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Castle Ravenloft

Castle Ravenloft (aka Castle Dickhead) is, apparently, the home of Strahd von Zarovich. Designed primarily by Khazan Fidatov and named for Strahd's mother, Queen Ravenovia, it's a great destination for sleepovers and TPKs.  

Suspected Castle Rooms

  • Sentient Dildo Room - Strahd's hobby has been to collect sentient dildos over the past 400 years. Might be the most horrifying room in the entire castle.
  • The Dungeon - Apparently there are allies there but also it's very dangerous, which means a jail break is coming.
  • Strahd is a Neglectful Idiot Room - Where Strahd keeps things he shouldn't that can kill innocent women who happen to be passing through. Probably includes demons.
  • The Throne Groan Room - Where Strahd sits and pouts all day. Houses his Dickhead chair. Called the "groan" room because anyone who enters is subjected to his tragic backstory.
  • Vamp Squad Lair - Where tales of Blondie's scootching is shared around a tall glass of fuck off. Ireena's Room - Hopefully full of bludgeoning weapons and sharp sticks that she can attack Dickheads with any time they come calling.
  • Toilet - Whether vampires need to piss has yet to be determined.
  • Hot Tub Room - Allegedly filled with champagne which isn't enough to boil vamps alive. Pity.
  • Sylvain's Nightmare Room - Because it will exist and likely have a dirty pit filled with wolves.
  • Perpetual Explosion Room - Self explanatory.

Confirmed Castle Rooms

Following the party's brief tour of part of the castle, the maps Ireena tried to sneak to them, and BRAY MARTIKOV'S ESCAPE FROM CASTLE RAVENLOOOOFFFFT, we can confirm the existence of the following rooms.  


Ravenloft is apparently only accessible via a drawbridge. From what the party has been able to observe, trying to access the castle by any other means would involve a climb of 1,000 feet or more, or finding another way to traverse the chasm separating Ravenloft from the nearest high ground. The party was unable to discern by which means, mundane or otherwise, the drawbridge was operated.   The castle is also protected by a portcullis, the mechanisms of which have also not yet been explored by the party. Two gate towers flank the portcullis.   Beyond the simple matter of accessing the ground the castle is on, intruders who could not gain entry through the portcullis would face a climb of 90 feet to scale the castle walls. Particularly in the case of parties with members who don't have feet, investing in a climbing kit or other aids may be advisable before attempting such a feat.   Once inside the castle, the party was able to visually confirm the existence of a courtyard. There appears to be more to the external area of the castle grounds, but further exploration is blocked by portcullises on the north and south sides of the castle.  

K1: Front Courtyard

Seen by the party upon their arrival to Castle Ravenloft. Accessible by the drawbridge, the front courtyard is enclosed by 90-foot-high walls. From the courtyard, one can access the drawbridge and guard towers to the west, the main doors to the east, and area K2 to the north and south.  

K2: Center Court Gate

Seen by the party upon their arrival to Castle Ravenloft, with additional information from Makar's flyovers. Located on the north and south sides of the castle, these gates prevent easy access to the southern side of the castle. Both gates are formed by twenty-foot-wide, twenty-foot-tall archways blocked by rusty but sturdy iron portcullises. From this point, areas K1, K3, and K5 can be accessed.  

K3: Servants' Courtyard

Located in the northeast of the keep and enclosed by towering walls, the only notable feature of this area according to Makar is a little carriage house.  

K4: Carriage House

Accessible from K3, this is presumably where the carriages are kept, based off Makar's description of it as a carriage house.  

K5: Chapel Garden

Described by Makar, displayed on Khazan's model, and seen through memories in the Tome of Strahd, what was once a flourishing garden of herbs, flowers, and carefully sculpted shrubbery is now, according to Makar, "overgrown plants." Accessible from the castle chapel, the garden also leads to area K6 through a pair of large iron gates.  

K6: Overlook

The precipice from which Tatyana threw herself wordlessly 400-some years ago (to be followed shortly after, unwillingly, by a guard who had much more to say). The overlook looks out over the east of Barovia, with a 1,000-foot drop awaiting anyone who falls (or is thrown) over its low wall. About a hundred feet down from the overlook, accessible only through a dangerously steep climb, is the window through which Bray Martikov escaped.  

