Session 16 - "Buzzkill, Ruins of Gauntlight - Part 3"

General Summary

Toliday, 4th of Desnus, 4721 AR
Maggot Stable
Bursting into the room with a furious buzz of wings, an iridescent giant fly swoops straight at Kalitos. It rips into the side of his head with its mandibles. A horrible stench descends on him, but the magus is able to bite back his gorge. Tristan plunges his Smoking Sword into the body of one of the maggots, causing it disgorge a foul, noxious substance on him and Kalitos. They, too, are able to retain their fortitude. The fighter moves on the fly and attempts to strike at him, but it flits away. The remaining mudslicker maggot attempts to bite out at Kalitos, but it is unsuccessful. Kalitos lashes out with an ignited dueling sword and it explodes against its body. Kaliff steps away from the fly and manifests a void warp, but it has no effect. Zor'ahn moves to flank the fly and swings his Rosa Argentus, ripping open its abdomen. He spies a mound of filth and animal carcasses in the adjacent room and step towards the door. Ehrn backswings at the maggot with her glaive buts misses.   Another buzzing reaches the ears of the dark ranger from the nearby room, but he does not see its source. The fly zips at him, its mandibles masticating his shoulder. It then nearly scalps him with its next attack. Tristan steps to flank and then gores "Buzzybuzz" to death. He then steps into the room and another giant fly is spotted near the ceiling, however its coloration is brown and blue as opposed to the previous green and blue. The last maggot unleashes an impotent frenzy on Kalitos. The magus strikes it down and avoids its noxious spew. Kalitos moves forward, targets the new threat and is able to blast it with his void warp. Enraged, it charges at Tristan and pierces his flesh with its mandibles. It tries again, but the fighter brings his shield up in time to counter. Zor'ahn staggers back and begins to focus on manifesting a tree. Immediately Ehrn and Kalitos see thousands of ants suddenly appear from the Mark of Nhimbaloth and swarm up his arm, across his body, and engulfing his face. The dark ranger seems not to notice. A tree appears, but it appears tainted with black, ropy tendrils. In shock, they see a black mark coalesce on his face. A pain akin to a hearty slap blooms there and he cries out. Marking his distress, the orc barbarian moves up to Zor'ahn, quickly assesses his wounds and begins to patch him up. The still clearly visible mark, she notices, greatly resembles the four-pointed star on his arm. She also observes that his wounds seem to begin knitting up on their own.   Tristan smashes the smoking sword against the fly's body, scorching it slightly. Quickly moving through the room and flanking the fly, Kalitos levels an acidic spell strike at it, searing it to death.   Everyone begins to gather around the weakened ranger. Kaliff studies the four-pointed star symbol on his face with interest. He recalls that certain cults of Nhimbaloth sees the god manifest as a woman with four yellow eyes configured like the star.   10.50a
As Ehrn continues to treat Zor'ahn's wounds, she notices that they do not appear as grievous as she thought previously. The ranger begins to manifest his healing fruit, but he is racked by acute pain and discontinues his efforts. Kaliff shares his concern that Tristan and Zor'ahn may have contracted fly box due to their contact with the giant insects.   11.00a
Kalitos has been exploring the room during this time. Peeking through cracks in the door to the north, he can just make out another rubble filled room with mold and rotten tapestries similar to the one the party is in now. A collapsed staircase appears to have once led to a small, moss-shrouded hole. Tristan observes crude graffiti of stick figures which may have been drawn by a child's hand. Kaliff notices a trapdoor in the ceiling of the fly pen. Tristan contemplates climbing the tainted tree and finds that the dark tendrils disintegrate at his touch, but he is able to scale it to the rectangular hole. He finds that through the rot and moss he can see the sky up above.   11.10a
The brothers quickly barricade the east door and everyone gathers to the north. Tristan is the first to say that he feels faster and Zor'ahn remarks that it is due to the aura of his shadow. Kaliff expresses concern that it might aid their enemies as well, but the ranger assures him it will not.   The Dining Room
The door opens into a triangular-shaped room where the ceiling collapsed long ago. Rotten tapestries line the wall and ruined furniture litters the floor. A door is visible to the east. Suddenly there is an explosion of blue swirling light emerging from the rubble and ghostly shapes of kobolds begin to swirl and howl eerily about the room. The temperature noticeably drops as an aura of terror washes over the Exterminators. Zor'ahn, Kaliff, Kalitos, and Tristan feel a wave of fear and confusion takeover their minds.  
