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Theran Empire (Theh-ran)

The Theran Empire is ruled by Emperor Sotiros Cosmilis and a senate theoretically who takes on an advisory role. In practice the senate runs the country, as the emperors have turned to partying and feasting instead of ruling. It has a cold, snowy climate, full of pine forests and lichen woodlands, the last peninsula in the south is locked in a glacier for a third of the year. Most of their military resides on their northern border, fighting occasional incursions by giants from the Rhew Dannedd mountains. What little navy they have left now focuses on fighting the pirates that raid their coasts in the summer. In the winter the seas are too dangerous to sail except by the most talented sea captain due to the ice. The Theran Empire was founded by Emperor Lucius Scaevolr in 1842. In its early years, it was a violent, expansionist country, that fought and conquered lands constantly. Its expansion westward was halted by the forming of The Stratos Council and the founding of Cloud Brana as a country. When Cloud Brana flexed their newly combined might, they drove the Theran Empire back to the Crwban Mountains where their border has remained since. The Theran Empire expanded to the north as far as the Rhew Dannedd mountains, where both the mountains and the giants who reside in them prevented them from conquering further. In the far east, it fought to an impasse with the Kingdom of Elath, then signed a treaty with them that stands to this day.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Cold Empire
Head of State


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