First Floor

K7: Entry (formerly Entry 1)

This initial entry hall, lit by torches, had four statues of dragons overhead in the vaulted entry foyer.  

K8: Great Entry (formerly Entry 2)

This second entry hall — the grander of the two — was dusty, cobwebs stretching between its columns. Also lit by torches, this room featured eight stone gargoyles lining the ceiling. The frescoes on its ceiling were cracked and faded. A heavy pair of bronze doors on the east wall of this room lead to an unknown destination, while the stairs to the north lead to the Suits of Armour Landing, the double doors to the southwest of the room lead to the Dining Room, the double doors to the west lead to Entry 1, and a staircase to the southeast leads both up and down, to destinations unknown.  

K9: Guests' Hall

Perhaps it would be reasonable to assume this is the same as K8. It is not. It's the Guests' Hall. There's torchlight! There's an arched hallway leading to a spiral staircase! There's a suit of armour, oiled and glistening! That's straight from the module: oiled and glistening. (And yes, it's... standing at attention.)  

K10: Dining Hall (formerly Dining Room)

This room has at least two doors: the secret door behind the organ on the west wall, which leads to the Mirror Room, and the double doors on the east wall, which lead to Entry 2. It is dominated by a long dining table and is a great place to traumatize your guests.  

K11: South Archers' Post (formerly Mirror Room)

This room is full of many mirrors. It is the point where the secret door behind the organ in the Dining Room leads to, but can also be accessed by South Staircase (II). Here there be arrow slits.  

K12: Turret Post (formerly Archers' Post)

This post features arrow slits — wide enough to shoot through and to survey the courtyard outside, but too narrow for a person to pass through. It can be accessed by South Staircase (II), or through the secret door behind the organ in the Dining Room.  

K13: Turret Post Access Hall

The long, narrow corridor through which the party was led to the Archers' Post and, through there, to dinner.  

K14: Hall of Faith

This long hall was run through by Tatyana when she fled for her life in the Tome of Strahd. It was, at the time, lined with statues of knights, and leads to the chapel.  

K15: Chapel

The chapel, which may or may not be in whole or in part consecrated, is lit by what light filters through stained glass windows. On the second floor of the chapel is a balcony set with two grand chairs. From the chapel, the chapel garden and exterior of the castle can be accessed.  

K19: Grand Landing (formerly North Staircase)

This wide staircase leads to the Suits of Armour Landing. This landing, north of Entry 2, has two suits of armour in it that appear to be trapped, though the nature of the trap is unknown. From it, two staircases lead up to the Groan Room on the second floor.  

K21: South Tower Stair (formerly South Staircase (I))

Based off Ayduin's observational skills and Ri-An's memory, it is reasonable to assume this is the staircase the party took from the Treasury on the second floor up to the empty corridor that led to the Cake Room on the third floor. It continued on up past the third floor, and goes down further from the ground floor, though how far and to where is unknown.  

K22: North Archers' Post

Though not seen in person or in any Tome of Strahd memories, from what could be gleaned by looking at the model in the Amber Temple, this archers' post is much the same as the one on the south side they were in.  

K23: Administrative Office

Seen through the model in the Amber Temple, the party's best guess is that this is some sort of administrative room.  

K24: Servants' Quarters

Seen through the model in the Amber Temple, the party's best guess is that this room was meant for servants.  

K64: South Staircase (II)

The staircase the party used to descend from the third floor to the first floor. On the first floor, it provides access to the Archers' Post, the Mirror Room, and beyond. On the second floor, it opens to a dark hallway that seems to lead to another archers' post. On the third floor, which is the top of this staircase, it can only be accessed from the parapets. It continues on below the ground floor, though how far and to what is unknown.  

Second Floor

K12: Turret Post (formerly Archers' Post?)

Though only glimpsed from a distance while going down the stairs and through the model at the Amber Temple, it looked as though there was another archers' post in the same spot as the one on the ground floor.  

K13: Turret Post Access Hall

Much the same as the ground floor.  

K21: South Tower Stair

The staircase the party took from the Treasury on the second floor up to the empty corridor that led to the Cake Room on the third floor. It continued on up past the third floor, and goes down further from the ground floor, though how far and to where is unknown.  

K22: North Archers' Post

Though not seen in person or in any Tome of Strahd memories, from what could be gleaned by looking at the model in the Amber Temple, this archers' post is much the same as the one on the south side they were in.  

