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Ridgeback Mountains

Located in northwestern Imera, the Ridgeback Mountains are a mountain range branching off from the Frostridge Mountains that dominate the northernmost part of the continent, and cutting across the Orc nation of Ordan, acting as a natural border between its colder northern half and its greener southern half. Best known for its treacherous terrain and severe storms, the Ridgeback Mountains stand as the greatest natural line of defence between the two halves of Ordan, with none but the bravest of souls being willing to make the highly dangerous trek through its peaks.


The Ridgeback Mountains are extemely tall and rocky, with snow and ice at its peaks. While there are a number of narrow rocky paths throughout the mountians, the largest and most well known path is the Sundered Path, a mountain pass that cuts right through the center of the mountain range. Since this pass is the quickest and safest route through the Ridgeback Mountains, it's also the home of Ard Krogvak, a fortress constructed to control travel through the pass. Between the treacherous terrain and the large fortress blocking the only safe path through, the Ridgeback Mountains are considered to be the greatest line of defense between the two halves of Ordan.

Localized Phenomena

Besides the highly treacherous terrain, the Ridgeback Mountains are also best known for the extremely frequent blizzards, ice storms, and freezing cold winds that plague the higher elevations at all times of the year. It's these storms that pose the greatest risk to travel through the mountains, with unprepared travellers being at a high risk of either becoming lost in the snow and losing their footing, or succumbing to the elements.


The climate around the Ridgeback Mountains is freezing all year long, only becoming colder during the winter months.

Natural Resources

The Ridgeback Mountains are a rich source of stone and iron for the people of Ordan.
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization


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