
Not all evils are here on the earth we walk one, its best to look to the skies every once and while so nothing snakes up on you. - Night Watchmen

Basic Information


Long thin limbs bodies with horns and a bird-like beak

Biological Traits

Flight: As one of the few Gloomling capable of flight, the Malevolent used to travel great distances and reign down terror from above all in its sight.   Wind Affinity : Malevolents are one of the few Gloomlings given an element that they use to knock down targets and objects making it difficult to reach them.   Sharp Extremities: Melevolents have sharp talon-like claws on their hands and feet allowing them latch onto things and can tear though metal with enough force to it.

Genetics and Reproduction

Malevolents are only made by Gloomification through the negative emotion of envy. They resent everything around them and grant them wings to rid themselves of it.

Growth Rate & Stages

As a Melevent grows, its wings become larger and its talon longer when it reaches adapted and later elders. The more decades they live, the more vicious they become.

Ecology and Habitats

The dark is where a Malevolent feels the most at home, and anything that isn't a part of the darkness is everything that will attack on sight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gloomlings do not need to eat to survive, yet they hunt other living things as their dark urges tell them to do.

Biological Cycle

Malevolent creatures stay away from light at all costs, hiding in dark places until it becomes dark. Then, they take flight, attacking anything they see on the ground.


Malevolent mainly stay in flight when nothing can reach them. Their bodies are not as strong as other Gloomlings, preferring to attack something repeatedly until it is too weak to fight back or disoriented to finish it off or pick it up and drop to its demise.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Malevolents are always under the command of a Glooming Elder and follow its orders, along with servants of the Gloom, who can also take control of them so long as they don't overstep their boundaries with them. Most of them follow orders without issue, but their envy for power can cause them to challenge authority if weakness is shown. Those that reach the status of Elder will often use the Gloomlings under them, separate their targets, and pick them off individually.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found anywhere in the world.

Average Intelligence

Malevolents have a keen mind when it comes to hunting down things and always finding ways to weaken them before attacking.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing: Average   Smell: Poor   Sight: Excellent
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Reach Class Gloomling
Average Height
6 - 7 ft
Average Weight
60 - 80 pds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution

Death From Above

Shoot that thing before it comes around! - Blastlock Captian
  Malevolents are often feared due to usually attacking from the skies, with people having few means to defend themselves from the vicious strikes of its talons before they fly away or carry someone off before dropping them from high above. This is what they do most of the time, as their wings allow them to get over walls and other defenses to spread panic to anyone below it. They have also been known to use strong gusts of wind from their wings to deflect projective beings aimed at them and cause damage to loose objects and infrastructure, inflicting harm or destroying cover to get close to anyone hiding from them. Older Malevolents have also been known to drop things on people, such as rocks or even smaller Gloomspawn, to cause people to scatter and pick them off when isolated. Most are often on their own when they cause such attacks, but when they come together, it is challenging to deal with so many, with many calling a group them a razor wind. Therefore, it is best to get them to descend or knock them out of the sky to deal a lethal blow.


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