K25: Audience Hall (formerly Groan Room)

This massive room features a broken window on the west wall — 50 feet above the ground — that has an iron lattice on it but could possibly be used as a point of entry or exit, though Ri-An, Bodaway, and Grghshnq may have difficulty getting through the lattice. It has two sets of doors, both on the east wall. The northern set leads to unknown places — perhaps some of the locations Ireena's map identified. The southern set leads to the Treasury. Staircases to the north descend to the Suits of Armour Landing and the ground floor. The amount of groaning to take place in this room is unknown, as we haven't seen Strahd sit in the throne yet.  

K28: King's Balcony

This balcony overlooks the chapel below. It has two big fancyass chairs on it. I know it's wanky but I can't throw shade at him for this. Love a good balcony. Would love to gaze down regally at people in my own home. He was right about this.  

K29: Staircase

This staircase seems to be an access point between the chapel and the balcony, though its exact dimensions have only been guessed at, as it was only seen through the stained glass windows of the model at the Amber Temple.  

K30: King's Accountant (formerly Treasury/Lief's Room)

Presumably the treasury, this is where Lief likes to spend his time. This dusty room is full of scrolls and books scattered on every possible surface, including the floor. Four locked chests are along the southern wall, and there are chains connected to the desk, presumably to keep wayward accountants in check. A tasselled rope hangs from the ceiling.  

K34: Servants' Upper Floor

Glimpsed through the model at the Amber Temple, this appears to be more servants' quarterss.  

Doru and Gertruda's Room

According to Ireena's map, Doru and Gertruda live in a room on the north side of the castle. How this section of the castle can be accessed from the parts of the castle the party has seen is unknown.  

North Staircase (I)

One of four staircases on the second floor in Ireena's map that the party did not see, this staircase seems to be north of Doru and Gertruda's Room, and is one of two staircases that provides access to it.  

North Staircase (II)

One of four staircases on the second floor in Ireena's map that the party did not see, this staircase seems to be south of Doru and Gertruda's Room. It is unclear if there is any point of access to it on the second floor.  

Northeast Staircase

One of four staircases on the second floor in Ireena's map that the party did not see, this staircase seems to be east of Doru and Gertruda's Room, and was depicted as much larger than other staircases.  

South Staircase (I)

This staircase can be accessed from the Treasury, and leads both up and down.  

Southeast Staircase

One of four staircases on the second floor in Ireena's map that the party did not see, this staircase seems to be east of the South Staircases. How it is accessed or where it leads is unknown.  

Third Floor

K21: South Tower Stair

The staircase the party took from the Treasury on the second floor up to the empty corridor that led to the Cake Room on the third floor. It continued on up past the third floor, and goes down further from the ground floor, though how far and to where is unknown.  

K35: Hallway

This empty hallway, with South Staircase (I) at its east end and an ornately engraved steel door at its west end leading to the Cake Room, features two empty alcoves. It was not featured on Ireena's map.  

K36: Dining Hall of the Count (formerly Cake Room/Strahd is a Neglectful Idiot Room?)

This was, at some point, probably a fancy dining room, but now it's best referred to as the Cake Room given the magically preserved, cobweb-covered, but still very much rotten wedding cake that takes center stage in this darkened chamber. Ri-An noticed some particularly valuable instruments, including a beautiful harp and a lute. I feel like I told everyone it was the harp that was probably an instrument of the bards and if I said that I'm sorry it was the lute. What do I have in my dinner-specific notes... yeah I fucked up in those notes. It's not the harp, it's the lute. Harp's fucking sick, though. Anyway, some people also noticed some blood on the floor, and I'm not saying that Ireena labelling this room DANGER in all caps and it being so close to where Ireena may or may not be staying means this is the room where she died and that was her blood staining the floor, but it is magically decaying food for thought, isn't it? This room has three exits — four if you count the possibility of breaking a window. Wooden doors in the north and west walls lead to the Lounge and the Bathroom respectively, and an ornate steel door in the east wall leads to the Empty Hallway, and from there South Staircase (I). There is a curtained window on the south wall, leading out to the parapets.)  

