Session 15 - "A {Not So} Warm Welcome, Ruins of Gauntlight - Part 2"

General Summary

Gauntlight Keep
Decrepit Drawbridge
Setting his sights, Kalitos targets the second mite with frostbite, ice sheening its body. The first mite throws a chunk of rotted meat towards the party, but it lands beside the moat. It then screeches out in Sakvroth "Squirt gooona get you!" before scurrying further on the vine and getting entangled with the first, who drops his sword. Tristan hops off the bridge and quickly makes his way along the moat towards the witless duo. He lashes out with his Smoking Sword, ripping into the first mite, before raising his shield. Zor'ahn moves towards the third mite in the tower, forms a wooden spike and slashes it at the creature, parting flesh. Ehrn rages and suddenly charges at the two mites, ripping into the second with her glaive.   Kalitos begins a taunting exchange with the mitflits in Sakvroth:
"Why do this? Bad hooman!"
"She's an orc!", he yells back.
"We hates you smarty pants!"
  Suddenly emerging out of the muck near the husband and wife is a large, tusked frog-like monster. It squirts viscous slime at Ehrn, making her clumsy, and then lurches at her to bury a tusk in her leg. The badly wounded mitflit quickly climbs back along the vine and disappears into a hole in the wall. The third mite screams "We hates you!" at the ranger as a blanket of doubt begins to settle over his mind, but he shakes it off. It then begins to run off when suddenly a shimmering blade flies past it. The starknife misses, however, and returns to Wrin's hand. Kaliff steps forward and casts daze at the slurk, stunning it.   Kalitos rushes forward and hits the slurk and first mite with an electric arc, but only the monster appears affected. The mite foolheartedly tries to climb away from Tristan, but the fighter cuts it down. He then steps to the toad and plunges his blade into it. Zor'ahn moves out of the keep and raises his arm with the Mark of Nhimbaloth on it and a mass of vines and wooden violence shoots from his arm towards the fleeing mitflit, but misses. In a fury, the barbarian buries her glaive deep into the monster's thick skin, nearly gutting it. In return it lashes out and gores Ehrn. It tries to do the same to Tristan but is unable to follow through. The sound of muffled screeching emerges from the hole in the wall, "Boss Skrawng! Boss Skrawng! Get Bite Bite!" The third mite continues to flee from the ranger and jumps into the moat but immediately begins to flounder. Kaliff quickly moves up to Ehrn and patches her wounds.   Kalitos telekinetically flings a jagged piece of wood at the toad, but misses. Tristan strikes out at it with his sword but misses as well. Zor'ahn pursues the hapless mite and vines suddenly erupt from the water, ripping it apart. He turns toward Wrin with a certain mania in his eyes, but it quickly passes. Wrin nods and looks around for more threats. Ehrn tries to strike at the giant frog with her glaive, but the slime makes the task difficult. It lashes out at Tristan and Ehrn, missing wildly. An echoing screech erupts the hole in the wall. Kaliff arcs electricity at the creature.   Zor'ahn sees a huge, dragon-like creature suddenly erupt from the water and devours the mite's corpse. Kalitos throws a small fireball at the toad, but still it lives. Tristan is unable to hit the creature with his sword. Zor'ahn rounds the corner and joins the fray. With a shower of frosty sparks, Ehrn plunges her glaive into the beast, finally ending it.   As Ehrn drags the slurk's corpse onto the bank, Kaliff quickly explains what he heard from the mite that fled into the wall. Zor'ahn creates a plank so Tristan can reach the body of a scaly humanoid that he saw as Ehrn scrapes the slime off of herself. Tristan sees that it is a badly decomposed kobold. As he reaches towards it, he triggers a spike snare but is able to narrowly avoid it. After grabbing its meager belongings, Tristan crosses back over the moat. Within the belt pouch he finds 4 gp.     10.25a
Maggot Training Hall
Standing at the double doors, Kaliff hears movement and activity from the mites, as well as someone yelling to "get it, go!" Zor'ahn peers through a crack in the door and sees out a long, rubble filled hallway with a partially collapsed ceiling. About 50 feet ahead he is able to make out 3 or 4 mitflits talking and cajoling a huge, maggot-like creature . Wanting to use some measure of surprise, the Exterminators quickly ready themselves. The brothers equip light sources and Tristan kicks open the door. The mites point at them and yell, "ATTACK!"  
