Secrets of the Whispering Cairn Report

General Summary

Patchwall 20, 595 CY

Session: 2024-06-26

Defeating the wind warrior, the Topknots each touched the column of air, rising through the ceiling above to stand in the true tomb of the vaati figure from the rainbow room. Opposite the column of wind, three steps rose to a dais. Atop the dais was another sarcophagus, identical to the one on the rainbow room, except it had no seam or seal.   Above the sarcophagus, steam played over another bas-relief showing the warrior wearing an ancient garment and wielding a mighty longsword. To his left stands a demonic figure with two long horns tipped in the darkest red. The horned figure holds a device with a handle and small loop, seemingly controlling a sphere of absolute darkness. The black globe touches the warrior, who appears to disappear. A slim diadem on his brow bears the same seal that you have seen repeated throughout the Whispering Cairn, though there have been other seals.   As Tolman approaches to search for traps, the warrior figure turns to him and says, "Say my name."   Yet they had no way of knowing the figure's name. The sigils were indecipherable, symbols more that words. Frustrated, the made their way back to the mine office.  

Patchwall 20, 595 CY

The next morning, rested after a long day, the companions decided to seek out Allustan's help. Kaszu suggested caution, and not telling the wizard everything, worried of a claim jump, but the others, in particular Delilah and Tolman, were being mentored by the wizard and had somewhat more trust for him.   Approaching the wizard's home, they were greeted by their friend Khadrick, Allustan's apprentice. Leading them into the living area, they begin telling Allustan about the Whispering Cairn. Allustan is intrigued and lets them know that they have found one of the burial sites of the ancient Vaati, or wind dukes. He goes on to tell the story, that the vaati were an ancient race of either celestials or air elementals devoted to order over chaos. I a time before time, them battled the Queen of Chaos. The Queen brought forth her greatest champion, the demon prince known as Miska the Wolf Spider. Together, the Queen and Miska began beating back the Vaati, who lost world after world to the forces of Chaos. Then seven of their greatest, the Wandering Dukes, worked together to craft the Rod of Law, an artifact of supreme order. In the final battle, called the Battle of Pesh, they confronted Miska with the rod and impaled him on it. The Rod did not slay the demon prince, but imprisoned him, hopefully for all time. However, the demon princes blood shattered the Rod of Law, and it became the artifact known as the Rod of Seven Parts.   Allustan then says that he needs time to do some research, but he may not have the necessary references. Kaszu had made etchings of all the glyphs in the Whispering Cairn and left them with the wizard. They were asked to check back in a few days.   That day, Crichton was summoned to the garrison, knowing he had missed several shifts. Commander Trask explained, sternly that the high priest of Heironeous, Valkus Dun, communicated with the spirit of Filge, and they learned that his hand wasn't missing when he encountered the Topknots. On top of missing a week's worth of patrols, Trask decided that Crichton would receive a furlough until the dragonborn figured out where his loyalties lay.    

