Draelish Sociography

During the Age of the Clans - 196th Cycle, 14th Column (AotC)

"Much has changed since I last wrote. The omens I mentioned in my introduction have begun to manifest themselves. No longer are they mere seeds floating upon scattered winds. There are substantial rumors that someone is gathering a large number of Draelish near one of the Heart cities located in the lower part of the Maw...consisting of Sankara AND Kasniska. If these rumors are true, it could shake up the current sociographical landscape of the clans! I need to get down there and find out what's going on. But first, I need to write about the current sociographical landscape.. " -Katurah Deke'takajel, author of Straight from the Duma: Truths and Tales of Our World  


In order to understand the founding principles that guided the growth of the Age of the Clans, one must understand how Draelish society came to be, starting with their creation story and foundation myths. These stories help define the culture and help "to understand the nature of the world they live in and their place within that world" (Source). Following the creation account and stories, a look is then given to other components that have helped shape Draelish society, namely Essence and their view on the sacred and the profane, as well as their belief that there is no distinction between the two. All of these factors help contribute to the views and values they uphold, determine where they live and how they construct their habitats, and determine what their overall purpose is in this world.

Clan Formation - Part 1

  The first unit of Draelish society to form was the Ridel clans. According to historical accounts, the Draelish experienced a species-wide "dark age" after the fall of the Draelish Kingdoms during the mythic era known as the Age of Heaven. During this time, almost all records of what life was like during this time were lost, along with all forms of structured society. Draelish existed during this time as small hunter-gatherer groups chasing after fleeting springs of Essence that would pop up before fading away, moving from region to region. These small groupings of Draelish would move when the Essence moved, leaving little room for innovation and no room for expansion. This type of society continued to be the only type known until the formation of what the Sankara and Kasniska legends call The First Clan.  

Legend of the First Clan

  The legend of the First Clan starts off with a legendary Draelish figure known as the Inheritor of Ajanor. The Inheritor was a Flux Affinity: a very, very rare type of Draelish that legends say can only come about when a Kasniska and a Sankara equally come together to produce a child perfectly aligned in spirit. Though their beginnings are shrouded in mystery, what's known about them is that they were the one who found what's called the Divine Writings. The story goes that the Inheritor [stumbled upon a group of writings (whether it was written on hireshbark, animal skins or paper, etched onto stone tablets, or gifted by some other means of translation)/was gifted it by an Anessar messenger/received divine instructions by Akulus/Kykuun himself/herself/found them within the Wandering Halls] while they were [deep in meditation/evading dark beings/defending a clan of both Sankara and Kasniska/exploring an old set of ruins deep within a jungle], and upon reading it, enlightenment flooded their mind. The writings were written by [someone claiming to have known the Duma themselves/Ajanur the Firstborn/the Shr'keldar/the very hand of Kykuun/Akulus/a group of ancient Draelish living during the Fall of Heaven]. The writer(s) [felt sorry for how the Draelish lost their history and culture/wished to preserve a remnant of history from the darkness] after the fall of the Draelish Kingdoms and hoped that they could shed some light on what the Draelish had lost in the hopes that they could begin anew. Renewed with a vigor not previously experienced, the Inheritor set out to tell all other Draelish, whether Kasniska or Sankara, what they had found. They began to gather the different remnants of the scattered groups of Draelish, bringing them together and forming a meeting known as the First Clan. It is here where the language and metrics were standardized, where history was gathered, copied, and distributed so that no Draelish will ever forget what came before again, and it was here where the seeds of the division between the Kasniska and the Sankara were fully exposed. For within the Divine Writings was a story of how the Draelish came to the state where they found themselves now, and who was responsible for just such a state...  

The Neskilmidar (War of Heaven)

