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The Orongodongo Jungle (Or-Ron-Go-Don-Go-)

The Hungering Maw of the South

It got him!! Oh fuck it got him!!
*Sounds of Gunfire* 
Its in the fucking canopy!! Its in the fucking cano-
— Alpha 1
  The Orongodongo Jungle is a vibrant rainforest located within the southern hemisphere, over on the continent of Orongodongo. The Jungle itself was once a wild yet natural part of the planet of Elil, but after the The Monster Collective released over 500,000 tons of Monster Gas all life from the lowest lifeform to the animals and people in the jungle mutated from the Monster Cells.   Now the once residents of this jungle are mutated into Monsters and are working to survive this harsh ecosystem. Those that seek to enter that are not monsters...would meet a most unfortunate end to the unforgiving maw of the jungle.


The Orongodongo Jungle boarders travels all along the coast of the Carpaccio Ocean for several miles and is located on the southern landmass of the Orongodongo Jungle. The Jungle is a vast area of trees that can grow up to 250 feet tall, perhaps more due to the monsterfication of the plants in the region.   Running down the middle of the jungle is a range of short, rocky mountains that seem to look like a spine upon a map as it curves with the flow of the jungle. The mountains are very rigid, and cliffy with many rocky plateaus becoming a common occurrence as you rise up the mountains.    The rivers that flow within the jungle are not nearly as large as the one in Amazia but are plentiful. The waters are by far the most dangerous part of the monster infected jungle, as the murky water makes it impossible to see the countless monsterfied creatures below the waters surface as they hunt their prey.    Upon the floor of the jungle is it nearly impossible to find your way. The large trees taking vastly different shapes and sizes, block paths and a strange green miasma hangs around the air of the forest floor. Each blade of grass hungers for the taste of some form of nourishment be it water, or something larger post monsterization.


The Ecosystem is wild and chaotic. Where there once was a system after the monsterfication of the jungle the line between plant, animal, predator, and prey has been vastly blurred. You are just as likely to die from something that once was a an insect as something that once was a mighty leopard. Every organism is warry, developing ways to keep themselves alive as long as possible. Due to the necessity to protect both their heart and their brain they can easily afford to loose limbs or feed other monsters limbs in exchange for safe passage.   The safest area in this jungle is just above the first canopy, where monsters will roam there and above all in an attempt to avoid the death trap that is the jungle floor. The deeper you go into the canopy the more dangerous it gets as the light is soon all but suffocated out beneath the last treeline.

Localized Phenomena

If the dangerous ecosystem wasn't bad enough the strange weather local to the Orongodongo jungle only makes things harder to survive. Since the gassing of the jungle thanks to the Collective of Monsters the gas has seeped into the environment as a whole and every so often the forest experiences a Miasma   The Miasma is a thick green mist that coats the floor of the jungle covering the land for a series of days up to a month. Entering this mist is breathing a very very diluted monster gas that has infused into the moisture of the air. It causes mostly mental symptoms at first influencing your dreams. During these dreams promises of a better life mixed with mental breaking nightmares plague you growing worse the longer you stay within the Miasma. As time goes on soon you experience hallucinations mirroring the dreams asking you to accept their gift. It could take form as all manner of form mostly as people you know.   The last effect is a physical change. Your body will experience minor mutations. If you do not accept eventually your body will become a mass of tumors within the rainforest but if you accept you will be morphed into a theta monster.


Like most rainforests in the world the Jungle of Monsters is a Hot, Humid, and damp place. On the forest floor it is nearly as dark as light except the rare pockets of sunlight that manage to break through three whole layers of condensed jungle branches. The rainforest experiences about 200 inches of rainfall annually.

Natural Resources

The rainforest was once a plentiful location to collect plentiful amounts of wood but its most valued resource came from its plentiful supply of Cobalt which is used in many batteries and its rubber which is used in tires and other materials. After the monsterfication of the Jungle these valued resources had been lost with no way to reclaim them though many attempts were made.

