Pale Eye Entertainment Group

Don't be shy, give it a try
  Ravensperch is a complicated neighborhood with a very complex web of loyalties but somehow interwoven throughout all of it is the Pale Eye Entertainment Group. This is name thrown about so frequently as to have become mundane but if anyone is asked who exactly the PEEG are, answers begin to drift into the ephemeral very quickly.   What most will tell you is that a collection of mostly sex workers, joined by restauranters, entertainers, play writes, actors, and everything else between joined together to buy up property after a storm destroyed most of Lakewatch Vale. Simply enough story for those interested in visiting the debauched district. Few care to ask that many questions anyway, afterall what does it matter who runs this salacious part of the city so long as taxes are paid and profits flow.   The truth, as always, is a bit more complicated.   In the wake of the disaster in Lakewatch Vale countless entertainers were displaced and their livelihoods destroyed. The wound left on that neighborhood ran bone deep and even in death it found a way to continue killing. The ghost stories told about the MacMurdaugh Hotel suggest something still lurked in Lakewatch, something terrified locals to their core. In those early days after the disaster everyone that could, fled. They fled not just the floods and the coming swarms of rats but the pervasive tendrils of despair that reached out from MacMurdaugh. What strength it had in life to ruin the souls of mortals it grew many fold in death. Even other dreadful things in Lakewatch Vale felt this new horror's shadow growing. That is where the Pale Eye Entertainment Group began.   Lakewatch was home to a number of lesser Hellborn who sustained themselves after The Queen's Rebuke by preying on weak minds and mortal desires. The energies they could cleave from mortals by contract, favor, or feeding was enough to maintain fend off The Fade while being small enough to avoid drawing the attention of Cinderstone. When the disaster struck they were in danger of losing their feeding grounds, which they had cultivated so preciously over the decades. Many planned to go their own way or remain and try to rebuild but within days of Black Wind's coming something terrible awoke within the MacMurdaugh. New or old these demons couldn't tell but what they knew for certain is that it was hungry. It's power was suffering, suffering in a way that many of these Hellborn hadn't known outside of the rumors of the old Lords of Hell. Those that had fallen beneath the hotel's shadow were lost as well, becoming "Guests" as the MacMurdaugh would say. No magic, no pleas, no power known to the local demons was able to retrieve the lost. The hotel was prison who's only punishment was eternal pain.   These Hellborn fled quickly, taking on the guise of mortal entertainers, before the hotel's cravings could claim more of them. Safe from the MacMurdaugh's reach, these Hellborn formed a cooperative dedicated to rebuilding the little kingdoms of delight they had in old Lakewatch. Ravensperch became the soil they would sow, and the first seed planted was the Pale Eye Playhouse.   Soon, mortal entertainers would follow and the dream of a new Lakewatch Vale would become a reality. The conglomerate of Hellborn operate as allies, in so much as their natures allow. They work to insulate themselves against outside threats, nurture the neighborhood's ability to draw in pleasure seekers, and above all else make sure the MacMurdaugh remains in hibernation. Should hotel start collecting agents and reaching outside the ruined borders of Lakewatch it would represent a threat they would be powerless to stand against.   They believe the best tool to ward against the hotel coming for them is secrecy. It cannot crave them if it never learns they're still here. To that end the Hellborn look to swell the ranks of the PEEG with all manner of entertainers and business people, letting it become this amorphous thing that needs only gentle nudging and careful whispers to direct. The Hellborn change identity frequently, inventing new personas or taking over the identity of useful mortals entirely. They also court the true powers of Hell when possible, trading capture souls or favors in exchange for infernal investments. Amongst each other the Hellborn will playfully refer to the lords of Hell as their foreign investors or the board of directors. Despite the fanciful nomeclature the Hellborn here know the dangers of treating with the lords of Hell and they do so very sparringly. They prefer helping mortals contract with the lords directly and themselves just collecting a "finders fee". So far this arrangement has worked but bargain posture for Hellborn becomes more uncertain with each passing year. As the Fade's threat grows so too does the price demanded by Hell to empower them.

Public Agenda

Operating the Pale Eye Playhouse, employing scores of entertainers, and furthering the influence of Ravensperch within the city
Corporation, Entertainment
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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