Giant Fly

Giant flies, unlike their lesser cousins, are voracious predators capable of bringing down large prey. Mindless in their pursuit of sustenance, these monstrous vermin attack anything they perceive as food.  


Giant flies reach sizes up to 7 feet in length. However, if not for their size they could be mistaken for common gadflies. Their bodies are covered in short black fur and they perceive the world through large, multifaceted eyes.   Giant maggots, the larval stage of this vermin, grow and attain similar lengths before emerging as adults. These young, white in color, possess mouths filled with rows of ridges capable of overcoming even toughened and durable flesh. Like the adults, giant maggots are active predators.  


Giant flies and their young are capable physical predators. In addition, they often carry diseases which can be passed on to other creatures.  


Mindless in their motivation, giant flies instinctually live to feed and breed. Giant maggots hatch in clutches of hundreds, and reach maturity over a length of two to three weeks. They can be found in areas of large-scale decay and disease, including some of the more inhospitable regions of the Outer Planes.
Geographic Distribution