  The author(s) claimed that long ago before any other kingdom was raised, the da'Taedra ruled above. Firstborn of Tiadumata/Kykuun and led by Yulus/Akulus, they knew no end. For eons, the Duma and the Taedra watched over creation before one day desiring that they should fill it with thinking life. They called to their servants, the Anessar, to form life below. Some time afterward, however, wanting a people to themselves, the Draelish were formed, second born to Their name. Though a little lower than the Great Ones, the mighty Taedra, the Draelish were set to rule over the Kingdoms established, carrying the lifeblood called Essence into all parts of the world.   But with life comes the opportunity for free will, and not all agreed with what the Duma had ordained. A Darkness was found; a new power was emerging, threatening their rule. Kykuun, wanting to destroy the Darkness completely, moved to recall her children back into Heaven so that she could recreate the world with them together anew. But Akulus, seeing that new civilizations had begun to sprout, did not wish to leave them to their doom. He vowed that together, they could defeat the Darkness and save the world, and so, forsaking the authority given to him, he left Heaven and Kykuun.   Sensing a widening division, the Great Ones and Draelish chose sides and fought alongside their chosen Parent against the Darkness and even each other. Though the Darkness was great, with even some of the Anessar falling prey to it and becoming the malignant Adashki, it could be overcome without the world needing to perish…but at the cost of Heaven. With this in mind, and believing it to be true, Akulus fought against Kykuun, tearing asunder the skies above and casting Heaven's power across the world...forsaking the former world he knew. Through fierce fighting, with Taedra and Draelish alongside him, Akulus was able to cast down the Darkness at the cost of Heaven. But though the Darkness was mortally wounded, it could not be completely defeated. And so, enacting one last, desperate plan, they drove the Darkness down, trapping it deep within the heart of the world.   With the Darkness defeated, the shards of Heaven began to wash over and engulfed the world in new tides, washing it new. And so Akulus hid the other civilizations and the Draelish, casting them into slumber. Having spent all their strength in the war, Akulus retreated into a deep slumber between the roots of the world at its gates, with the Taedra alongside him, waiting for a time when he could successfully mend the splintering of Heaven, even if smaller than before.   Though fragmented, Kykuun, seeking revenge upon those who abandoned Heaven and herself, sought through fitful dreams to restore her power and reform Heaven as it was before, which had been splintered across the world. And so the Duma slept while the Draelish discovered who they were in this new world, awaiting the day when both their gods would rise in strength and announce the reclamation of the Kingdom. However, the Kasniska and Sankara each had their own interpretation of what that Kingdom would one day look like…  

Legend of the First Clan Continued

  There was always an underlying uneasiness between the two groups, the Kasniska and the Sankara. For each Affinity that a Draelish could wield, there were always two forms of Draelish, never one. These forms were defined by the color of their scales and the spirit of their desires. Cunning and determined, with a fire in their veins, were the Kasniska, bearing the colorful hues of dominion and passion. It was with these that during the retelling of Kykuun something burned with them, a rekindling to find their missing Mother-god. With resolution and pride, settling like stalwart steel and wizened roots in their hearts, the Sankara stood with a conviction of faith, bearing the metallic roots of the world as their scales. With them, the retelling of Akulus's sacrifice convinced many of the need to protect one another and nurture the world where their Essence touches, in the hopes that when Akulus awakened, they would retake Heaven in unity. And so the Draelish formally split apart after the meeting of the First Clan (whether with battle, a firm nod, or a stern rebuke, no one remembers), with the Inheritor continuing to bring the news of this resurgence to other groups of scattered Draelish found all across the world and with it, hope.  

Clan Formation - Part 2

  After breaking apart from the First Clan, for a time, different groups of Draelish attempted to travel together through the Wilds. However, even though Draelish are naturally resistant to the Wilds (this is because Essence fills them, leaving no room for the chaotic magic of the Wilds to find a hold), like most other kinds, they could not move about in too large of a group. They could travel separately, and be fed well enough by the Essence, but if too large a group formed, a natural population cap was reached where there was not enough Essence for the population to be fed by and continue to grow, as well as natural dangers generated by the Wilds. It was around this time that, with larger groups of Draelish attempting to travel together than was previously done, larger pockets of Essence started to be found. Due to the nature of them staying longer than an Essence Spring, these areas started to be called Essence Pools, which allowed the Draelish to start forming larger clans. As these Midan clans began to form, if they grew too big or if the Essence Pool dried up, they would then split apart into smaller Ridel clans, with these Ridal clans journeying between Springs until another Pool was found.   This semi-nomadic existence continued to be the standard way of life for the Draelish until rumors started spreading that some Draelish clans had found what appeared to be permanent sites of Essence, calling them Essence Hotspots. These Hotspots allowed larger gatherings of Draelish to flourish, upwards of 10x the number that would normally be allowed to gather in a Midan clan. These new groups, called Ulkar clans, slowly began to take shape as different groups spread out looking for them. To date, either through some ancient law laid out by the Duma or an unseen global population cap, there can only exist one Ulkar clan per Affinity (besides Light and Shadow) per Draelish form (Kasniska and Sankara). Midan and Ridel clans continue to exist without number, with them retaining the fervency of finding their lost gods more so than the Ulkar clans, whose inhabitants have settled somewhat after many long years of nomadic living.   Though the Ridel and Midan clans live at the forefront of an ever-changing world due to their constant need for exploration for Essence Springs and Pools, it is their constant moving between the larger Ulkar clans that allows new myths and legends to form. This connection between the disparate parts of the whole Draelish culture has allowed bridges to form between them, with different Sankara community clans being the more willing to trade with one another versus the more isolationistic Kasniksa family clans. Though the Kasniska clans are more likely to hold onto ancient beliefs and customs versus adapting and adding onto them like the Sankara clans, this burgeoning cross-pollination brought about by Ridal and Midan clans has created a cultural layering effect on the larger, slower-moving Ulkar clans, turning them into epicenters of culture (couple this with the fact that, unlike Heart populations that continue to grow, requiring new buildings and institutions over time, Draelish clans are capped by Essence, meaning that after a generation or two, Ulkar clans are able to map out the amount of infrastructure and resources needed to keep the clan functioning, allowing them to pour back into the areas they have chosen to settle with increasing sophistication and deeply-rooted culture). Some examples of these newer legends that have formed and the traditions that have followed are listed below.   Further Reading:

