T'bet Dal - Planet Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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T'bet Dal - Planet


"The Great Sphere" in a long-lost language.


The planet is distinctly separated into two hemispheres; the north and south. The hemispheres are separated at the equator, which is plagued with superstition thanks to the rings that seem to cut the planet in half. In fact, just a short time ago, it was thought that if you reached the edge of the earth, you would sail up the rings into the realms of the dead.   The northern hemisphere is home to Iave, Hjeliad, asdf, and asdf. The southern hemisphere is dominated by the supercontinent of Pand'surh.  


I have delved into numerous concepts of creation from religions and sciences around the world. Not one seems to have concrete evidence. Some claim that the world is, in fact, the corpse of a great dying god and that we are all doomed if the embers of its life are finally snuffed out. Others say that we are atop a great disc, flung through the dark empyrean by the cataclysmic destruction of paradise.



The circumference of the planet is about 27,306 miles, making it larger than earth (radius of 4522).  

Orbit and Rotation

The world of T'bet Dal takes 434 long days to complete a full revolution around its star, Pirum. During this time, much of the world undergoes dramatic changes in weather, temperature, daylight, etc.  


Pirum, the star that T'bet Dal orbits, is largely ordinary. It is a bit bigger and hotter than Sol, but due to the planet's further distance from the sun, it supplies similar average temperatures to that of Earth.  

Planet-Ring System

There are no moons in the skies of T'bet Dal; day or night. Instead, a magnificent set of dark violet rings dominates the dark empyrean. Stars are visible, but to a much lesser extent during brighter months to the light reflecting off of the rings. These rings circle the planet at its equator, and presumably are responsible for the The Necrosis Stretch. It is thought that the gods' realms and great cities of the dead lie on or under these rings.  

Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

The world has a hydrosphere similar to that of Earth. Most of the water is saline, found in the many vast oceans. Lakes, glaciers, aquifers, etc, house the relatively small quantities of freshwater.   In addition, the water cycle is functionally identical. Water evaporates to form clouds which then causes rain, etc. However, having no moons, T'bet Dal has no concept of tides.   The atmosphere of the planet not only allows life to thrive in the form of flora and fauna, but also protects the planet from meteors and Pirum's devastating solar flares.  


Day Length

For practical purposes of play in TTRPGs, each full day is 24 hours. The length of the days and nights vary based on the seasons.  

Year Length

Each years lasts approximately 434 days. The T'bet Dalian year is much longer than earth's, with more intense seasons. Winter in places situated closer to the poles can be brutal and deadly, while summers near the equator can be just as devastating.  
  For more information on seasons and the calendar of T'bet Dal, see this dedicated article.
Included Locations


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