Gnomona Settlement in Sufera | World Anvil
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The majority of Gnomona, similar to the rest of the former Gnomic Meritocracy is majoritvely held by Gnomes. Since its annexation by the Mythlulian Empire, this has changed slightly, with a higher non-gnome population as the Mythlulian Empire's armies have settled into the area for an extended bout.


Gnomona is lead directly by the head of the Gnomic Meritocracy, though their powers have been neutered since their annexation, making them little more than a mouthpiece for whatever the Mythlulian Empire wants.


Defence was never a necessity to the Gnomic Meritocracy as they had great relations with all surrounding states, and enough capabiltity to fend off any smaller threats. As a result, the effort normally expended into defence could be attributed elsewhere. This then proved to be their downfall when the empire invaded.   After the Annexation, special interest has been placed in the Meritocracy by the Emperor, and so the attacking armies became the defending armies, as many a defending wall and castle are built in the area to fend off others


Gnomona is the heart of Artificing and birthplace of invention. Every piece of infrastructure that could be improved has seen many iterations at the hand of its citizens.
A few notable examples:
  • First working Sewer system
  • Automated Walkways (Conveyor belt street)
  • Warforged Service Workers
  • However, since the Annexation, the free spirit for inventing has been stifled, and a lot of the necessary maintenence for these has been missed, leaving many not working.
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