Recollection Efforts

There have been several efforts to reclaim resources by many different nations. After all the first person to gain a base there is the first person to be able to claim its growing natural resources and scientific possibilities with the Miasma.   a total of three major expeditions have been attempted on the Orongodongo jungle with no avail, and no survivors.   Scouting Party #1: November 16th, 2049
A squad of agents dispatched by the Prussenberg military had landed in the city of Dehla on route to the Orongodongo Jungle. Within 3 days the agents had officially reached the border of the jungle. This footage is translated from Prussen for easier viewing experience.
"Alpha 1 Mark"
The jungle outskirts were thick with rough, tall, yet upon inspection, normal trees. Around the side of the agent were four other men. Three were armed with automatic rifles, charge packs loaded in from their bottom and a warm orange glow emanating from the mag and the lower receiver. The last one was equipped with a plasma gun, a long rifle like weapon with a coiled powercore plugged into the back.
The agents responded, stating their designation afterwords. With a nod of the captain, the agents would proceed into the thicket. For two hours nothing eventful happened. The light of the jungle decreased to a point nigh vision was made a necessity. Plants upon scan were revealing low Zagara Cell Count. Further in things would begin to get strange
"Dispatch, are you seeing this?"
On display was what looked to be a type of fern, we can not dictate what this fern once was, its leaves were grown out into sizes equivalent to a car. Each strange of leaf appeared to have the texture of a tongue, hundreds of what can only be speculated as tasting buds, dotted these leaves. Alpha 3 reached out his hand but was batted back by Alpha 4
"What the hell do you think you are doing 3!"
"Sorry sir"
Samples of the specimen were collected via electronic reader while the other agents spread out to make a perimeter. After samples were collected agents would proceed deeper within the rainforest. The flora would grow to become more and more strange. Nothing was similar in the woods. Each blade of grass was slightly different in color, some were curved, others grown to larger heights, some seemed to be other textures, and one even had eyes that were watching the agents. Alpha 4 smoked the specimen with his plasma rifle incinerating it but due to monster regeneration we are unaware if it regrew from the roots.
An hour later the humidity would increase detected by the reader.

"What the fuck..."
"Sir the humidity is increasing by several notches"
The air would grow heavy, and before long the air would twist into a strange green mixture. The agents proceeded to turn on their filtration masks. One more hour would pass with nothing of particular note. Before long a strange humming would be heard coming from the trees. The agents would approach slowly
"is that damn thing singing? Someone silence it"
Alpha 1-3 would charge up their weapons before letting loose a torrent of fire into the tree. In a near moment a high pitch shriek was released from the bark! Its bark would fly off blasting apart like a bomb. The agents would back up quickly. That is when Agent 3 would die.
His foot seemed to step back too far, grazing some normal looking blades of grass. In an instant the carpet would snap at him like a venus fly trap. Screaming would follow before quickly silence as a red liquid was reported leaking from the slits in the carpet. The bark, thankfully, did not kill anyone. The worse damage done was a large gash upon Alpha 2's ribs.

"Agents form up on me- form up on me"
A shout played over the audio. Alpha 1 twisted around to show alpha 2 gone. Panic would spread through the remaining agents as Alpha 5 let loose fire into the canopy from above
"Hold fire damn it! Hold fire we dont want to-"
Cackling could be heard in the trees. A mocking laughter it shows from above. Agent 4 would fire a plasma shot into the air revealing what look to be an ape like figure made completely of bone. It was holding the smashed body of Agent 2, smearing itself in teh contents of its entrails and skin. Several of the figures knuckles were long and bone like. It seemed to be...absorbing the skin into itself. It would leap away as another plasma shot hit the bone to no avail. Panic spread like a wildfire.
"Dispatch- Dispatch this is fucked. Everyone pull out- On me. 4 Blast that thing out of the trees"
both Alpha 1 and Alpha 5 began running with 1 in the lead. The sound of plasma shots echoed from behind before a scream. It seems now the Captains cool was lost. Nothing looked the same in this jungle. The camera fuzzed waving left and right but it appears alpha 1 dropped with a fearful hiss. His legs were cut up. Sliced into pieces as the roots of a nearby tree seemed to be made of a razor like substance, and pulled back into the tree once its work was finished. Alpha 2 approached and reached out his hand but before 1 could grab on, 2 was gone
"It got him! Oh fuck it got him!!"
His gun opened fire, letting loose ballistic rounds into the air
"Its in the canopy!! Its in the fucking cano-"
The Footage cut out by this time. The bodies have never been recovered as too date but Prussenberg deemed anymore efforts to be too dangerous.


