The Broken Spear

A half timbered structure with a wooden slate roof.   Menu
  1. Wheat Biscuits and Blue Cheese, Mug of Perry (3 cp)
  2. Rye Biscuits and Soft Cheese, Mug of Stout (5 cp)
  3. Stewed Lentils, Mug of Stout (2 cp)

Purpose / Function

A Poor Inn used as a last resort for travelers caught in the unpredictable weather of the Calidar Mountains.


Rectangular room with a stone fireplace and hearth at one end and the front door on the other end.


Front Door, the windows are boarded up.

Sensory & Appearance

Dimly lit, with a damp smell.


A few of the locals bundled up and sharing a jug of stout.

Contents & Furnishings

A few simple wooden benches.


Wooden walls with a light blue front door.


Built by Mentha in the year 518. The prior inn and innkeeper perished in a fire 3 months prior to Mentha purchasing the razed ground and having The Broken Spear built on the ashes of the old inn.
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Articles under The Broken Spear