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Day 19: All Hail the Glow Construct

General Summary

Day 19 (Prizrachnayaluna 23, 735/Eleasis 15–Eleint 13, 1493)

Ri-An finished their lantern, and the party found one (1) very angry-looking dead dwarf spying on them. They established that the lantern allows them to see creatures on the Ethereal Plane, but not to interact with them physically, even with the Symbol of Ravenkind. Ri-An went off to forge through some of those feelings, with Osrin and Ayduin following. As Ri-An was still beaming glorious sunlight from their chest as they rolled through town — the first sunlight seen in Krezk in at least a couple generations — Ri-An may have accidentally started a cult in the process, though they disavowed the cult by taking off the amulet, ending the effect, and slamming it down beside them while they worked. By this point, Sylvain had gone to investigate why people were running towards the forge. Both Osrin and her twin vampire spawn realized at around the same time that the Symbol of Ravenkind was there for the taking; Osrin grabbed it a fraction of a second before her twin appeared out of thin air and tried to snatch it. A brief battle ensued, resulting in two (2) dead vampire spawn, one (1) banished fire pony, and two (2) additional stress points for Osrin. They had a quiet day after that, taking what rest they could, and a lucky thing, too, giving the sight that would greet them in a few hours.
Report Date
18 Jan 2024
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