City of Goldwaste Settlement in Symbols of Power | World Anvil

City of Goldwaste

The fallen capital of the Kingdom of Merthiorn

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"Porque puedo"
-Tesel, última reina de Merthiorn
Durante la década del 2920 E.Alz, se discutió mucho entre la familia real de Merthiorn y otros poderosos sobre la idea de reubicar la capital. Los principales objetivos eran una mejor defensa, y una mejor posición frente a las clases bajas. Y qué mejor que una fortaleza en el medio de las montañas para lograr ambos objetivos: ¿Quien se atrevería a movilizar sus tropas por sinuosos caminos de montaña cuesta arriba? Y sobre todo ¿Quien cuestionaría el poder de quien vive en el más alto de los castillos?   Y de seguro, no fue el poder lo que fue cuestionado, sino la absurda cantidad de recursos que hicieron falta para montar una enorme expedición a las montañas para encontrar una buena ubicación, la movilización de obreros y materiales, y la construcción en un terreno potencialmente plagado de Tetsus. Antes incluso de que empezasen las obras, ya se corría la voz por todo el reino, y por los demás países del archipiélago, de que Merthiorn estaba derrochando todos sus recursos en una empresa imposible. Sin embargo, la familia real decidió hacer frente a estos decires tomándolos como un desafío, y anunciaron que su fortaleza inexpugnable sería llamada Goldwaste, la ciudad del desperdicio de dinero.   Goldwaste fue un éxito: Se la dio por completada en el año 2961 E.Alz, con el castillo, muralla, camino y principales edificios en pie. La ciudad fue habitada de inmediato por la familia real, por las demás personas más ricas y ostentosas de la isla, y por trabajadores de las minas. Un enorme camino extremadamente vigilado la conectó con las areas bajas del reino, y por 53 años Goldwaste fue, efectivamente, un completo éxito defensivo y de muestra de poderío.   Hasta que llegó la Corrosión Alta.  


Goldwaste estaba mayormente conformada por societarios de clase alta, mayormente Peludos. Las clases más bajas que habitaban la ciudad eran por lo general sirvientes, y trabajadores de las minas. Entre los años 2998 y 3014 E.Alz, la ciudad recibió y acogió decenas de refugiados, principalmente provenientes de Deep Cue Garn, afectados por la gran Inundación de 2998.

A new city

A portrait of Onnamar of Merthiorn, wearing her classic black and golden attire
During the decade of 2920 E.Alz, the royal family of the Kingdom of Merthiorn alongside many of their most important people discussed in length moving the country's capital, then the City of Spire near the northwest coast of the island.
The proposal was to create an entirely new city in the middle of the mountains. The reasoning was twofold:
No army would try to reach the city through the mountains, making the entry points much easier to defend, and the city would be in a higher location, which was then considered an important symbol of status and wealth. Who would question the power of those who live in the highest fortress, among the tetsus?   And, surely, it was not their power that was questioned, but the absurd amount of resources needed to get the scouting party to scour the dangerous mountain range and find a good location, the moving of workers and materials, and the logistics and dangers of building in a difficult terrain partially plagued by tetsus.
Even before the start of the project, word of the Merthiornite royal family wasting all their resources on an impossible task was spreading all through the Haan Archipelago.
Queen Onnamar responded to these rumors in her usual defying ways by naming her project the City of Goldwaste.  


Goldwaste was declared complete in the year 2961 E.Alz, after the completion of the main economic buildings, the castle, walls, road and many blocks of residential buildings, some individually commissioned by wealthy people, others built by the government to house the workers.
Queen Onnamar, the one who took forward the project, had died the year before, leaving the throne to her daughter Tesel.
The new queen, alongside the rest of the royal family, the wealthiest aristocrats and the mine workers were the first to inhabit the brand new city, arriving through a closely surveilled main road that went all the way down the mountain range through a valley and ended in the City of Spire.   For 53 years Goldwaste was the success story, defence marvel and pride of the Merthiornite royal family, until the High Rust made them pay a price much higher than they ever invested.  

City of Rust

Queen Tesel by Naelin
The catastrophic events of the High Rust, having targeted areas at high altitudes, meant the ultimate destruction for Goldwaste and its inhabitants.
Its buildings, structures, people and creatures were taken by the rust, killing most inhabitants including the entire royal family, of which the sole survivor was Prince Virgilim, son of Queen Tesel, as we was living on his Principality of Red Crest and very close to sea level.   The death of the queen on the 21st of Celebrating, 3014 E.Alz was the final stroke needed to unleash panic in the city.
All survivors fled down to lower grounds, pouring into neighbouring settlements such as Spire or Deep Cue Garn or even makeshift camps around the dangerous mountain range. Many perished to tetsus, doisus or accidents on their way.   The fall of the city of Goldwaste marked the end for the Kingdom of Merthiorn. The city now lays in deep orange-coated ruins, with some of its structures destroyed and others intact like an eerie ghost town.
Through the years, some expeditions took place to recover the bodies of the city's dead, but many homes still house the people that fell with their city.
Queen Tesel by Naelin
"Because I can"
— Tesel, last queen of Merthiorn

19 Sowing, 1 E.Rust

Founding Date
2961 E.Alz
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
The Haan Archipelago
Portrait of Danae, a holding his peace bird pen and a book containing a map
Danae by Naelin
The cartographer Danae from the City of Birdland in Thaur was commissioned to draw a map of the Haan Archipelago for the second edition of The Book of the Habits and Beasts, published in the 3rd of Birthing, 3 E.Ru.   Danae took advantage of the enclyclopaedia's team of researchers to gather precise information and went himself into research expeditions to survey remote areas. His work resulted in what is considered the most accurate and widespread map of the Archipelago to this day, which details even most of the coasts of the Savage Isles.

Articles under City of Goldwaste

Cover image: Merthiorn Banner by Naelin


Author's Notes

This article was translated and expanded at part of's prompts 14: "Ruin" and 3: "Abandoned"

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Aug 10, 2020 21:38 by JRR Jara

Lo pinta de cuerpo entero esa frase a Tesel.

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.