
Nhimbaloth is an especially reclusive Outer God from the Dark Tapestry whose sphere of influence encompasses despair, ghosts, and swamps.  
  Nhimbaloth hunts along the shores of the River of Souls and is a shapeless entity also known as the Empty Death. She preys on those who hunt souls as they travel down the river, but she devours both hunter and soul indiscriminately; those she consumes have no afterlife or potential for resurrection. They are forever gone, and forever nothing.  


Nhimbaloth is opposed by Gozreh, due to her taint of swamplands, and by Desna, who worries that her followers might stumble into Nhimbaloth's clutches in the wilds. Her occasional corruption of the First World and fey has also made her an enemy of the Eldest.  

Appearance and Emissaries

Nhimbaloth has no form, but her passage leaves behind telltale marks. In areas she has previously visited, usually swamps and desolate shores, faceless undead haunt, and wildlife, both plants and animals, becomes strangely antagonistic.   To some cults, however, Nhimbaloth manifests as a woman with four yellow eyes configured like a four-pointed star.  


Nhimbaloth is said to see through will-o’-wisp, and her trace is left behind in a symmetrical pattern of seven divots along the shoreline, said to be her fingerprints. Faceless undead haunt the places where she has passed, and plant and animal life in the area is especially hostile to the living.  

Church of Nhimbaloth

Worshippers and Clergy

As with most of the Outer Gods, Nhimbaloth cares nothing for those who worship her (and thus her clerics have no key anathemas), yet those who venerate the Empty Death nonetheless toil in vain to attract her favor.   A shrine to Nhimbaloth was recently discovered in Gauntlight Keep.  
Doors to Nhimbaloth's shrine

Holy Texts

Nhimbaloth's worshippers have written down prayers and rituals in a tome called "the Whispering Reeds".  


Mark of Nhimbaloth

Something more going than just a simple debilitating curse, the Mark appears as a dark, tendril, tattoo-like affliction on an accursed's body. Texts hint at the possibility of the Mark being part of a larger ritual serving as a "key" to unlock something. While those bearing this stain experience high levels of clarity and a feeling of empowerment, its presence herald's the soul of the victim's eventual and final destruction.  


One place where she has particular influence is within the Mushfens of southern Varisia, where the very laws of nature have broken down and will-o’-wisp oracles feed on the fear of travelers, sapping the drive and reason from their victims, leaving them wandering in a vacuous stupor through the blasted swamp.
The Empty Death
Create undead (particularly incorporeal undead), feast upon carnivores that have recently feasted upon others

Areas of Concern
Decay, nature, undeath, void
Current Location