The Personification of Essence - A Draelish Religion

  With Essence being such an integral part of the Draelish life cycle and with its effects being seen in the very environment around them, sorcerers, artists, and warriors have begun to personify/conceptualize parts of Essence in order to help create a connection to the rituals used in channeling its magic through themselves. One way this has happened has been through the conceptualization of Essence by way of water, with the main "river" of Essence that flows throughout the world being called "the Daegu" while the various different kinds of "streams" are called "Jaeda."   Another way this has taken shape has been through the personification of Essence through ideal versions of the Draelish themselves, often through pseudohistorical individuals that have come to be collectively called "the Shr'keldar." These individuals (sometimes seen as demi-gods) are often featured in stories from before the War of Heaven, roaming about the different Draelish Kingdoms and either helping those they come across or performing heroic feats. They are comprised of:  
  • Irse'til, who flows the way of Relu. Patron to those of the Air Affinity.
  • Malonah, who harbors the way of Gana. Patron to those of the Water Affinity.
  • Kardam, who shifts the way of Kish. Patron to those of the Earth Affinity.
  • Neleen, who stalks the way of Nemun. Patron to those of the Life Affinity.
  • Dezjur, who warms the way of Duras. Patron to those of the Hades/Fire Affinity.
  • Hedina, who hovers the way of Het. Patron to those of the Heavens/Sun Affinity.
  • Kazjre, who collects the ways of Tejet. Patron to those of the Mind Affinity.
  • Dalix, who embodies the ways of Patuk. Patron to those of the Body Affinity.
  • Eta'kai, who travels the ways of Zinu. Patron to those of the Spirit Affinity.
  • Neyunda, who illuminates the ways of Mejul. Patron to those of the Light Affinity.
  • Ntarun, who shadows the ways of Sedrak. Patron to those of the Shadow Affinity.
  • Xaudin, who watches the ways of Kykuun. Patron to those who are Crystalline.
  • Sundar, who guards the ways of Akulus. Patron to those who are Molten.
  • Ajanur, who inherits the way of Januris. Patron to those who are in Flux.
  • Theth, who wanders the way of Nihal. Patron to those who are Formless.
  Due to the growing familiarity with the Shr'keldar, though most Draelish clans are already mostly comprised of individuals who share the same Affinity due to the font of Essence within the region, having one semi-divine individual to rally around has created a tribal culture centered around the Affinities to blossom, with tournaments, festivals, iconography, and clan feasts beginning to center around these cultural icons and heroes. While this may lead to the possibility of stereotypes in some of the larger clans (especially if between a Kasniska and Sankara), the threat of discrimination is generally frowned upon, both because of Sankara clan unity and Kasniska family spirit and the fact that all Draelish possess the ability to shift Affinities in a single generation, whether they plan to or not.   To help foster this, festivals, feasts, and tournaments for each Affinity are celebrated at set times throughout the year in Sankara clans, with one large festival celebrated for the next-in-line patron Affinity once per cycle. Due to the large celebratory factor of these festivals, many Ridel and Midan Draelish will travel to an Ulkar clan to celebrate their respective Affinity's festival, or join with other Midan or Ridel clans if any are nearby for their respective festival or any other Affinity festival. Kasniska clans generally don't participate in these interclan Affinity celebrations, preferring to host games, tournaments, and duels to showcase a family's prowess over others in the same clan, though some similarities are growing.   Further Reading:

The Prismatic Court - A Kasniska Myth

  While others value retelling heroic stories and lessons learned from their Affinity patrons of the Shr'keldar, some of the Kasniska see the Shr'keldar as merely a grouping of ancient figures who held coveted positions of power, positions that can be reclaimed again should a Kasnsika catch the eye of Kykuun. Those Kasniska who hold onto this belief believe that when a Draelish receives the Mark of Patronage from Kykuun, they have begun their ascent into the Lower Houses of the Prismatic Court. While there are those who lay claim to being her messengers, those who take on shimmering scales and crystalline features bear the true marks of her favor. No more do they jockey for power and prestige among the various Kasniska houses seen in this life, now they must position themselves to win favor in the spiritual life, as only those most in tune with Kykuun can hope to achieve the rank that the Shr'keldar once possessed.   Though this level of belief is known by some, there lies a deeper belief that tells tales of the Higher Houses of the Prismatic Court. It is here where real power is held, both great oceans of power and immortality. Though few Draelish have ever caught a glimpse of the Higher Houses, save perhaps Ajanor himself, it is those in this upper echelon of Kykuun's Prismatic Court that wield the power needed to retake Heaven.   Further Reading:

