Arkian Shogunate Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Arkian Shogunate


Ruled by a Shogun, (military dictator), while the highest position is held by Apostle of the Bounty of the Flame purely for image.   The Shogun is in control of managing the state on all scales, and has overruling power over all within the domain. The positions acting as the government are filled with members of the Shoguns military.


Ark has a strong focus on the utilitarian outlook of life. Stemming from their close relationship with Erebus, Dragon of Necromancy (who resides nearby), Necromancy is well understood and utilised here.   There is an overflow of work that's not easy, not fun, but must be done. Their solution for this is to use the recently passed, all of which know of their duty and allow their raising from their death back into the work force. Their undeath is not cruel, they are treated with respect, but utilised as long as possible to assist the new generations in doing their labour for them.

Public Agenda

The Shogun promises peace in his lifetime, in spite of the many advances of the Mythlulian Empire. This promise is executed in the constant improvements being made to the infrastructure, more cities are getting walls and fortifications, the roads are improving, and houses being reinforced. These raisings of the standard of living are greatly appreciated by the people of Ark, making the current Shogun very popular.


Clans of Tieflings were known to collect in the Eastern region of Humanoid Continent as early as records beginning, evidence of descriptions of unusual looking people, different colours and spikes growing from face goes back to some of the earliest writing by the Sphericium - Early Humanoid.   Ark itself forged from a merging of several smaller tribes together after Apostle Marri was able to bring the first flame to her tribe, a flame that protected them against threats. These tribes banded together, seeing strength in unity. Over time, their numbers grew and the other tribes were incorporated into the larger group.   Sometime after the Dragons educated Suferan Life, The Dragons began to settle into their preferred spaces and settle into domains. Erebus, Dragon of Necromancy had chosen his place to be among the mountains nearby Ark. This close proximity enabled the Arkians to establish a good relationship with the Dragon, and in return he taught them of his School of Magic. With this power over death, they continued in their utilitarian nature to expand using those that had passed.

Utility above all else

Alternative Names
Ark, Arkia, Arkian, Shogunate
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


Ark tries to maintain positive relationships with all neighbouring state, though they do not appreciate their aggressive expansions   Mythlulia does not like Arkians for their close relationship with Dragons (blaphemous) and their constant improvements to their society, making theirs look worse in comparision


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