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In a dusty shop, market stall, or merchant caravan, you bartered wares for coin and trade goods. The skills you picked up still apply in the adventuring life, in which a good deal on a suit of armor could prevent your death.




Career Progression


  • Human
    Merchant (Human) - Tradesperson -1

    Small settlements can typically support one or two generalist merchants, and larger cities house multiple specialists—experts in one type of product. Merchants can be found anywhere: vendors hustling in the public square, shopkeepers running small storefronts, traveling salespeople in carriages or caravans, or wealthy tycoons running entire organizations devoted to commerce. For encounters involving negotiation or mercantile skill, a merchant is a 4th—level challenge. A merchant might have an additional Lore skill about a specific category of item (such as jewelry or magic weapons), with a total skill bonus 2 higher than Mercantile Lore.
    Perception Expert
    Languages Common, (possibly other depending on situation)
    Skills Deception Master , Diplomacy Legendary , Mercantile Lore Legendary , Performance Expert , Society Master

    STR +2 , DEX +0 , CON -1 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +4

    Items Crossbow (10 bolts)
    AC 13
    Saving Throws Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +10
    Speed 25 feet
    Melee Fist: Trained / 0 / -4 Agile, Nonlethal, Unarmed | Damage: bludgeoning

    Ranged Crossbow: Trained / -1 /[roll;1d20-6|-6] Range 120ft, Reload 1 | Damage Piercing

    Special Abilities Appraising Eye The merchant can use their Mercantile Lore to Recall Knowledge about any item they are offered for sale or appraisal. A success will always determine the book value of any item (except for any additional value that magic may add to a common-looking item.) The merchant can also attempt to Identify Magic using their Mercantile Lore check instead of the usual Arcane, Nature, Occult, or Primal check - and they do not need to know in advance that the item is magical.

    The crossbow should be positioned in the shop hidden behind/beneath a countertop. It will be loaded and hidden behind a counter.It will take the merchant 1 action to retrieve and aim the weapon. plus any movement needed to get to it in the first place. Don't forget the reload action required between shots.

Elvish Shopkeep

White, Blue, Medium, Humanoid, Elf Tradesperson 1
Appraising Eye The shopkeep can use Mercantile Lore to Recall Knowledge about items, including determining their value. They can also attempt to Identify Magic using Mercantile Lore and can do so without first knowing whether the item is magical.
Ancestral Longevity (Elf) The Shopkeep chooses one skill to get a +6 circumstance bonus.
Items Crossbow (10 bolts), Padded Armor
  • AC 15; Fort +4 , Ref +7 , Will +10
  • HP 20
  • Speed 30 ft
Ranged Crossbow +7 +2 / -3 (90 ft), Damage piercing These wisened merchants, focus their decades of experiences to demonstrate unearned proficiency in a myriad of tasks.
— Many Hands
Financial / Trade
Famous in the Field
Ranks & Titles
Related Technologies

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Merchant Background - Background

Description In a dusty shop, market stall, or merchant caravan, you bartered wares for coin and trade goods. The skills you picked up still apply in the adventuring life, in which a good deal on a suit of armor could prevent your death.
Applications Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.   You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and the Mercantile Lore skill. You gain the Bargain Hunter skill feat.


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