The first mite begins making strange clicking sounds while gesticulating at the party. Ehrn strides into the hallway and begins to rage. The second mite nimbly makes its way over the rubble, moving off to the east. Tristan moves up to Ehrn and begins to carefully pick a path forward. He attempts to intimidate the mites, but they appear nonplussed. Zor'ahn raises his wooden sword that he has styled like the Rosa Argentus, creating spikes that suddenly erupt from the floor, impaling the maggot. The third mite moves up and flings a war dart a Tristan, but widely misses him. The giant maggot begins making clicking sounds with its jaws and starts to undulate over the rubble towards the fighter. Kalitos moves up and fires an electric arc at the maggot and one of the mitflits. The fourth mite makes its way at Tristan. The fighter suffers a quick moment of doubt, but easily throws it off. Kaliff joins his brother and likewise casts an effective electric arc.  
The first mitflit fires a dart at Tristan but misses. It draws a short sword in frustration. Ehrn suddenly charges the maggot and flays it in twain, spilling ichor and entrails. Kaliff yells out, still taunting the pint-sizes monsters, and the mites respond with "Buzzybuzz is going to be angry! WATCH OUT!" The second mitflit sticks Ehrn with a dart before drawing a short sword and climbing up a rocky platform. Tristen hacks his aggressor to pieces. Zor'ahn advances and fires a spike of wood, but it shatters against the wall. The fourth mite lashes out at Tristan as he reactively raises his shield, but the blow still lands. It tries again and again, but misses each time. Kalitos advances on the platform on the second mite. Kaliff moves up and fires an arc at the first and second mite.   The first mite on Tristan swings at him with its short sword but it is completely ineffectual. Ehrn charges and fells another. The mite before Kalitos suddenly drops its sword and falls to its knees. Tristan ends a third and then covers the cowering mite.   10.36a
Kaliff begins to question the mite as Tristan and Ehrn search the bodies. Looking about, Zor'ahn and Kalitos notice scars of fire on the walls of the hall, leading them to believe that a magical and destructive battle took place here long ago.   The mitflit prisoner's name is Sipsip and he answers every question posed to him. "Bite Bite" is a large, spider-like bug with nine legs that is a pet to Boss Skrawng. He describes "Buzzybuzz" as large flying creature the size of a pony with pretty green and blue colors. The maggot the Exterminators killed was one of its babies. When Kaliff asks how many mites remain, Sipsip holds up 5 fingers, saying they are all of the "Mudlickers" tribe. The group then ties up the gremlin and has him lead the way to where Boss Skrawng is. The party decides that they will speak with him and see if some sort of accord can be reached. They move off to the southwest.   Maggot Stable
The room ahead shows collapsed rubble and the body of a giant frog. Buzzybuzz's babies appear to have fed on the frog, Kalitos noticing that the back end of it having been completely bitten off. Sipsip gets excited at the door to the southwest, saying just this way, but Zor'ahn tells him open it.   As Kalitos moves towards the frog corpse, two more giant maggots burst forth. Tristan quickly moves up on them and begins slashing with his smoking sword. Sipsip opens the door and begins making clicking noises. The first maggot tries to bite at Tristan, but its mandibles close only on air. The second is just as unsuccessful. Kalitos moves against a maggot but horribly misses. Annoyed, Kaliff casts phantom pain on Sipsip, but then he is suddenly torn apart by Zor'ahn's tendril-like vines. Ehrn rages and charges at the maggots.   Suddenly there is a buzzing sound from the southwest room.  
Report Date
11 Aug 2024
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