
This Thorp consists of 9 wood tiled roofed homesteads of varying sizes and a small half timbered building that houses the Thorp's only inn. While located on the White Road, the Thorp is the last settlement on the road.  The Hamlet of Bafeld to the South and further south The Hamlet of Cayfalls at the foot of the Calidar Mountains are the typical stopping points for travelers along the White Road, but the Thorp's location en route to the Tomb of Hakra does serve as a resupply station for adventurer's seeking fame and fortune. The locals survive through a combination of foraging, hunting and ice fishing.


No Local Government



Industry & Trade

Barter, occassional trips to sell odds and ends to the nearby hamlets.


This small Thorp was founded by a trade caravan who became stranded during a particularly bad snow storm. The traders were stranded for three months and in that time they were forced to slaughter their beasts of burden and take apart their wagons to form crude shelter. WHen the snow finally lifted some of the traders chose to stay behind and create the small Thorp as a refuge for others who might get caught in the winter storms of the Calidar mountains.


Wooden buildings with wood tiled roofs.


The Thorp sits in the fork of a river.

Natural Resources

Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Articles under Breminster