The Slumbering Halls - A Draelish Legend

"I was wandering countless, empty halls, full of pillars etched in an unknown script. The sky [for there was no ceiling] was smeared in hazy blues and blacks. Then there was a blinding flash...I heard a chorus of voices in the distance. Rumbles far above... [flash] a sea...[flash] a single white pillar, spotted out in the distance, slightly eroded at the base [flash of lightning]...more pillars, dotting the horizon, the dark horizon... [flash]...[more flashes of lightning, peals of thunder]...the presence of something, approaching. Darks shapes below in the abyss..." -A recorded dream from an unknown Draelish, recorded on a stele kept in the archives of Kasniska Clan Tnmullintawk, 87th Cycle.   The story of the Slumbering Halls is one that every Draelish grows up hearing. For it is believed that deep within the world lies a place where the life and deeds of every Draelish is recorded, not on tablets of stone nor scrolls of paper, but on the very pillars of the world itself, with the Taedra themselves watching over it in deep, fitful slumber. To find such a place is what every Draelish hopes to find, for within may lie the answer to what happened to their gods.   Entry into the Higher Houses and connection with those forebearers called the Shr'keldar for both the Kasniska and Sankara is said to lie in the discovery of the Slumbering Halls. Believing that this is where the Great Ones and Akulus sleep, with Kykuun a little lower still, those most devoted among the Draelish have taken many a journey into discovering the locations where their gods sleep, whether by traveling to distant locales in search of ancient ruins, delving deep into caverns and caves, or meditating in strong fonts of Essence for glimpses through visions and dreams.   Further Reading:

Cycle of the Duma - A Heretical View

  Though to be willing to break away from the norm of accepted Draelish culture is seen as taboo, few do hold the notion that the Duma are closer in spirit than many would dare to venture. Believing that the Duma are actually two sides of the same coin, one sect of Draelish believes that Kykuun and Akulus are really the same being, displaying different phases similar to Neluun (which is the moon). Those who hold this view find it easier to maintain relationships between Kasniska and Sankara, who search together for the hidden shared meaning between the two separate voices of the Duma found in Draelish society.  

Heralds of the Kingdom - A Draelish Prophecy

  Within the Divine Writings are fragments that tell of those who will come in the image of the Duma, bearing news and ushering in the beginning of the reclamation of the Kingdom. Harbingers of the Duma's will, these Champions (or Terzarak in Drael) will bear the full authority of their gods. Both the Kasniska and the Sankara believe in the Champions, with one being of Kykuun and one of Akulus, respectively. Though many have tried to bear the mantle throughout the ages, usually either overzealous warriors or attention-seeking imposters, all Draelish clans throughout the ages have waited for the day that the champions from the Duma are sent. The exact steps leading up to such a day are debated amongst the different clans, though there are different interpretations, such as finding the Slumbering Halls, following the path as told through the Divine Steps, or waiting for pieces and clues to arrive through dreams, visions, and time.   There is a third champion, however, that is acknowledged but rarely considered, that being the Inheritor. The exact placement and authority of those of Januris is questioned, but enough sightings throughout the ages have confirmed that they do exist. As to what news they usher in concerning the Kingdom is unknown, but whenever an Inheritor does show up, change follows close behind. Though the set of circumstances for when these Inheritors arrive are better known than that of the Champions, the implications of another possible path being out there that isn't mentioned in the Divine Writings is almost always met with unrecognized and rarely acknowledged unease.  

The Restoration of Heaven - The Hope of the Draelish

  Current Draelish scholars believe that the fragmented pieces of Heaven are actually the sources of Essence found throughout the world or at least the residual remnants of it. While the Kasniska believe in reclaiming all or most of it and forming Heaven anew, at the cost of what it would do to the world as is, the Sankara believe in the coalescing of Essence into smaller chunks, with multiple kingdoms or even new land born of Essence being established for themselves across the world. The exact implication of what the restoration would look like and mean not just for the Draelish but the world around them is what drives animosity between the two types, as well as the treatment both type's parent-gods received from each other.   It is no great secret that the Kasniska pride themselves on might, with them looking down on other civilizations, though some have earned their grudging respect. They believe that Akulus was weak to give up the power of Heaven for weaker counterparts, especially since the Darkness was not fully vanquished. The Sankara, on the other hand, believe that the world was stronger together and had not Kykuun fought against Akulus, more of Heaven's wonders could have been saved. Thus the Kasniska seek a world where their might is acknowledged and fully restored while the Sankara seek a world where their people are finally gathered together, not perpetually splintered.  

Clan Formation - Part 3

  In modern-day anthropology, the idea of the separation of the sacred and the profane is predominant. It should be emphasized that, for the Draelish, no such separation exists. This means that the sacred helps shape "religious practices, societal norms, and even individual identities" (Source) as well as architectural designs, artistic displays, and everyday life. The Draelish idea of the Sacred is rooted in the cultural identity formed around their Parent-god, the promise of the restoration of the Draelish Kingdom, and the very real impact Essence has on a Draelish as a whole.  

