Cleric Profession in Sufera | World Anvil
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  Followers of a religious order are found across Sufera, though not all unite under similar Deities or goals.
  For the majority, they follow The Divine themselves, offering prayers and worship in exchange for magical prowess.
  Other worship the Dragons directly, also offering prayers and worship towards the mortal creatures, and are similarly returned with magical abilities.
  Smaller cults and factions can be found across Sufera, though not all gain abilities for their worship
Let your old ways fade into memory, you belong with us now



  • Temple location
  • Why you joined the clergy
  • Religion / Favoured Deity
  • Career


    No prior qualifications are required to join the most popular clergy: Otonian & Dragonite   Smaller sects and cults may have requirements to join, such as status or display of devotion.   Unlike other magical professions, Clerics are not certified by external sources such as the Certification Bureau, they are internally certified, with their current title refering to their abilities

    Career Progression

    Progression is assured in most of the religious order, as many ranks are offered with plenty of mobility provided that candidate has met the requirements for this

    Payment & Reimbursement

    Payment is often offered to clerics in exhange for magical services such as healing or support in strenuous situations. As well as this, it isn't uncommon for clerics to be "salaried" by their temple for their efforts, especially in the case of travelling missionaries or those on tasks taking them outside the city.

    Other Benefits

    Clergy are given free food, board and clothing with the temple they operate from, as well as a higher status than average.   It is also common for clergy to be some of the most educated in their towns, as they are provided lessons on reading, writing, magic and biology so they can utilise their Divine given abilities



    Clergy that do not travel preach sermons, maintain temples and offer assistance to the town they operate within, using their magical gifts as a service to help and heal the residents.

    Social Status

    Clergy often come with a fair amount of social status, as someone revered for their sacrifices and their abilities to assist others. This status is not above a noble, but enough to be considred trustworthy and of good repute.
    Alternative Names
    Clergymen, Priest, Missionary, Healer, Support
    Medium-High, more in less safe areas.
    Other Associated professions


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