Patchwall 20-24, 595 CY

The Topknots put the days waiting for Allustan to good use. Delilah asked for permission to use the herbalism station at the Cairn of the Green Lady to craft a healing potion, the first time she had tried this. Argan Agu-Ulakanu, having set up a leatherworking station at the mine office began working on crafting or improving everyone's armor, as well as his cloak. Malakai, Tolman, Kaszu, and Crichton continued work on the mine office, though Kaszu remembered he needed to return to the mayor's office and request an appointment about the land deed.   Delilah's first attempt at potion-making didn't go well, she made a few errors before finally completing a potion, though by that time, it cost as much to brew it as it would to just buy it. Argan upgraded Tolman and Delilah's leather armor to studded leather and crafted a cloak from his pristine dire wolf skin. Tolman and Crichton cleared out the yard while Malakai and Kaszu started on the first floor stonework. Crichton also stopped at Taggin's to buy some furnishings for the dining room.   During this time, Kaszu returned to Osgood Smithy, and the smith wasn't having it. He said that, as a Master Smith, he knew when a piece of metal wasn't going to stand up to the forge, and that Kaszu might be better off with a different master, but he had sent a letter to the Metalsmith's Hall formerly asking that Kaszu be removed as his apprentice.   Khadrick showed up at the office, letting everyone know that Allustan was ready to meet with them. During the meeting, Allustan explained that he didn't have the resources he needed to comprehend the glyphs, but he knew what books he might need to finish his research. He asked the companions to deliver a signed and sealed letter to the Grand Library of Greyhawk, requesting three books. He cautioned that they must not break the seal and gave them some information about the Free City.   The city was broken into three sections by walls. The southern section is known as the Old City and was the original footprint of the city. To the north, the Grand Citadel was built on the original motte-and-bailey fortress that defended the town. As the city grew, it grew around the marketplace, just north of the Old City's Black Gate. The wealthy migrated to the lands near the citadel. Finally Zagyg Ygraine had walls built around the Midcity and the High City. They would be entering via the Druids Gate which led into the Artisan's Quarter. The main road led into the Petit Bazaar.   There he suggested two inns. Just off the northeast of the Petit Bazaar was the Crooked House, owned by an old acquaintance, Tarquin the gnome. It is considered to be in the Foreign Quarter. Though the place looks like it could fall down at any moment, it was solid and safe. The Black Dragon Inn was a bit north of the market, on the west side of the Processional (the main north-south road). It is in Clerkburg and closest to the Great Library. It's proprietor, Miklos Dare, is a bear of a man and ex-adventurer who knows quite a bit about the city. Allustan then gave the 100 gp for traveling and city expenses.   While meeting with Allustan, the Topknots decided to tell him about the clues they found in Filge's stuff. They showed him the green worm in the vial, and the notes about the cult under Dourstone Mine. They thought about infiltration the mine, but Allustan pointed out how difficult that would be. The gold dragonborn and the goliath would stand out like a sore thumb, and besides, they were becoming the talk of the town. Delilah mentioned that she'd have no trouble fitting in, to which Allustan chuckled, "a beautiful young lady heading into the mines, they wouldn't take their eyes off you."   He then mentioned that in the River Quarter a shop known as the Painted Man was a tattoo artist who could create magical tattoos, one of them duplicated the spell Disguise Self, which would change their appearance for about an hour if they didn't do anything foolish. Then the magic of the tattoo would be used up, disappearing from their skin. It might help them get into the mines, but not so much getting out.   Finishing the tasks they had started, they soon began planning their trek to the Free City.    

Patchwall 25-28, 595 CY

It took the better part of four days to reach the Free City of Greyhawk, sticking to the roads, they made Blackstone at the end of the first day, then Steaming Spring the second day. The third day they ended up at the Halfway Inn, a roadhouse inn between Steaming Springs and Greyhawk. Finally, towards the end of the 28th, the spied the walls of the Free City of Greyhawk, Gem of the Flanaess, also known as the City of Thieves.   The line for the Druid's Gate was long, but moved quickly. A blond warrior just ahead of them introduced himself as Yr and asked Crichton if he wanted to spar to pass the time. Using a wooden practice greatsword, he put Crichton through his paces, Crichton's scales gleamed, while the experienced warrior barely even sweated. He pointed out things that Crichton did well with his weapon, openings he missed, and mistakes he made.   All the while he made small talk, suggesting that the party put their coin pouches somewhere safer that a belt loop, "make 'em work for it". Told them that the Black Gate to the Old City was closed and locked at night, though you could convince the guards to let you through you had good reason.   As they made their way through the gate, for a Gate Tax of 1 sp, they saw that other travelers with guild or citizenship papers didn't have to pay the gate tax. Finally through the gates, they spied Yr lifting a woman, obviously a lover into the air just outside a fruit stand. The sign read, "Fruit of the Mill."   There were so many people on the roads and alleyways. Most buildings were at least three stories tall, with obvious living quarters over the ground floor. Laundry hung from some patios while people on the ground deftly avoided the emptying of a chamber pot from above.   Following the road, they found themselves in the Petit Bazaar. There they scattered a bit, with everyone checking out different carts and vendors, and others looking at the various buildings and businesses of the Artisan's Quarter. Argan found the Leatherworkers Guildhall and decided to apply, hating the idea of paying the gate tax each time, while Kaszu made his way to the Metalsmiths' Hall.   The shadows of the city began to stretch as the sun started to set. It was late afternoon and more than a few vendors were packing up. The companions were scattered, but most were still in the marketplace. Time to decide where to stay, and what their plans were for tomorrow.
It Started in Diamond Lake
Tolman K’hurzz
Malakai Steelbuckle
Delilah Raincloud
Crichton Eogen
Argan Agu-Ulakanu
Chaotic Good Goliath (Outlander)
Ranger 4
36 / 36 HP
Kaszu Billowcase
Chaotic Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant)
Artificer 3
24 / 24 HP
Report Date
06 Jul 2024


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