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Dinu Skhuzh

Physical Description

  Dinu is 6 feet tall and around 200 lb. He has a pale complexion, with dark brown hair and brownish-grey eyes. His veins show black under his skin when he uses his healing magic.  


  Twenty-five years ago, Dinu was born in a small village in Miesz. His father was a blacksmith by the name of Flaviu. His mother, Helena, tended to the animals and moonlighted as a midwife for the village.   When Dinu was little, around 3 or 4, his village was attacked and razed. His father was killed and his mother mortally wounded in the attack. She and Dinu managed to meet up with other refugees from Miesz heading to Sabellis City in Draksineon. Along the way, Helena succumbed to her wounds and passed away.  
  Once the group made it to Sabellis, Dinu was taken in at an orphanage overseen by the Congregation of the Ascended. As a teen, Dinu got into a fight at the orphanage and was hurt badly. When a caretaker arrived, Dinu had already healed. His veins shown a sickly black color under his skin - Exiled magic. The caretaker quarantined Dinu and notified The Council of Landezon immediately. He was tested and found to have performed exiled magic and was assigned to the Order of the Razor. There he went through intense training in martial arts, and on completion of this training performed the Last Oath, sealing his healing magic so that he can only use the powers on himself.   During his time training with the Razors, Dinu was mentored by two individuals above all: Caecilia Flameseer on the spiritual and magical side of things, and Ohto the Broken, a grizzled swordsman who taught Dinu more about combat, even with only one good arm, that he might have learned in a lifetime studying under a lesser teacher.  
  Dinu showed an aptitude in tracking Exiled magic and was inclined toward field work, so once his training had concluded he was assigned to train under The Flown Sparrows. It was during a Sparrow mission with the Corvidae Flock where he had made a youthful indiscretion, and was assigned to a post at Sewca by the Council as a sort of punishment. It was here he would meet Davina Antistia, Octaviu Stilldraft, and Rianemi Lia'ler, and embark on a true tale of adventure...  


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