Pre 1900's

  For many centuries the Orongodongo Jungle was seen as an untamed wild but this was the furthest from the truth. Many tribes had settled within the jungle turning it into their home. They lived with the trees and build their culture from the rich abundance of resources provided them. Many of them built thriving kingdoms with one of the biggest being built along the spine of the jungle. This kingdom lasted many years making great relics with colored cobalt. Eventually the kingdom would collapse and in its place those many tribes would continue their rich culture and life.


In the early 1900's a great council of Europans came together to split the Orongodongo into several territories for the powers to control. This area of the land was given to the nation of Pari and the first three mines would be set up in the jungle. The tribes would be conquered and forced to work the land by the nation. They believed they needed to civilize the people, introduce them to god, and get their moneys worth.   during the early 1920's the Great war would begin. The people of the jungle would be offered freedom from Pari in exchange for service in the military and production. Many would join the fight and by the time the war ended in 1939 the people of Pari would begin moving out of the country giving it back to the people but they would not know where to begin.   by the early 2000's their third world country was still struggling to get on its feet.


The country was starting to improve. With the help of other neighboring nations and the strength of its people they were starting to move up but this would not last long. The Invasion of Zagara would begin and bringing it with it was decimation. The aliens came upon the forest, releasing predators like Nightstalker and Leafvekils. The country that struggled for years would collapse in seconds reverting from a modern nation back to tribal peoples.


The Tribes of the Jungle would be leaving in relative isolation cut off from the world. There would still be a consistent amount of mines and other resource gathering buildings. The tribes would yet remain isolated from the Zagaran creatures that were never quite cleared from their home jungle. They had made themselves a home, a life, and most were happy though that was not to last when The Jungle...would become the most recent testing ground for the Monster Gas. In hours its most recent batch would be dropped on the jungle turning every single little thing into a beta monster. The plants, animals, and people would become turned.
The jungle would become isolated from all outside influences. Nations lost contact in seconds to their people and it would take months for them to finally respond after the situation transpiring in Union City and the collapse of the Foundation.   In November of 2049 the first squad was sent in to investigate the jungle.   Currently all connection to the outside world is lost to the people of the jungle but despite the years of trial- they have survived and will continue to do so.

Monsters of Particular Note

Msasa: The Hanging Tree
Msasa is an entity known in English as "The Hanging Tree." The Hanging tree is a large but slender, 100 foot tall tree located within a part of the jungle known as Victims Grove. The area is a slight clearing in the forest. A circle which the tree trunks do not grow into. Why? The answer is unknown. The grove has a small waterfall pouring from a cliff-face at the back of the grove. In the center is Msasa. Its branches seem strangely bendy much like rubber but do not droop unless they want to. The leaves that grow from the branches are looped like nooses. When you first come upon the tree it is a grizzly sight. There is organic matter in the ground and splattered onto the branches but no corpses. This seems strange at first, but as it's one of the rare clearings that the monsters will not enter most mistake it as a resting spot. This is furthest from the truth. The branches will ensnare you hanging you with their thick, nigh unbreakable noose leaves before the tree seems to open up revealing its throat made of roots where it tosses you in, crushing your body like millions of molars and digesting your matter to grow the tree just a bit more.

