Mythlulian Empire Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Mythlulian Empire


The largest and most populous of the Humanoid countries, a traditionalist empire founded on beliefs of superiority willing to kill to maintain it.   Status quo is valued highly here, with a rigid class system imposed, and little movement possible, the people suffer unknowingly, a different life isn't a thought for most.  

Race Relations

In the empire, Dragonkin are valued greatly, some valued so high as to be considered threats to the Emperor and disposed. The upper levels of Nobility are all somewhat Dragonkin, though these traits are not always inherited and could be trickery   Humans are the majority race within the empire and are treated indiscriminantly, unless a Dragonkin is involved.   All other races are beleived to be below these, though not to the point of outright discrimination, often being just passive prejudice. Examples of this are the Orcs, believed to be just savages. Any shown to break this mould are considered exceptions to the rule.   A unique case is that of the Gnomes that occupy the eastern reaches of the empire. Their addition is recent, and their subjugation necessary for the continued success of the empire, with their advances in technology powering the trade and military beyond their normal limits. Recently, the gnomes have expressed discontent at this arrangement, as seemingly nothing is gained in return for this, as they gain no aid in case of raids, they gain no money for these tasks, and have no favour in decisions.  

Religion and Culture

Majority religion is Otonian Majority Culture is Dracoserviti {Draco-Human}

Know thy Place

Founding Date
1419 EM
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
Mythlulia. Myth, Lulian
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


Ark tries to maintain positive relationships with all neighbouring state, though they do not appreciate their aggressive expansions   Mythlulia does not like Arkians for their close relationship with Dragons (blaphemous) and their constant improvements to their society, making theirs look worse in comparision

Suzerain and Client State

Gnomic Meritocracy is a client state of the Mythlulian Empire, unwillingly

Peace, though Historical Conflict

Dislike for Warmongering

Upor had friendly relations with the Gnomic Meritocracy and was in talks to increase their connection to the state, via official pacts or even potentially integration into Rigin
However, the Mythlulians brutally annexed it first, a highly unpopular move with the residents of the Meritocracy as well as Upor


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