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Day 22: Sylvain vs. The Latest Elf

General Summary

Day 22 (Prizrachnayaluna 26, 735/???)

Osrin and Ayduin go for a run. Osrin enjoys it, and Ayduin endures it. Ri-An and Bodaway discuss the matter of their friends' pacts, and how they might save them from their own poor life choices. The moral of the story: you can't make someone save themself, but you can be there for them when they try. A discussion ensues regarding the purpose of the morning's meeting, and whether or not they'll be able to refrain from starting a prison riot. (The general consensus: no, but I guess we've gotta try.) They go to the Reformation Centre and see some of how it works, but not any of the people they're looking for. They are introduced to Calorfin, a high elf who reinforces all of Sylvain's negative stereotypes about elves, who accepted centuries ago that the best thing you can do for Barovia is discourage people from fighting its lord, as she's seen, over and over again, what happens when people do. The party disagrees with her assessment. They resist the urge to start a riot and leave without incident. Sylvain and Bodaway go north to visit Jeny again, seeking the Mad Mage's name — she doesn't answer at first, but they have a good conversation about murder. Osrin, Ayduin, and Ri-An stay in town to help with clean-up efforts, and scar young Rudolph for life when he approaches Ayduin to pass on a message and the three immediately go what do you know about the assassination attempt on him. (The answer: nothing, please don't concuss him again.) The message, hastily delivered when they decide not to kill him in the middle of town: Strahd has ordered that the forge be put back in good working order immediately, if they'd like to help restore it. Jeny doesn't know the Mad Mage's name — have you tried asking him yourself? Pies are now in Vallaki; Bodaway resists. They follow up with Frederich and get some advice, but precious few answers. The gang goes back to the house to sulk, read, make balls, and vandalize books. Ayduin takes a walk and tries to connect with nature. Bodaway experiences the two deaths of Erasmus van Richten, and Osrin fails to break her contract.


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