Legend of Stormwreck Isle Myth in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Legend of Stormwreck Isle


According to the legend of Tiamat and Bahamut's animosity,there is an ancient animosity between metallic and chromatic dragons. The legend of Stormwreck Isle is intrinsically tied to this belief.   Ages ago, a fire-breathing red dragon called Sharruth rampaged up and down the Sword Coast. Three metallic dragons joined forces to battle Sharruth and imprisoned her beneath the ocean floor, believing that the seawater would quench her fire and keep her bound forever. But Sharruth's fury, legend says, caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed Stormwreck Isle. Chromatic dragons whisper that she still lives and will one day emerge from her prison. The permanent magical mark left by Sharruth has drawn other dragons to the island, making it recurring battlefield in the conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons.

Historical Basis

The animosity between chromatic and metallic dragons is true.   Sharruth was imprisoned beneath the island, but is most likely long dead and entombed. The powerful magic embodied in her ancient body has left a permanent mark on the Isle. This mark has been extended by the death of all the other dragons, causing unpredictable magical effects   The constant reminder of the magical wounds on Stormwreck Isle lead to Runara establishing the cloister of Dragon's Rest as a safe haven from violence.


The myth of Sharruth is not widely known. However, the Dragon's Rest and its temple to Bahamut's temple is known

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