoid of light.

The ocean is feared by the inhabitants of the Obsidian Shore and those beyond, it is home to a race of horrific humanoids described as fish or squid-like by those who encountered it; they periodically raid the coastal villages taking prisoners for what can only be assumed is vile magic rituals.

The Obsidian Sea is plagued by strong currents and terrible storms that cause flooding on its coast often, often the raids of the Rhynraen-Anruth are accompanied by what is known as a Blood Tide with waves crested crimson red.

Despite all this trade happens across the ocean and at its harbors with the harborside market of Tide's Edge acting as a point of exchange for many products from far beyond.

One location beyond the dark waters is the far-away island chain of Irattaviṭiyaltīvu, a tropical place that many foreign spices and expensive exports originate from.

It is said that an entire continent lies beyond the waters but few dare cross the long dark in search of these lands and none ever return bearing good news.


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