Manuk: The Eater of Fear
Only one name of the jungle strikes fear into all hearts not just within the jungle but cities on the outskirts of the Jungle. Manuk. Manuk was named after a god of destruction in the local cultures down there, a god foretold to bring the heavens down upon earth when the time came.
  it was suspected the beast was once a toucan if that is believable, but now it is a three-story beast of nature. Its 100-foot wingspan has been said to be so powerful it can slice the tops clean off of trees. From the sheer devastation it has left on several cities, this can be confirmed as true. Its tail comes blade so thin it can lacerate people into slivers of meat and its beak is lined with thousands of lacerating teeth. The color has been sapped from the animal except for the inner feathers which have been said to hold a variety of colors. The tips of the feathers also have a glossy sheen of bright colors. Perhaps it has something in part with its power.   The power Manuk has allows it not only to subside on food, but during intense periods of hibernation it can feed upon the fear of countless monsters that surround the southern plateau it has made its home. Most of its time it spends hibernating in fact and only 7 days a year is it actually known to be awake. If you hear its scream that makes ear drums explode and technology break. Hide. Do not run. Do not make yourself easy prey. And whatever you do, do not fear it. It can smell you.

Hazar: The Manipulator
Not all monsters are brutal predators. Some tend to hunt in more peaceful methods, yet somehow end up less humane. The creature in particular is known was Hazar. Hazar was known to the Gwuq as a restless spirit that would play pranks upon the villagers. Since music was such a large part of their culture, this Hazar would take parts of drums, strings, and other tools of the trade. No one would ever suspect it was him though, for he was a master of manipulation
This entity is no harmless entity. It stands on two bipedal legs, with its body sprouting plants and mushrooms. The largest sprouts are splitting from the head where the eyes would be forcing it to rely on smell and hearing. Below that is a large mouth with two small side mandibles and a long tongue like a tree leaf.
Much like the legend this Monster shares its own manipulative hunting tactics. It releases some aura or pheromone that calms its victims luring them into a sense of chemical calmness. Before long it begins to feed, most of the time while the victim is still alive, but it cannot fight back. The first time we encountered this creature was in the second expedition into the jungle, James a native selevinian, was consumed live on camera. He didnt scream but his heart rate didnt stop till halfway into the meal.

Belladonna: Lily/Siren/Aphrodite
A former Botanist, Bella Moonley, has become known as the Siren or Aphrodite to the Monsters of the Jungle, or at least something similar to that. Before Bella became a monster she was a botanist located within the country in an effort to classify and protect native species of the jungle. During the gassing, she and her division were not alerted until too late. During this time all contact was lost but after the second expedition sent to retrieve their assets ran into her she is no classified as human, but monster.
Bella is an ambush monster who lurks within damp darker regions of the rainforest. She takes the form of a large 12-foot tall flower similar to the corpse lily but the identification of the plant is yet unknown. Then again with monsters, it might as well not even exist until this moment. The flower has large white petals with thorns being used as protection in case anything gets too close, but the most notable feature is its stigma. The stigma consists of the naked upper half of former botanist, Bella Moonley which acts as a lure for any passerby human or monster.
The lure lets out a haunting melody that lures any form of monster right into its stigma which may look human, but is a large maw ready to devour what gets to close.
Despite its looks, the monster can in fact move as it has been sighted in several locations. It seems to use its roots to bury itself underground using those very same roots to maneuver and sense for vibrations above in an attempt to avoid the dangerous monsters. Those same appendages can be used like hands.
The thorns aren't its only mode of self-defense, as its leaves can wrap around the upper stigma to protect itself with a dome. It is theorized that the monsters brain and heart may be located within the lure.

The Hermit: Watcher of the Marsh
If you ever survive the first night in the jungle and looking for somewhere to go the swamps along the coasts are a safe to stay far away from. Many things lurk within them but none hold such rumors as The Hermit. The Hermit is a creature whispered amongst tribal members that make their homes within the marshes.
The People speak of The Hermit lurking beneath the mud, its long tendrils disguised like tree roots that are twisting and connecting through the bases of trees. The only sign it would be there is a bubbling upon the surface of the marsh though that is an all too common sight amongst the waters of the marshes. The Hermit waits for its prey to enter the mud, when its does all it leaves is a prick. A small open wound that becomes infected with rotted mud and its own personal mix of toxic saliva.
To be cut is the be doomed to die. Your body will slow down as the mud drags you down. No one has ever made it out of the pit of mud alive, everyone always sinking below the surface with nothing to show that there was someone once here.