A Biological Component

  In order to explore the lack of such a separation, the biological component of how Essence pervades everyday life for the Draelish must be looked at. Essence feeds a Draelish energy, providing them a source of nourishment outside of food and water. While they still need food and water, they don't need as much as a Heart biologically needs. Essence also fuels their magic, allowing them to use their breath weapons and channel the Jaeda in various ways. Most notably for the purposes of this article, it allows them to channel Essence away from potential clan settlements. Regions that contain these potential clan settlements are made more volatile because of the natural effects of Essence, on top of the already volatile nature of the region needed to attract Essence in the first place (Draelish don't like living in calm vistas). While they could withstand living in such environments, it doesn't make for comfortable living. Using Draelish sorceries to stabilize regions around the hotspot, causing the most volatile effects to stream around settlements, helps clans to dig in and live within a self-built "eye-of-the-storm" while being protected by the voracious dangers of the Wilds around them. Precautions are still taken when building, for not all of a region's effects are totally diminished, but it does help the clans build in ways others would find extremely difficult.   Another component of Essence is its ability to draw Draelish together through the formation of Affinities. Different types of Essence are drawn to different regions, with any Draelish settling in those regions drawing in the Essence when the eggs are laid and the Draeling embryo developing within. It may also (though a direct connection with Essence has yet to be found) help draw Draelish together. Draelish can exist individually out in the world, separated from others of their kind, but find that there is a certain level of discomfort when this separation is maintained for long periods of time.   With all this in mind, Ridel clans would all sleep together around the most concentrated central point of Essence, soaking it in together and maintaining clan congeniality. Midan clans would also build around the most concentrated point of Essence in their region, with Kasniska families starting to split off into different subsections within the clan. Ulkar clans would be able to spread out further apart, allowing them to maintain several pockets of concentrated Essence without strictly needing to maintain a centralized location. There is some limitation to how far spread out they can be, however. The Draelish sorceries used to stabilize areas of habitation cannot do so equally across an entire region, since the Essence would need to be expressed somewhere. These have led to the formation of what has become known as "clusters" or districts throughout Sankara clans, with Kasniska families forming separate compounds/estates from one another.   Further Reading:
  • Draelish Biology (TBA)

Religious Convictions

  Since Ridel clans depend on a smaller source of Essence that constantly moves about, they have developed a stricter dependence on Essence that is thought about daily compared to the longer-sustaining Midan clans and nigh-permanent Ulkar clans. Although they cannot afford larger displays of Draelish religious iconography, they have generated personalized prayers for everyday living over the more stylized prayers that larger clans may employ, as well as close-knit communal worship that strengthens one's ties to those around them and folk poetry that tells how the Shr'keldar are seen to personally guide and protect them when out on the frontier. Sankara Ridal clans would focus on the strength of community engagement, while Kasniska Ridel clans would focus on the level of a family's devotion, with the family's matriarch expected to model the most faith. Midan clans are able to maintain a longer hold on a region, allowing them to focus on developing monuments of devotion and more stable structures should they pass through the area again, while Ulkar clans can now focus on placing designated places of worship that are centered on concentrated regions of Essence, forming public temples and gardens.   Draelish prayers act more like songs of worship than a form of individual communication. Because Draelish can pick up lower frequencies other species aren't likely to hear, when gathering for worship, the group "syncs up" with the closest stream of Daegu and/or the individual pools of Jaeda found within each other and either meditate on the frequencies or send a signal using the strength of collective singing. One form of advanced meditation that takes place is through the art of temporarily transferring Essence, in which case an individual or group of Draelish may attempt to place a small amount of their Essence within an object or area rumored to contain a remnant of Taedradik energy in order to pick up any messages or lingering trails that a Great One or Parent has left for them to reabsorb and decipher, though this practice can take years to perfect. Other forms of prayer include collective dreaming (where hints are deciphered from visions and dreams), exploring new Essence expressions through natural abilities and spells, and going out and searching for ancient Draelish ruins or clues as to where the Great Ones of old slumber.   Over the years many new ways of worship and religious rituals have sprouted up. With the rise of the Shr'keldar in Draelish clans has come a new form of pride in the individual Affinities, leading to an explosion of clan-wide activities such as tournaments, festivals, feasts, and hunts taking prominence, as well as developing martial arts, combat stances, group maneuvers, and artistic styles. Though the heart of Draelish religion is centered on the effects Essence has on them and the connection it weaves throughout the clan, the lifeblood has grown to include new expressions of devotion through the growing myths and stories being found throughout the clans, which has steadily increased as the clans have grown and evolved beyond the mere hunter-gatherer groups that existed during Helragnir (meaning Pillars of Darkness, also known as the Slumbering Dark, a term for the dark age that existed before the time/Age of the Clans). Though much of this growth is based on conjecture, there are motes of truth that have been found throughout the centuries by the Draelish, either through holy warriors returning from years of exploration to low-frequency rumblings from ancient artifacts purported to have existed during the Draelish Kingdoms, as well as the ever-present thrum of Essence that beats in the hearts and souls of the Draelish. Something exists out there that speaks to the Draelish, and they will not let it be forgotten once again.  

