Gignomai Rank/Title in Sufera | World Anvil
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To be eligible to run for Gignomai, you must have:
  • A Certification of Artificing
  • Fluent in Gnomish (Recent Addition)
  • Lead a project to completion successfully
  • Requirements

    All Gignomai candidates must have:
  • Made a significant addition to Gnomic society
  • Reassembled a broken device of any nature in less than a day
  • Read all history of the Gnomic people, and have at least 3 suggestions for improvements on events
  • Win a final vote among candidates
  • Appointment

    The successful candidate is required to construct the platform that they will be sworn in on. This is both a final test, and a celebration as it allows the successful candidate to demonstrate their prowess in a fun, glamourous way to all of their peers.


    They must lead the Gnomic Meritocracy to a brighter future, fostering progress not hindering it, and put the future of Gnomics ahead of all others
    Civic, Political
    Form of Address
    His Gnomliness
    Alternative Naming
    Gnomliness, Wisest Gnome
    Equates to
    Duke of the Mythlulian Kingdom
    Source of Authority
    Wisest of the Gnomes, elected by the Inhabitants
    Length of Term
    Till death or lack of faith
    Reports directly to
    Related Locations
    Related Organizations


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