K37: Study (formerly Library/Lounge)

Though the party was only briefly in this room, there was a lot to see in the space. Perhaps most notable is the portrait of Ireena-but-a-redhead prominently featured above the hearth. Next might be the collection of books, which those party members familiar with such things could tell at a glance was a collection worth an astronomical amount of gold. Tens of thousands at least. More, if you could find the right buyers. Rather more comfortably appointed than most of the rooms the party saw, it features four doors: the north door to the right, which according to Ireena leads to a corridor which leads to North Staircase (I) and possibly Northeast Staircase; the north door to the left, which according to Ireena leads to North Staircase (II the west door, which leads to the Master Bedroom; and the south door, which leads to the Cake Room. Something about the poker by the fireplace caught Ayduin's attention, but he was unable to investigate further in the time they had.  

K42: King's Bedchamber (formerly Master Bedroom/Ireena's Room?)

This beautifully appointed bedroom may or may not be where Ireena is kept most of the time, though given the carefully staged dresses on the bed and roses beside it, that seems to be what Strahd wants you to think. It features four possible exits: to the east, double doors that lead to the Library; to the south, double doors that lead to the Bathroom; to the west, a window-door that leads to the parapets; and to the north, just beside the bed, a secret door leading to unknown locations. Judging by its absence on her map, Ireena is unaware that there's a secret door right beside her bed. But that's probably nothing to worry about.  

K43: Bath Chamber (formerly Bathroom)

The bathroom, prominently featuring a bathtub. When the party arrived, this bathtub was full of blood, and when Escher poked a finger in, a horrifying specter covered in blood leapt out of it and skittered off into the closet along the ceiling. Escher referred to this spirit as Varushka. Once Varushka had fled, the bathtub was empty, and when the party entered the closet, there was no sign of the apparition. Whether the apparition is always harmless or not remains to be seen. From the bathroom, there are four possible exits — two curtained archways to the south leading into the closet, one door to the east leading to the Cake Room, and one double door to the north leading to the Master Bedroom.  

K44: Closet

This large walk-in closet was outfitted with clothing custom-made for the party, though it's unknown whether or not this is is always the case. What a wild coincidence if he'd just had all that laying around for centuries, huh? Two curtained archways to the north allow passage to the Bathroom, while two curtained windows to the south look out on the Parapets.  

K46: Parapets

The parapets surround the castle, sitting a cool 90 feet above ground. They allow access to walkways on the outer walls of the castle, though the party only walked a brief stretch of this along the west and south parapets. They do not appear to offer obvious access to the higher points of the castle — its tallest towers extend over 350 feet above ground level — but the party did see a ladder leading higher up at the southwest corner.  

K64: South Staircase

This spiral staircase only leads down from here, ruling it out as a possibility for Ireena's fourth floor map. On the second floor, it leads to an empty corridor possibly ending in an archers' post. On the first floor, it leads to a corridor, an archers' post, and from there the Mirror Room, allowing access to the Dining Room via secret door.  

North Staircase (I)

This staircase, featured on Ireena's map, is at the northwest corner of this floor. It seems to lead only down, based off the maps she provided.  

North Staircase (II)

This staircase, featured on Ireena's map, can be accessed from the Library. It seems to be present but possibly not accessible on the second floor, and does not appear on her first floor map at all. It may or may not be one of the staircases featured on her fourth floor map.  

Northeast Staircase

This large staircase may or may not be one of those depicted on Ireena's fourth floor map, but it seems to be the same one as the one on the second floor map. It is unclear whether or not there is an access point to this staircase from the other rooms Ireena has explored, but it may be accessible from the Library. There seems to be a corridor leading further east from the staircase on this level, though Ireena did not seem to know to what this corridor led.  

Fourth Floor

The exact positioning of Ireena's fourth floor map is difficult to confirm, as the party has not seen any of the fourth floor. However, given the locations presented on her third floor map, it is reasonable to assume at least one of these staircases is one of the other staircases featured on her other maps.  

K49: Lounge (formerly Escher)

Presumably where Escher lives, indicating not all the vampire spawn in the castle are kept in the same quarters. Seems to be a large room, accessible by two staircases. Connects to Bed.  

K53: Rooftop

It's the rooftop. Hope this helps.  


The room simply labelled BED is on the south of the map, and seems to be accessible only by the door in Escher's room. Whether this is Ireena's bedroom or someone else's is unclear.  