Draelish Geography

  The importance of soaking in Essence has led to certain tendencies when it comes to settlement layout and structure for the Draelish. While Ridal clans would all gather around the Essence Spring, building makeshift fortifications as they go, it must be remembered that Draelish prefer communal sites as opposed to individual ones. Both Kasniska and Sankara Draelish in Ridal clans sleep, eat, and bathe together, and while Sankara in Midan clans continue to do the same, Kasniska families may begin to form their own groups away from the other families, creating walled-off sections and private chambers while maintaining equalized distance with the Essence Pool. As for the Sankara, they don't start any drastic changes until they reach the Ulkar clan population level. At this point, multiple Essence Pools may exist within the same Essence Hotspot, allowing different clutches and clusters to form, while the Kasniksa continue to form more elaborate and remote family complexes and estates, with groupings of Draelish staying together based on cycle age, family unit (in the case of Cabals and Dynasties), and prestige.   As for building layout, Draelish tend to focus their most important structures and/or sites on where the region's Essence hotspot, pool, or spring is most concentrated, with the clan's hatcheries being the most centrally located site. Next to follow would be the clan's main temple. For Midan and Ulkar clans, the clan's inner archive would also be located nearby and would be where the most important artifacts and documents are stored, with the Wandering Hall being placed just outside of it, acting as a gateway between the central and outlying structures, with a central public plaza located nearby for gatherings, market days, and meetings. Attached to this central plaza would be the clan's central meeting chamber if it were Sankara or a family head meeting site if it were Kasniska. Burial catacombs would be located near the main temple. This is especially prevalent early on in an Ulkar clan's history, with each district opting to have its members remain in the public vault or start construction on a private vault as time goes on.   While this type of layout does not necessarily reflect all of the different variations of clan layout for individual communities (especially districts wishing to maintain a level of remoteness), it does showcase the priority given to certain clan facilities. Individual communities or complexes may feature a central plaza or riad, with sleeping chambers, bathing pools, and other rooms and/or sites radiating outwards like spokes on a wheel. Sankara Ulkar clans commonly place their hatcheries, archives, and a dedicated temple within the most centralized spot of the Essence Hotspot, while more public buildings such as the council chamber, training grounds, and Wandering Hall are placed outside this initial "circle." Plazas, tournament grounds, and other public works are then spread out from here, with clutches, clusters, and groves forming around outer Essence Pools. For the Kasniska, their Ulkar clans like to maintain a central governing plaza and temple, along with their hatcheries, archive, and Wandering Hall within a designated public space overseen by the clan's leading Dynasty, with the different families spread throughout the region watching over their appointed responsibilities and roles. Those who hold the most prestige are allowed to build closer to the centralized hub, swapping complexes if another family falls or rises in favor with the leading Dynasty. For Sankara, clusters rarely move upon first being established, with the site's prior structures being carefully built upon by new clutches and inhabitants as part of a shared history throughout generations.   Further Reading:
  • Draelish Architecture (TBA)


