
What is the dislocator?

The dislocator is a complex trap that is designed to maim its victims by dislocating their joints or ripping off their limbs.

What is it made from?

The dislocator is made from simple materials. It has strong ropes reinforced by the shed skins of iron snakes. These ropes hold heavy weights on their back end that can fall extremely fast to yank their prey as suddenly as possible.

How does it work?

The dislocator has four separate parts. It is enough to activate one part of the trap, and the hidden mechanism will activate the rest of the trap. When the trap is activated, the reinforced ropes spring from within their resting place and try to entangle their victim. Like an octopus does with its prey. At the same time, the massive weights on the other end of the ropes will fall immediately, yanking the ensnared person toward the holes the ropes sprung into action. Depending on the strength of the victim, several things can happen. Either the person is just pinned to one or multiple places, their joints are dislocated, or one or more limbs can torn off too. To free one is pretty straightforward. It is more problematic if the person is alone and both arms are pinned. Because the surest way to free someone from the dislocator is to cut the rope, and an iron snake skin-reinforced rope is hard to cut.

Where is it used?

They are mostly within Stoneguard Mountain, and the Peak uses them to defend Peak Haven. The mountain's narrow passages make it ideal for installing many of these traps. In addition, the Peak's stone-shaping ability can be used exceptionally effectively. They can open the cliff walls, install the ropes and weight, and then close the walls seamlessly, making the trap almost invisible and extremely hard to disable.
I'm so delighted that our body can give ideas to create deadly items
— Treeklent Tasul, calamor maker


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