Iron snake

Where does it live?

The iron snake's natural habitat is within the Southern Marshes at Muaclun. However, in recent years, a handful of wealthy and powerful people purchased iron snake eggs. If the hatchlings find the different climates acceptable, other parts of Tacillia may have iron snake populations.


The iron snake is a constrictor but on the smaller side. Its abilities are the same as those of every constrictor. It is a good climber and an acceptable swimmer. Like every constrictor, it is an ambush predator that crushes its prey.

Its strange anatomy

They have two abilities that differentiate the iron snake from regular constrictors.
One is their skin. Many people believe the name of the iron snake means they have tougher skin. The truth is that the iron snake has iron in their skin. They can secrete the iron content from the blood of their victims, and this iron is used to build up their skin. Unfortunately, they have to shed their skin more frequently because it is more rigid than the skin of other snakes.
Their other strange ability is their fangs. It is hollow, like the fangs of a venomous snake, but they don't have any venom. These fangs are used when they are young to suck the blood out of their prey. Because of that, they are also called vampire snakes. While young and growing quicker, they need more iron than they can secrete from the small animals they can hunt. They must hunt a lot, but it is more than they can digest. That's when their fangs come in handy. They suck out the blood and leave the body to scavengers.

What body parts are used of an iron snake?

First of all, their meat. Those who regularly eat snake meat say the iron snake meat tastes similar to other constrictors. It has a metallic taste but nothing intolerable.
Of course, their skin is used everywhere. If you want to cover something with a stretchy but strong surface, the skin of the iron snake is perfect for that. The other usage is strengthening ropes. Even a tiny part of the skin makes ropes harder to tear. Ogres try to get their hands on as much skin as possible as a present to the Peak, who use the iron snake skin in their traps.
Nasty beasts. I hope they won't learn to survive in the deep
— Vruhb, calamor wanderer


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