  • The Draelish word T'helde means "Another Who Walks" and is used when referring to other species, whether that be the Eight, Wildlings, other sapients, or non-sapients.
  • Another word in Drael, Zjdai, refers to a clan's most concentrated point of Essence located in the region, with other buildings and settlements radiating outward from it. Rikal and Midan clans sleep together within the Zjdai, called Temple's Rest, while Ulkar clans go to rest and meditate within the temple complex but sleep elsewhere.
Notable Religious Sites:
  • Though a Church of Eight is located within Dalgon Keep in Karich, mainly as a temple for Hearts, it does contain a site known as The Repository for Draelish seeking to reflect and meditate on the Sword of Akulus and later, for a time, the Book of Wands.
  • Located deep within the City of Knowledge, on the Northern Continent southeast of Praen, lies the physical memory of an ancient site known as The Pit. It was here where a couple of Draelish explorers found the fabled Book of Wands, as well as an ancient Hall that held records from a lost age.
Fragments of the Divine Writings, as held by the Clans:
  • "...reigned over Midar...as for the Kasniska...their kingdoms were spread across the world...while we were connected...and the Taedra were..." -Fragment held in the archives of Clan Akutarndadeln
  • "...that's when Akulus...as for the...continued to stir...breaking Rikar apart...and Taedra fought..." -Fragment written down by Draelish Scholar Daaku Sti'itel'namar, 147th Cycle
  • "...while the world we knew disappeared...and when...and had fallen, the Taedra were sealed..." -Excerpt from an old Draelish poem found in the Archives of Clan Zignuska
  • "...the Sikadra decided...it took us...began to fade...while...slumbered...hidden...had forgotten." -Damaged fragment from Draelish Histories by Draelish Priest Nadurin Helkirntamada, 58th Cycle
  • "The Divine Writings were gifted to us, written for us. It revealed what we had forgotten." -Passage from a stele on the First Clan, commissioned and kept in the Archives of Clan Tndachismenan
On Worldview:
  • In order to fully understand how Draelish clan sociography has formed, one must not carry with them the bias that the sacred and profane must necessarily be separated. Many cultures around Olum (and our world) live within a worldview where there is no distinction between the sacred and the profane. That is, there is no separation between religion/spiritualism and everyday life. This view does not stop when they meet another traveler who does not hail from their culture: a worldview includes those who believe and those who don't believe and places them underneath the same determined rules. This type of view may clash with our current "modern" culture of religious tolerance, especially in regard to the separation of church and state. I think it is a shame that the popular thought is that there is no such thing as a real spiritual side of things. That is not true with the Draelish: they live a life infused with spirituality, whether one likes it or not.
  • It must also be remembered that, for the Draelish, spiritual connection is tied intimately with Essence. Their purpose is to literally channel this energy out into the world. Because of this, their religion has been built up around the purpose of being infused with Essence. It also must be stated that Draelish cannot survive without Essence. With these factors in mind, there cannot be a separation between the sacred and the profane with Draelish. They are one and the same.
An excerpt from Straight from the Duma on the Shr'keldar:
  • "When the Duma created us, they gave each of us control over a portion of the world. Mighty Ajanor, firstborn of the Draelish, with favored twins Xaudin and Sundar, taught their 11 other siblings how to control that power we call the Daegu. What a divine gift! It filled us and flowed through us, allowing feats and abilities that helped us carve out our place in the world, like how the elegant Irsetil learned how to bend the very winds to her will, providing speed and the strength of storms, or how trickster Etakai stole into the court of Spirits, gleaning insight into their dealings and evading capture from their invisible claws. Essence is in our very blood, but for a time, we had forgotten it." -Katurah
Clan Histories:
  • Because the Sankara value community and tradition, most Ulkar clans have a Grand Hall that records the legends and achievements of the clan, whether it's by featuring long sagas carved into its walls, weaving large tapestries that hang within, storing scrolls, manuscripts, or stone tablets along nooks or shelves, creating elaborate mosaics along the floor, or by painting events along walls, pillars, or ceilings. While this space is meant to be a public space for reflection or discussions, more important artifacts and documents are stored separately inside a room or series of rooms called a Clan Archive. It is here where a clan's oldest manuscripts, treasured artifacts, or other items deemed too important or sacred to be left in the open are stored, with its contents carefully curated by a priest or elected council member.
  • For the Kasniska, a clan's leading Dynasty may sponsor a memorial or artifact commemorating an event, but in general, each family keeps their records and artifacts within a Family Vault. In the event that a family is absorbed into another, depending on the prominence of the family being absorbed (usually through marriage or a group of families into a cabal), their records and artifacts are stored within the new family's vault. Kasniska families are keen to maintain their longevity for generations, with some families holding ancient records and artifacts that are reportedly around 1,000 years or older! In the event that a family is wiped out, the conquering family or an allied one may lay claim to what was left behind. If a well-established family sees that it may not survive an upcoming battle, sickness, or other disaster, preparations are taken to construct a hidden burial vault where the family's contents are sealed away, with the more important records and artifacts taken and stored by the clan's leading Dynasty if there is one present.
Further Reading:
  • Clan Economics
Burial Customs:
  • Once a Draelish has died, their body is set aside until the soft tissues have decomposed, leaving behind bones, scutes, hard scales, living crystals, and their urraguun. While the living crystals are collected and deposited for later cutting, the urraguun is prepared for burial. Ancient tradition dictates that though the body has withered away and the soul has been laid to rest in the deeper halls beyond, an urraguun is left imprinted with the deceased's last bit of essence inside. Though the exact traditions and customs for handling the deceased differ from clan to clan, most choose to reserve the urraguun and skull, discarding the body and creating a box called a reservatory to place the items and personal belongings inside, which will be placed within a clan or family catacomb, along with a pillar or stele commemorating the deceased's life.