The Illithid Hive: The North of the Jungle
The Illithid Hive is a monster several miles long! The entirety of the north of the jungle is actually this hive. The Hives heart is located upon a raised plateau where a tree known as the "living tree" was located. Now all that remains is a dead plateau and one black tree with a red beating interior, much like a heart.
The Illithid hive is a cluster of millions and millions of plants all connected into the hive via a complex series of roots that extend from the Illithids heart. The roots constantly extend from the heart, latching onto the roots of other plants where it can find them fusing them with its own. The dangers of the Jungle is only exemplified because no longer one or two monsters hunt you in a jungle that wants you dead but now the section of the jungle thinks as one and the second you step foot in the Illithids the entire jungle knows where you are.

Known Tribes

The Shohono Tribe
The Shohono Tribe is a powerful tribe of monsters located near the mountains. They make their homes within the ancient capital of the ancient kingdom that stood there from centuries ago. They are one of the most welcoming tribes in the jungle always scouring the land to collect people before the maw of the jungle claims them.   They have an intense belief in their all-one-knowing god. It is sacrilege to speak to him directly so they must communicate with the spirits of their ancestors and people. The only person who can speak to these spirits is a man known as Imani. Imani is the only human who has not turned from the constant miasma of monster gas though this does not mean he has suffered no consequences. The leader of the clan is the only human who they protect with their life.

The Dogonarro Tribe
The Dogonarro Tribe dot the tips of the mountains, being found upon the cliffs from the south of the range all the way to the north. The people have always lived with the stars and the sky using them to predict the future. Most of the residents have taken a strange form becoming covered in feathers of all types of colors that reflect lights even under the eyeless moon. Each of them wish to recreate the face they once had with masks hiding the empty holes filled with stars where their faces once were.   They hold dancing in such high regard that the most important people are known as Celestial Dancers. They are the fighters for the people and lead dancing rituals under the guide of the chieftain Dogonarro who seems to have an innate control of the stars no other tribe has!

The Kappagee Tribe
The Kappagee tribes culture have evolved the most from their monsterfication. Many of them share the features of aquatic animals as their tribe had once settled the rivers of the jungles. Their system of living relates more so to a pack of piranhas then an elitist society. Their leaders are non existent and instead respect the elders of their society which have become more fishlike than the others and live in riverbeds leaving their old water built huts abandoned.   Unlike the other tribes who attempt to avoid the Miasma the Kappagee embrace it. They live amongst the densest clusters of the miasma, breathing it in for visions and sacrificing those not monsterfied to it. This has granted them a strange telepathic ability with other monsters especially those who were former aquatic animals.

The Karoomunga Tribe
Do not trust the canopy. The vast creatures that live amongst it avoiding the floor are many, but if you are unlucky enough you might stumble upon the Karoomunga tribe. The Tribe roam these woods in hunting packs made up of their strange reptilian and amphibian-like members. They hold the hunt as the most valued of their traditions.   The Karoomunga hold it in such reverence that before monsterfication, when one came of age, they would construct a spear. If this spear were to break that person was no longer allowed to participate in the hunts and must go alone in search of food. They continue this tradition even post monsterization. The things they kill are valued though. Every part of the body is sure to be used. Teeth adorn their bodies and weapons and though their bodies may not wear it as well they still line themselves in their cultural tattoos.   Do not mistake them for savages though. Their hunting packs are some of the most dangerous to come upon, their tactile nature making them phenomenal in all hunts. They do not attack at whim either. If there were to be a non-mutant that would come into their jungle they would happily escort them out, nor do they attack the other clans instead keeping up conversation when they can and trade as well. Operate closely with the Shohono to give them the lost.


  • Orongodongo Jungle
    The Orongodongo Jungle is a hostile rainforest. The location is known as the "Jungle of monsters" for the events that happened in 2043 when the entire country was gassed by the monsters.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jungle of Monsters
Location under
The Dogonarro Tribe and the Kappagee Tribe: Carteryoda
Karoomunga Tribe: Twitter @thesupremegoddeeble
Manuk: The Eater of Fear: Discord @swonkuaeb
Hazar: The Manipulator: Instagram @Rainwinggamer
Belladonna: Instagram @bigbliasma
The Hermit: Discord
The Illithid Hive: Discord @unhollowed


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