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Village of Barovia

The village of Barovia is located within the greater area of Barovia within the county of Barovia.   It is the first urban centre our heroes discovered upon entering the county of Barovia. Having been in decline for some time, the village suffered a great blow to its population and economy when a mysterious wizard came into town a few years ago, taking with him many Barovian villagers eager for justice and the destruction of Strahd von Zarovich. When the wizard's plan failed, all the villagers who had gone with him were killed in the battle, save Doru, who was taken in by Strahd and made one of his vampire spawn.   The village of Barovia is a dismal place, marked by shuttered windows, abandoned streets, and downtrodden citizens.  

Notable Locations

Blood on the Vine Tavern

The Blood on the Vine tavern is a grim excuse for a watering hole. Its barkeep only speaks to recite the price of wine, and most of its regulars have so little life in them that it makes precious little difference whether they're conscious or not. This is where our heroes first met Ismark Kolyanovich, the burgomaster's son and now the burgomaster himself.  

The Burgomaster's Mansion

Formerly home to Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich and his two children Ismark and Ireena Kolyana, though now only Ismark remains. This once-proud house shows the ravages of time and many nights' assault at the hands of Strahd's minions when he was trying to lure Ireena into coming outside to meet with him.  

The Church

The only prayers that have been made with any regularity in the past year have been those of Father Donavich, the priest, who has spent most of that time ardently praying for his son Doru's soul while Doru wasted away in the undercroft. Dilapidated and neglected, it is unknown whether Donavich made any effort to tidy up the church once our heroes took Doru off his hands. The church is dedicated to the Morninglord, Lathander.  

The Death House

Formerly home to the Durst family — nobles and cultists — the Death House has been haunted for some time now. Luring adventurers into its midst with the illusion of two frightened children, the Death House is home to many perils, though perhaps fewer perils now than it had when our heroes first walked its halls. Rumour has it that several people have tried to burn down the Death House over the years, only to see it mysteriously reappear within a matter of days.  

Notable Residents

Blood on the Vine Barkeep

The barkeep at the Blood on the Vine tavern's two passions seem to be relentlessly polishing glasses and reciting wine prices.  

Blood on the Vine Women

Three women who were very studiously trying to look like they were paying less attention to our heroes than they were, all wearing brightly coloured clothing, heavy makeup, and gaudy jewelery. In retrospect, almost certainly Vistani.  

Father Donavich

A priest of the Morninglord who has recently neglected his duties to the village in favour of praying for his son to be less of a snarky gay vampire.  


A snarky gay vampire.  


The missing daughter of Mad Mary, once presumed dead, now presumed puppy. She was found gleefully living in Castle Ravenloft thanks to that nice man Strahd who saved her.  

Kolyan Indirovich

The former burgomaster of Barovia, who died of a heart attack the night before our heroes arrived in this realm.  

Miroslava Indirovna

Though not originally present when our heroes were in the village, after their time at the Fidatov Estate and the breaking of the curse there, our heroes got a shiny new set of memories including Ismark and Ireena's quiet, lovely aunt being at the mansion every time they were there.  

Ismark Kolyanovich

The son and eldest child of Kolyan Indirovich, now burgomaster in his stead. Definitely a normal burgomaster. Nothing weird to see there.  

Ireena Kolyana

The daughter and youngest child of Kolyan Indirovich, Ireena caught the eye of Strahd and is presumed to be in Castle Ravenloft with him now following an unsuccessful attempt to evade him with the party.  

Mad Mary

A wailing woman who seems to have been driven mad by the disappearance of her daughter Gertruda, who recently ran away.  

Ispati Mirsky

Ispati is a somewhat nerdy, sarcastic wereraven, formerly of Vallaki, who has apparently been keeping an eye on Ismark since his release from Castle Ravenloft.  

Izek Strazni

Though no longer a resident, Izek also ended up here after fleeing Vallaki, where he lived in a dilapidated house with fellow dream pie addicts until Werewolves attacked and he became one of them. #packlife #alphawolf #teamredmeat


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