Grip of the Mind Thieves, Chapter 6: Breaking the Case




Welcome back!


What a set of twists and turns!

Outside the museum, Taki and Statesman were waiting for a recycling truck driven by one of Dr. Overmind’s mesmerized city workers. Their goal? Investigate the Styrofoam duplicates of the city diorama and perhaps discover a clue as to how Overmind controlled his victims this time.


Inside, Sahara and Bronze Tempest were running down two mesmerized guards that had abducted Moon Knight! The team outside would discover and derail Overmind’s plans for the duplicates while the others rescued Moon Knight before he fell into Overmind’s hands.


But things didn’t go according to plan!


Attempts to crush the duplicates only partially worked. The rescue of Moon Knight was a trap! Tesla Coil, who had not replied to calls, had been captured! And then attempts to rescue him were complicated by a blackout in Manhattan with nearly devastating vehicle accidents!


With Tesla Coil rescued, and the team in possession of a sample of the ooze, our heroes have another clue to work with. But Code Blue descended on the entire area to lock it down, forcing the Knights Vigilant to retreat. The recycling truck they were chasing became lost among dozens just like it in the snarl of traffic. As for Overmind’s unwilling minions, Code Blue spirited them away for treatment.


Now, after having to retreat from Code Blue, our heroes could take a few hours to catch their breath. But justice calls in the form of a text from Detective Hirokoma Kozu - which Tesla forwards to Bronze Tempest - for the heroes to meet him on the roof of the NYPD Central Park Precinct building. He has important information on the case.


Could this be break our heroes need, True Believers? So far, Dr. Overmind has been prepared for them almost every step of the way. Would he mesmerize our hero's contact in the NYPD? All to set a trap? Is it possible Overmind would stoop to that level?


Let’s hope they head in with their eyes open and ready for anything!


This is Not Stan Lee saying...




The members of Mouse Force were mutated by a strange orange ooze. This is the same formula invented by Dr. Killian and almost used by the Clock King to contaminate the local water supply. Orange ooze known to the team to be made from the ultra rare and mysterious Crystal Jade Vine plant.


However, formula made from the orange blossoms of the vine are known to be unstable. Meta powers they grant are often temporary and harmful! Therefore, the Knights Vigilant have to...


... find where the remainder of Dr. Killian's nefarious formula wound up? Is it in the hands of Dr. Overmind? Or someone of an equal amoral and criminal mind?

... deduce the secret of the ooze, or at least a cure, for their old friends, Mouse Force. Time may be running out for them! Will our heroes, the Knights Vigilant, find a way to help them?

... last, if the technological hand of Dr. Overmind is behind this, our heroes have to deduce his nefarious scheme and put a stop to it, before innocents are hurt!




What is the mysterious orange ooze that seems to be at the source of these troubles? Will Dr. Isley discover something no one else has?

The investigation at Pier I turned up a discovery that someone had been lying in wait in a closed down news stand. But who? Were they caught on camera? And how were the other people hit that ambushed our heroes?


Also! Our heroes have discovered Dr. Overmind is using the New York Times crossword puzzle as a guide to commit his crimes! But who is this "S. Sphinx" that submitted the puzzle to the newspaper?


Then there are the duplicates of the diorama. What were they for? What is Overmind's plan for them? And the latest puzzle... "A waxing or waning fortune or fame"... what does it mean?


And now!


The heroes meet with their ally, Detective Hirokoma Kozu, atop the Central Park Precinct. It seems he has important information concerning the case!



The Knights Vigilant!
  • Sahara
  • Taki
  • "Statesman" ( secretly also known as Trickshot )
  • Bronze Tempest

  • Allies

    Dr. Pamela Isley, "Poison Ivy" Infamous eco-terrorist and expert on botany and botanical science. Working to analyze the mysterious fluid ... will she find something for the team that can help them?


    Detective Hirokoma Kozu Veteran detective of the NYPD Central Park Precinct and contact with the Knights Vigilant.


    Detective Kato MacHale Seasoned Code Blue police detective temporarily working at the Central Park NYPD precinct. He helped the heroes during the fight at Manhattan's Pier I, and showed again at the Museum of New York. Is he a friend? or Foe? What is his connection to Taki?


    Dr. Overmind! Brilliant inventor and mastermind. Expert at cybernetics and mental interface technology.


    The Mysterious Black Scarab He seems to have a grudge against Moon Knight. What is it?


    An unknown ally of Overmind going by the name 'Sphinx' Who is she? Does she hold Overmind in her sway? Or are they partners?


    Mysterious Combat Droids that keep appearing! Who controls them? Hammer Empire? AIM? Some new threat?

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