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Day 33: Dinner Party

General Summary

Day 33 (Xololuna 9, 735/?)

The eight-hour journey to Castle Ravenloft is subdued. As they approach, a wild storm of sleety rain, thunder, and lightning blows up, which Sylvain accurately attributes to Strahd von Zarovich being a drama queen. Upon exiting the carriage, they find themselves greeted by an unexpected party: there are the two vampire spawn, Doru and Escher, both looking all dolled up, but also what appears to be a girl in her late teens, Gertruda, who comes barrelling forward to squeal over and hug each and every one of them. They are led on a brief tour of Castle Ravenloft, heading up a few floors to what appears to be the master bedroom suite — by all appearances, where Ireena has been sleeping. Each of them is offered a selection of drier, more appropriate eveningwear — some better-tailored than others, but all bearing much lace and many ribbons and bows, care of Gertruda — and once they feel adequately dressed for dinner and Chuckles has started a considerable ribbon collection, they head downstairs. Sylvain notices Chuckles getting more and more uneasy, and in acknowledging this ends up with a fun metal accessory to his pant leg for the evening. Upon reaching the dining room, they find Strahd, Ireena, a thoroughly charmed Ispati, an unknown dusk elf, and an unknown old man waiting at the table. The unknown dusk elf is, it seems, somehow Ismark, while the unknown old man is... Strahd's accountant, Lief. An awkward dinner ensues, Strahd prodding each of his guests in turn. In the process, the party receives some maps Ireena attempted to stealthily deliver, discovers Strahd knows many of their former hangouts and has agents who can reach those places, and is given an offer: leave now, live, see your loved ones safe, and never return. They say no, and Strahd accepts this as a declaration of war and another crack in the tentative truce they've had since his bargain with Ireena. He sends them off with a free Ispati, a lingering sense of dread, and four humanoids to pull their carriage to the crossroads, including Calorfin Galamin.


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