Pale Eye Playhouse

I hope I see some tits tonight! The amount of cheeky accidental nudity at the Eye has been on a real downward spiral as of late
  Named after Tairos' moon Cetna, the Pale Eye Playhouse has long been Ghal Pelor's most popular nighttime attraction. With the loss of the city's area a few years prior, it may the most popular attraction either day or night now.   Located in the Ravensperch district of the city, the Pale Eye fits in well with the artist alleys, galleries, cafes, and street performers. The playhouse is most known for its bawdy performances in the form burlesque and risqué stage plays which all run nightly. The cast and crew shuffle about based on their schedules, as most maintain more stable careers in the city (usually in the cafes of Ravensperch where they can leave customers with pamphlets about their upcoming shows), but every time block on their schedule is filled with a production designed to titillate, offend, entertain, and rake in generous tips.   The Pale Eye's history doesn't go back particularly far. In fact, little of Ravensperch today is recognizable to a resident from even six years ago. This former financial district of the city began ceding ground bit by bit to incoming entertainment interests migrating the devastated Lakewatch Vale. The blocks around the Rose Amphitheatre were dedicated to the area, its patrons, and relieving them of every possible aurin they had to spend. This included both trendy cafes and raucous pubs, specialty stores, fine dining establishments, street vendors, play houses, bath houses, and brothels. When the disaster struck Lakewatch Vale these people were far from the top priority of anyone in charge. If not for a conglomerate of brothel workers, actors, artists, and stage hands all banding together its possible Ravensperch would still be nothing more than a banking district. Working as a collective known as the Pale Eye Entertainment Group , they pooled their funds, called in favors, and potentially blackmailed a few wealthy officers of the Counting House. Thus enabling them to purchase second largest building in the district, an aging courthouses dedicated to financial disputes and consumer affairs. The existing branch of the judiciary was able to move out and add a new wing for their specialty to the building in Anvil East, allowing the artists to begin their foothold on Ravensperch.   Renovations quickly followed, gutting the building and chiseling away its drab exterior, creating something that palatial and hedonistic in its stead. Soon, customers would follow, and in their wake more artists, more entertainers, and more businesses dedicated to delights. In only a few short years most of offices in the area would flee for less raucous territory leaving only the Counting House behind. While the Counting House still casts a domineering shadow over the area, it is surrounded by so much color. All thanks to the Pale Eye Playhouse and the refusal of artists to die.

Purpose / Function

Venue for plays, poetry, comedy, and risqué performance


Originally, this structure was a court house. It has since been gutted and refaced, transforming it into its current indulgent state. While much was done for aesthetic reasons, practicality played a significant role. Additional plumbing and bathrooms were added to accommodate the crowds, stages were added, and most importantly seating was build to host the new clientele


The original building was Balmoran in style but with few artistic choices. The new ownership wanted something that pulled on the most grandiose of Balmoral's old splendor. The average citizen would describe it as looking like the summer palace of old Balmoran royalty. A true historian of architecture would call it a hodgepodge of cliches, eras, and fantasy.


The Pale Eye makes considerable use of hired muscle to enforce good behavior. The building itself makes use of high-quality locks, doors, and safes as well. Security has their own smaller office in the building as well where they can meet to coordinate protection for the night.


Almost every foreign visitor takes the opportunity to come visit the Pale Eye unless funds are lacking or their morality slants hard toward prudishness. It is also a favorite of visiting diplomats. Union Castle has a private box in the mainstage area which they often gift out to visiting dignitaries.
Theatre / Concert hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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