Kythonia Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Kythonia is an expansive underground realm beneath the surface of T'bet Dal far removed from the familiar territories of the "civilized races" above. This colossal cavern, rivaling the size of the continents above, is a land where evolution has taken an unruly, divergent path, fueled by the potent magical energies coursing through the leylines of T'bet Dal.   Kythonia features towering underground mountains, deep chasms, and sprawling forests of bizarre fungi and otherworldly flora. Within, there are diverse environments, from humid, dense fungal jungles to fridgid, rocky deserts of ice. Each is home to its own unique set of creatures and ecosystems.  


The proximity to T'bet Dal's leylines has given rise to monstrous and bizarre forms of life. These Kythonian creatures have evolved in unexpected ways, likely due to the abundant magical energies. As such, the realm is teeming with life forms that are starkly different from surface creatures.  
"The deeper you go, the richer the treasures, they always say. They never mention that the beasts get deadlier too...   After my expedition, I can confidently say that Kythonia is the origin of many creatures that plague the surface. Beings like chimeras, manticores, and cockatrices appear in far greater numbers there. Seems as though Abram's "invasive species theory" has more weight than I gave him credit for."   -Addendum by Field Scribe Eustace Theren
  The flora of Kythonia is as diverse and perilous as its fauna, with carnivorous plants and poisonous fungi being among the many hazards. Some reports even suggest certain plants have developed rudimentary sentience.  


There are other races that we know very little about down there. They seem to be tight knit and extremely defensive, but word of their society has reached the public. They have been named “Deepfolk’' by the people of the surface, but we do not know what they call themselves. The few we have encountered long enough to study are remarkably adapted to life in Kythonia.  
"We would have prefered to give them a more accurate name upon further communication, but the moniker has already seen widespread use among adventurers and peasantry alike. Oh well."


Despite the dangers, the massive cavern offers opportunities for discovering rare minerals, looting magical artifacts, studying new life, and perhaps even uncovering the secrets of the divine.  

Leyline Concentration

Kythonia's proximity to the dense network of leylines results in a high concentration of magical energy, affecting everything from the growth of plants to the arcane abilities of its inhabitants. This could prove extremely valuable to arcane research, but Kythonia is anything but a controlled environment suited to tests.  

Starglass Veins

The cavern's ceiling is laced with Starglass, a brilliant crystal that emits a bright blue-white light when fuled by raw magic. Thus, the movement of the leylines seem to act as a sort of inconsistent day-night cycle for Kythonia.  
"This crystal is already being researched heavily here at the Athenaeum, and it shows great promise. We just have so little of it. I would love to simply buy some from delvers, but they seem to think we have unlimited coin."


Before its official discovery fifty years ago, Kythonia existed only in the realm of legend and hearsay. Ancient texts and folktales spoke of a vast, subterranean world beneath T'bet Dal, a place where the very stones could whisper secrets of forgotten ages.   The initial foray into Kythonia, led by a coalition of scholars and explorers from Erynmar, shattered the boundaries of our known world. Most of them perished, but the few that came back carried with them a wealth of knowledge that launched a craze of explorers.   Numerous expeditions have ventured into Kythonia’s depths, each returning with tales of wonder and thrilling dangers. Most of these eager young fools died too. Still, the artifacts and specimens recovered from these expeditions only fueled the rush. For a time, more and more expeditions, especially from Hrúmaî, delved deep. With a lucky few coming back with enough to make them rich. That is, until they met the Deepfolk.   Initial contact was marred by violence - a clash born of fear and misunderstanding, resulting in heavy one-sided casualties as a small explorer encampment was slaughtered. Following these bloody first encounters, subsequent expeditions became exceedingly rare. The Deepfolk, now aware of the surface dwellers, began to fiercely guard the known entrances to Kythonia.   Our understanding of their societies are still rudimentary, but what is clear is that they are molded by the harshness of their environment - secretive, fiercely territorial, and incredibly adapted to the dangers of their world. Efforts to communicate and understand them have largely been unsuccessful, hampered by mutual distrust and the scars of past conflicts.  
"Kythonia remains a largely unexplored frontier, its depths holding secrets that are yet to be uncovered. The sheer risk of adventure here is higher than any other I know. Still, I am convinced that this underground world holds key insights into our planet’s past. However, its secrets are guarded well."
Alternative Name(s)
The Deep Dark
Underground / Subterranean
Location under


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