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The Wolves of Brother's Cave

The Wolves of Brother's Cave seems to be the name of the werewolves that have plagued Barovia, and in particular Krezk, for so long.   The group's den is closer to Krezk than to any other major settlement. They are known to poach unwary travellers on the Old Svalich Road (and sometimes wary ones, too), and have made at least two attacks within Krezk's walls in recent memory, which is apparently unusual. More recently, they were harrying the Village of Barovia in an attempt to boost their numbers after several casualties, some of which were at the party's hands.   According to their note, six of their number are from "your world," presumably Faerûn. At least some of them may well be among the villagers who have recently been abducted from Krezk, unless that was just dinner. Allegedly, their leader was killed by our heroes in Krezk, and the new leader doesn't care for Strahd's management style. An allegiance has been proposed: their aid in unseating Strahd, in exchange for their freedom if he's defeated.  

Known Members

When the party met the wolves in the woods, there appeared to be at least a couple dozen of them. Most of the wolves' identities and backgrounds are unknown.  

Valentina Belasco

Former blacksmith in Krezk.  


Formerly the leader of the pack, ousted with Strahd's help by Kiril. Husband to Zuleika, and believed to be in Castle Ravenloft as a prisoner.  

Ksenia Janek

Formerly spotted in Krezk, seen again amongst the werewolves.  

Izek Strazni

Bodaway's half-brother, formerly the right-hand man of Baron Vargas Vallakovich. Apparently after fleeing the riots in the wake of The Festival of the Blazing Sun, he found himself with a nasty dream pie addiction courtesy of Granny, and spent some time in Barovia. When the pies stopped coming, things in the pie den got dire, and for Izek, becoming a werewolf has given him a new lease on life.  


The current leader of the pack, after Kiril's death at the party's hands. Wife to Emil, and intent on getting him back from Strahd. Brokered an alliance with the party against Strahd, in exchange for her pack's safety and their freedom to leave once Strahd is defeated.  

Unknown Female Dragonborn

Spotted among the werewolves. Presumably not from Barovia.  

Unknown Female Dwarf

Spotted among the werewolves. Presumably not from Barovia, unless Dworic or Funda had some fun while they were still alive.  

Unknown Female Half-Orc

Spotted among the werewolves. Presumably not from Barovia.
Geopolitical, Tribe


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