  Suddenly swarming out of the ghostly mass, the apparition of a kobold slams into the ranger. Fingers of fear rip at his sanity. Tristan is likewise assaulted and maimed. Ehrn rages at the threats and arcs her glaive through the mass, raking into nothing. Kaliff calls for everyone to leave the room, saying that the haunt is mostly likely confined to the area. Ehrn rushes to the door, passing through the swirling, icy mass. Shaking his head in confusion, he notices a looming threat at the opposite end of the room. He charges and slams his sword into it. Tristan cries out in alarm and pain at the unprovoked attack. Seeing the madness in the ranger's eyes, the fighter begins backing away from his friend. He emerges back into the maggot stable and the fear falls away like a veil. Also taking leave of his senses, the sorcerer begins slashing at the magus with his dagger. Kalitos quickly slaps Kaliff, breaking him free of his confusion, before retreating from the room.   Ghost appendages lash out and slam into Kaliff and Zor'ahn, ripping into their minds. Ehrn flees the room and attempts to quickly patch up her husband, but is unable to. The ranger is able to shake off his confusion and rushes out of the room. Tristen withdraws further. Kaliff is the last to leave and the vortex instantly vanishes. With shame, Zor'ahn apologizes to Tristan and partially heals him with a touch.   Maggot Stable
The party takes a moment to recover from their wounds. Before leaving by the way they came, Zor'ahn closes the north door and seems to go through the motions of summoning wood, but when you nothing happens he just plays it off.   Maggot Training Hall
Emerging back into the hall, Tristen's ears detect the sounds of mitflits to the east moving rocks about, possibility attempting to barricade the door. The party rushes forward and slams it open.   Sinkhole
The room within shows a collapsed ceiling as well as a sinkhole in the floor. Within the sinkhole five gremlins are chittering excitedly and moves rocks about. Kaliff overhears them talking, "Gimme grub! Me likey the blue ones!" He fires off a "Knock! Knock!" as he unleashes an electric arc. "Me no likely electricity!" one cries. "Then you're really going to hate this!" Kaliff replies as his arms extend into whipping black tentacles. "We hates you especially!" another yells back. One begins to scramble up the pit towards the door and yells back, "Me go get Boss! Fight!" before opening the door. Another throws a dart at Tristan but misses. Zor'ahn begins to move forward and his shadow suddenly envelopes the party and they feel quickened. With a burst of speed, Tristan strides forward at the fleeing mite. Ehrn, Kalitos, and Kaliff likewise rush into the room, Ehrn and Kalitos charging the group and Kaliff positioning himself in a corner. Kalitos however slips and tumbles into the pit. Zor'ahn follows as well. Gripping his sword with both hands, he rips into a mite with it. A splinter of it begins to worm into the creature's body. Zor'ahn adjusts his position. With frustration, Kalitos stands and cleaves a mite in two. One of the mitflits drops to its knees and begins to pled for its life, but Kaliff intones that it said something about the legitimacy of their births. Tristan cuts down the fleeing mite and steps into the hallway. He sees standing near a door a 7 ft. skeleton wielding a morning star. The fighter moves toward it and raises his shield. Another mite reaches for a rusty short sword and lashes out at Zor'ahn, badly missing. It says to him, "Guess what hooman?" Kaliff states he said it called his mom a dog. With no ceremony, Ehrn cuts down the cowering mitflit.   One of Kaliff's black tendrils arcs electricity into the remaining mites. One of them flings a dart at Kaliff and it embeds in his shoulder. It yells triumphantly, but the sorcerer calls its strength into question. It draws a sword and misses Ehrn with it. With indignation, the mite chides Kaliff. Zor'ahn lashes out but misses. Kalitos steps up and nicks the mite with Finley's Sparkblade, putting it down. Tristan notes that the skeleton has yet to acknowledge his presence and observes that it is actually lashed and propped in place like a scarecrow. Stepping to the door, he hears a group of mitflits beyond. The remaining mite quickly climbs the wall and runs around the ledge towards a hole in the wall. However, with a sharp shriek of pain, it grabs its side before collapsing dead.   Walkway
The party gathers in the walkway and quickly prepares for an assault as the mitflits beyond argue and discuss if the "hoomans" are coming for them. They slam open the double doors.   Mudlicker Throne Room
In the room within obviously sits Boss Skrawng with three other mitflits and a giant spider, most likely "Bite Bite". A pile of sand and a dead mite lay strewn on the floor. Boss asks the group, "Why do you come bother me before I attack your town?" Zor'ahn responds with, "No parlay, only death." Boss cries out in Sakvroth, "BUT! BUT! I am king! We talky!" and then "GET THEM!"  
Boss reaches out with his trident and begins raking through the stone and limbs in the sand before moving behind his throne. He makes a clicking sound, spurring Bite Bite on. The giant spider charges forward but stops at length and reaches towards Tristan, striking him with a claw. Kalitos moves up and telekinetically flings a stone from the stand at Boss. It misses and smashes into the throne, causing him to screech in anger. Ehrn moves up and cuts into Bite Bite deeply with her glaive. The first mite throws a dart at Kalitos but misses. He draws another and hits him. The second mite attempts to cast bane at the magus but is unsuccessful. It throws a dart instead but misses. Kaliff advances and casts grim tendrils, catching all three mites in a line. The third mitflit throws darts at Kaliff but misses as well. Tristan causes his Smoking Blade to catch fire and brutal cleaves down Bite Bite. Zor'ahn moves forward as everyone's shadow begins to dance. The party suddenly and quickly repositions themselves about the room. The ranger moves to flank a mite with Kalitos, but does not score a hit.   Boss Skrawng seems to weigh his options and then slashes at Tristan with his trident. He gets his shield up, but the weapon still breaks through. Boss attempts to strike again, but does little damage. Tristan reflexively slams his shield into the throne, smashing it into pieces, causing Boss Skrawng to fall prone.  
Report Date
18 Aug 2024
Primary Location