The Peak

Who are they?

The Peak are, without any doubt, ogres. They can procreate with regular ogres, and their natural abilities are the same as those of the other ogres, although heightened. They are somewhat slimmer than the other ogres, their skin has a purple tint, and they are the masters of rock shaping with or without tools. The true masters can create anything from rocks by touching them and shaping the stones with their powers. Occasionally, the same rumor starts about them that they are Cursed, but that is a lie. There is historical evidence that they existed before the Rending.

Their place within the ogre nation

As their name suggests, they are the peak of the ogre society. It is the highest honor to have a Peak youngling in a family. They are the ones who protect the ogre mothers and their younglings during the younglings' most fragile years. Having a Peak youngling brings prestige and respect to the family. They spend most of their time within the sheltered settlement of Peak Haven, in Stoneguard Mountain. Usually, they only leave the community's borders when they receive the signal from one of their totems that a mother requests their protection.

Responsibilities of the Peak

Most of the Peak's duties are the same as those of people in a regular village. They build and maintain the buildings they live in, hunt, gather, and grow food, and create and maintain the traps surrounding Peak Haven. Two smaller groups have other responsibilities. One of the groups is the Stonesteppers. They conduct a yearly ritual that extends to most of Muaclun and empowers all the jade totems created by anybody. These totems are like beacons for the Stonesteppers, a sign that someone requested their help. When they feel a totem, they step or warp through rock, stone, and earth to reach the person, usually an ogre mother close to birth, and take the person to Peak Haven the same way. The other group is the Golems. They are the protectors of the Womb, the place within the Stoneguard Mountain itself where the mothers can give birth and raise their younglings safely.
You better leave alone the people under the guardianship of the Peak


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