  • Those who believe that the last bit of essence will be used in the battle to retake Heaven build armor and weapons for the deceased in preparation for that future fight, while others create a ceremonial death helmet and shroud, with the urraguun embedded within either a chosen weapon, piece of armor, or special compartment, believing that whenever that day comes, divinely-crafted weapons and gear will be formed alongside their bodies. Both of these groups believe that when their gods eventually rise from their slumber, they will call forth the Draelish spirits resting beyond back to their urraguun once again, reforming their bodies around themselves in the process for the fight to come.
  Clan Family Values:
  • It would be good to remember that while the Sankara do value family, they do not center life around them like the Kasniska. Sankara families generally live together with other families and friends in what is called a Cluster, which typically features a central plaza for entertainment and discussion while a sleeping hall is built for community relaxation and sleep, along with a bathing pool. It is common for a Sankara who has lost his or her family to be taken in by their parent's community. Sankara families see themselves as part of a whole, whereas Kasniska families see themselves in addition to the whole.
Clan Archives
  • It is common practice for Draelish to commemorate events on stone pillars, steles, tablets, and walls. Ridel clans might construct a cairn, with each stone bearing an inscription, while Midan clans might construct a whole pillar commemorating their clan's passage or a warning or event. As for the Ulkar clans, they may dedicate a space or whole structure to recording clan logistics and expounding their version of history and events. These structures, called Wandering Halls, attempt to mimic what it may be like to walk through the Slumbering Halls of the world. With this religious connotation in mind, a Wandering Hall functions as a clan's public archive and meeting space, a place where gatherings, council meetings, and meditation can occur. The classical portrayal of a hall is often rendered as a long hallway set with pillars evenly dispersed, with each pillar representing one Column of time. Though mostly full of mundane recordings, religious writings, and personal observations, when something particularly notable has occurred, a larger piece of art is sometimes commissioned to commemorate the event, whether by chiseling a statue or standalone column, painting or chiseling a wall, arraying a styled mosaic or by dedicating an entire room.*
*Such grand displays are rarely seen but are known to have occurred, especially in ancient times, as seen here.   On Kasniska Geography
  • Kasniska Ulkar clans operate differently than the Sankara when it comes to who can build the closest to the clan's Essence concentrations. While the Sankara work to create a shared space where members of the clan are spread around it in equal order, with important public buildings/spaces being in the most powerful and, if possible, centralized spot, the Kasniska families operate off of prestige, with the clan's ruling Dynasty being situated the closest and often sponsoring the construction of the clan's Hall. The reason for this is two-fold: on one hand, it grants the leading Dynasty the highest concentration of Essence to feed on and develop ways to manipulate Essence. On the other hand, it is also their responsibility to watch over the clan's hatcheries, temple complex, and other important public buildings. Each family under a ruling Dynasty are responsibilities, some of which may require oversight of arable land, hunting grounds, mining sites, or other Essence concentrations. Those families whose responsibilities don't require certain regional placement can then focus on building prestige in order to build within the more coveted hotspots closer to the central Essence point. While some pursue these coveted pools of Essence, others prefer to stay away from the watchful eye of their leading Dynasty, favoring secrecy over prestige. Being farther away from the centralized hotspot usually means more dangers with the Wilds and less protection from the volatile effects of Essence, though some may see this as a test of strength while others see it as a position of disfavor. Some of the more feared families come from these fortress complexes out on the clan's frontiers, though they often clash with the more prestige families closer to the central hub.
Examples of Religious Devotions
  • Focusing on one's devotion to Kykuun is often tied to one's loyalty to the family for the Kasniska, whereas the Sankara may tie the focus on upholding tradition and growing in the community as a sign of one's faith in Akulus. Because of this, the Kasniska clans like to hold tournaments, and duels, perfecting craft and skills, attaining commissions for public works and projects, and chronicling their family deeds within the clan's Wandering Hall as the primary display of one's devotion to Kykuun, viewing the act of devotion through honor and prestige more than religious gatherings and study. The Sankara believe differently here, holding clan games focusing on teamwork, hosting feasts, spending time in group meditation, personal study, and traveling on pilgrimages as ways to further one's devotion to Akulus. Despite these being some of the popular ways to express worship to their chosen Parent, there are plenty of other ways both groups grow their faith. Some Kasniska, in order to prioritize religion over clan politics, may devote their entire family to becoming priests, with a few traveling to different clans in order to collect religious artifacts and texts. For some, such devotion can lead to power in ways that clan politics cannot, with some of these priest-families having members attaining Crystalline status, among other ways that they can claim special favor as coming from one of the Shr'keldar of Kykuun. With such an endorsement, one can potentially topple a monarch or even an archon. As for the Sankara, some may devote themselves to an order of paladins (warrior-priests) who seek signs of the Great Ones and Akulus in dreams and pilgrimages. Others may claim the title of champion (prophet), either of a Shr'keldar or Akulus himself if they can produce proof of such a blessing, though substantial proof must be provided if any outside one's own clan is to believe such a proclamation.
On Districts
  • The term districts is used interchangeably when referring to Kasniska and Sankara settlements for convenience's sake. Another word used is sectors, though this is mainly used when referring to Kasniska cabals and guilds. Think of these as neutral terms when referring to a Draelish population center found somewhere within the clan (it also helps stop repetitiveness).


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