
Another fucking brothel? Are they stacking them on top of each other now? Guess i'll fall on this sword too and check it out for you
— Dayne Reed
  One of Ghal Pelor's collection of neighborhoods holds the attention of the population in a way none of the other do. That would be Ravensperch. Only a few short years ago this area was one of the most forgettable and dull of places in the entire city, having been dedicated to supporting the Counting House and the city's financial apparatus. That would change six years ago after the disaster (the Black Wind) annihilated most of Lakewatch Vale. Thousands were scattered across the city, some even dispersed out to the farmlands too.   Lakewatch Vale had a deep culture of entertainment and the city risked losing that entirely if not for the leadership of the @Pale. The conglomerate of brothel workers, street entertainers, and restauranters banded together to form the Pale Eye Entertainment Group, using their combined funds to purchase land Ravensperch. Property at the time was relatively cheap and had no existing culture of its own. It was a banking district that largely emptied out at the close of business every day. The Pale Eye Entertainment Group secured rights to buy and remodel an old court house dedicated to financial disputes and quickly turned it into a beacon for debauchery.   The Counting House used the changing culture to its advantage. Most of Ravensperch's financial institutions were happy enough to sell their property, they were able to profit on land that likely would never have sold. The Counting House cannabalized these businesses of their top talent, buying entire businesses in some case. Those not brought in-house moved their businesses into areas like Echo March or Anvil East. The Counting House itself chose to remain in the area for several reasons. First, as more entertainment venues moved in, more customers flocked to the area and needed immediate access to funds and small loans. Second, they were not willing to sacrifice their building, the tallest structure in all of Ghal Pelor. That status symbol helps to solidify the idea that the Counting House is the true secret power in the city.   Once established as the cultural epicenter of Ghal Pelor, the new Ravensperch wasted no time in entrenching itself in the city's politics. A new alderman was elected, Anot Pluke of the Labor Union. The city's entertainers finally had true representation on Ghal Pelor's council but that was only the first step in towards the new vision the Pale Eye Entertainment Group had for the neighborhood. They enacted strict controls over what businesses could move into the area and what goods could be sold at their venues. Outwardly, this appeared to be in service of keeping the neighborhood secure and keeping aurins spent on local products. Truthfully, it had more to do with with keeping dangerous elements out like Noble Fish and Fine Goods. The entertainers in Lakewatch Vale had long lived under the brassy pinchers of Mr. Noble, having to tithe over money and service to the mechanical King Fish. Lakewatch Vale was Noble's territory and do business there meant being on the Clanker's payroll one way or another. Many of the entertainers came to see the Black Wind's devastation as some kind of divine retribution, not just against Noble but against a city that allowed it all to happen.   Today, Ravensperch is a thriving neighborhood. During the daylight hours people come from across the city to enjoy the many cafes, restaurants, eclectic shops, and family-friendly entertainment venues. As night sets in, the more rakish and alluring entertainments creep from the shadows to usher visitors in. The many brothels are what the average citizen thinks of when it comes to Ravensperch by night but this is only a partial picture. Venues of all kind switch over to dramatic and sometimes seditious plays, cafes and restaurants clear some tables aside to host musicians, poets, or daring public speakers, and many of the small shops will start to bring out their more exotic or illicit stock. GPCD patrols visit the area after dark but they keep their eyes to the main streets only, looking to protect the citizens while staying out of the affairs conducted behind closed doors. This arrangement has worked to the benefit of all involved. The city brings in record profit through the taxes paid and the entertainers now have a bastion of their own. That bastion is not without those wishing to topple it though. Mr. Noble is on constant watch, looking for a means of ingress so they can once again strangle profits from the city's entertainers.


Ravensperch has few permanent residents compared to other areas of the city. Because the neighborhood so strictly controls what businesses come into the area that means housing complexes are only allowed at their behest. Practically speaking, that means only when the population of entertainers needs more room to stretch their feet. Ravensperch has the smallest population of commuters, most people who live here also work here. The population in general is very small, numbering only about 3,000 or just under 1% of the city's total population


The neighborhood's alderman is Anot Pluke, a Halfling who has long been a member of the Labor Union of Ghal Pelor. The Pale Eye Entertainment Group is generally regarded as the actual leader of the area along with the Labor Union itself. Anot's election to alderman was only a formality. He is an elderly and ambitionless individual who cares more about showing off his collection of vintage musical instruments then he does politics of any sort. He was chosen because he's happy enough to be a mouth piece for whomever will let him get back to his hobbies the fastest.


Most of the popular venues in Ravensperch include their own hired security enforcers. There is a GPCD presence in the area as well but by design it is kept to the most public areas only

Industry & Trade

Entertainment and non-essential goods


Ravensperch is very reliant on other neighborhoods for infrastructure. It has been careful to curate exactly who and what businesses make it into their borders but rarely does the mundane make the cut. Thus, they have artisanal glassblowers and blacksmiths who specialize in fanciful wrought iron gates or decorative signage but no one making jars or pans. This means neighborhoods like Artisan Row and Ackley Market are able to charge a premium for their services. Similarly, Ravensperch's dining industry is kept alive by the farmers, hunters, and fishermen from other area. Anything that comes in by dock and is bound for Ravensperch has an extra expense attached to it courtesy of Noble Fish and Fine Goods

Guilds and Factions

The Pale Eye Entertainment Group and the Labor Union are the primary sources of power within Ravensperch

Points of interest

The Pale Eye Playhouse and the Counting House are the two primary attractions to the Ravensperch neighborhood. The Spurshoe Bakery has a retail outlet (their primary bakehouse is in Artisan Row) and their pastries are generally considered the best in the city. Dewdrop is the most popular breakfast and brunch venue in the area but Harmony Cafe draws the most business when it comes to quick cups of tea or coffee. Choosing a most popular restaurant here would be difficult but at the moment Hearthstone is drawing crowds thanks to its impressive steaks and fanciful desserts. Artisan Row has most of the most skilled clothiers in city but Ravensperch has the trendiest such Mysterium or Boniville's Closet. Among the pleasure houses most are held in high regard but the Velvet Cage is probably the most sought-after to experience.   It should be noted that Ravensperch has a unique trend towards cults of personality. The above popular venues tend only to be so because of the well-known talent they've attracted. The fate of a restaurant, brothel, or any other business depends on being able to retain top names. Should a celebrity chef, escort, musician, or entertainer move on to greener pastures they are very likely to take business with them. The poaching of talent is a very real source of strife in this neighborhood and has led to a bit of bloodshed in the past.


Ravensperch is the new tourism center for all of Ghal Pelor. It draws visitors from Theawood and Beldon as well as other nations.


Much of the old financial center facade has been torn away, replaced with a mishmash of grandiose styles. Historically, little of what one sees here is accurate to whatever culture it's borrowing from but doesn't seem to bother any visitors. The spectacle is part of the charm, no one is coming here for accurate representation
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