Staircase (I)

Marked by a checkmark, suggesting this is the preferable staircase. As it seems reasonable to assume that one of the staircases featured here is South Staircase (I) given the tower shape of Ireena's fourth floor map and the south staircases being the ones in the right position for a tower of the spiral staircases depicted in Ireena's map — unless, of course, the larger staircase on the fourth floor map is in fact Northeast Staircase — this may or may not be South Staircase (I). However, as there is room for a staircase of equal size both to the south and north of the South Staircase (I), it is impossible to tell if South Staircase (I) would be this, presumably good, staircase, or if it would be the other, presumably bad, staircase. Provides access to Escher.  

Staircase (II)

Marked by an x, suggesting this is not the ideal staircase to use. As it seems reasonable to assume that one of the staircases featured here is South Staircase (I) given the tower shape of Ireena's fourth floor map and the south staircases being the ones in the right position for a tower of the spiral staircases depicted in Ireena's map — unless, of course, the larger staircase on the fourth floor map is in fact Northeast Staircase — this may or may not be South Staircase (I). However, as there is room for a staircase of equal size both to the south and north of the South Staircase (I), it is impossible to tell if South Staircase (I) would be this, presumably bad, staircase, or if it would be the other, presumably good, staircase. Provides access to Escher.  

Staircase (III)

A larger staircase to the northeast. It is unclear whether or not this staircase can be accessed from this floor. This may or may not be Northeast Staircase — in which case, neither Staircase (I) nor Staircase (II) could be South Staircase (I). Are we having fun yet?  

Fifth Floor

Though Ireena did not provide a fifth floor map, she did write "WITCHES ABOVE, AVOID" on her fourth floor map, indicating the presence of witches somewhere on the fifth floor. The party was able to see a room through the windows of the model (presumably by Ri-An letting Bodaway sit on their shoulders), but were not able to discern many details beyond its dimensions and the presence of bookshelves.  

Sixth Floor

Seen only thanks to the model at the Amber Temple and Makar's descriptions and diagrams.  

K57: Tower Roof

Sixty feet in diameter, rimmed with battlements. Provides access to the tower to the north but no access to the high tower to the east.  

K58: Bridge

Bridge providing access between the castle's two shorter towers.  

Seventh Floor

Seen only thanks to the model at the Amber Temple and Makar's descriptions and diagrams.  

K60a: North Tower Rooftop

260 feet above the ground, 130 feet above the rooftops, and still well below the high tower peak.  

Eighth Floor

No significant details are available about this level, as it is bereft of windows or other means of seeing within. The peak of the high tower is 100 feet higher than the peak of the north tower, and 170 feet higher than the peak of the shortest tower.  



The party is aware, thanks to Bray and Ispati, that at least some prisoners are being kept in tombs below ground level, but how far below ground level is unclear. The tombs are small, utterly dark, and their doors are heavy stone slabs. This area may be here or on the floor below, though the presence of at least two coffins down below suggests the most obvious explanation is that other tombs would on the lowest level.  

The Anti-Strahd Room

This room, for whatever reason, seems to have some sort of magical barrier through which Strahd cannot pass. It also has some windows which can be broken and flown through, if you happen to be able to transform into a raven. Why this room seems to keep Strahd out is unknown, but the presence of two coffins within suggests perhaps this may be somehow consecrated land.  


Ravenloft 1: Exterior
The exterior of Castle Ravenloft as the party is aware of it, thanks to visits, Makar's intel, the scale model in the temple, and the Tome of Strahd.
Ravenloft 2: Ground Floor
The ground floor of Castle Ravenloft as seen by the party in person, in the scale model in the Amber Temple, and in the Tome of Strahd.
Ravenloft 3: Second Floor
The second floor of Castle Ravenloft as seen by the party in person, in the Tome of Strahd, and through the windows of the scale model in the Amber Temple.
Ravenloft 4: Third Floor
The third floor of Castle Ravenloft as seen by the party in person, in the Tome of Strahd, and in the scale model at the Amber Temple.
Ravenloft 5: Fourth Floor
The fourth floor of Castle Ravenloft as revealed by Ireena's maps and the scale model in the Amber Temple.
Ravenloft 6: Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Floors
The upper levels of Ravenloft, as revealed by the scale model at the Amber Temple and Makar's scouting.
Ravenloft 7: Lower Level(s?)
The lower level or levels of Castle Ravenloft, as revealed by Bray's intel, the scale model at the Amber Temple, Makar's intel, and the Tome of Strahd.
Founding Date
Characters in Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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