
Let your mind not fall victim to fear, or you will surely lose more than your wits. - Korbin the Courageous
  All that is overcome by fear shall only bring fear when a Terrorizer is near. While not known for its fighting prowess, its primary skill is to bring fear to all in its path, draining them of their will to fight and making them easier prey.

Basic Information


No one has been able to account for the proper form of a Terrorizer, mainly because it often can change its body to enable it to hide and intimidate its prey, with those usually being placed into its nightmarish hallucination, making it more horrifying to see in this state.

Biological Traits

Shapeshifter: Terrorizers have often changed their shape to hide in the shadows of their environment and make themselves more terrifying than they appear.   Terror Toxin: By being the embodiment of fear, Terrorizers can secrete a mist-like substance that causes all who inhale it to go into a traumatizing hallucination of their worst fears overcoming them making they immobilized with their mind become overwhelmed, by fear with the mist becoming more potent the more people become entrapped by it.   Hidden Watcher: It is a common instinct for a Terrorizer to remain hidden to avoid being attacked due to their not being the strongest of Gloomlings, often being able watch over their prey without being detected by them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Terrorizers are created throughout the dreaded Gloomification process, with its source being the negative emotion, fear. Creating a creature whose only purpose is to overwhelm anyone with their fears.

Growth Rate & Stages

Terroriers will grow over time, with their bodies becoming more warped and twisted, becoming adapted, and later elders. This often takes decades but can be increased by The Gloom's influence surrounding it.

Ecology and Habitats

Terrorizers live in dark places, away from the light, and become passive over time. However, should they contact anything that is not a Gloomspawn, they will seek to destroy it by producing a toxin that causes fear.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gloomlings do not need to eat to survive, yet they hunt other living things as their dark urges tell them to do.

Biological Cycle

They often look for someplace dark to hide from the light, only to come out when it gets dark and wander around, only becoming active when they spot anything that is not one of their kind.


Terrorizers are one of the few Gloomlings that often avoid open conflict when they do not have an advantage and will not attack until their prey is incapacitated. Usually, feeding on their victim's fear until it is satisfied, either killing them or causing an accelerated Gloomifcation process.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing: Average   Smell: Excellent   Sight: Average
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Influence Class Gloomling
Average Height
3 - 4 ft
Average Weight
30 - 50 pds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution

Fear Enducers

I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried; all I saw was my worst fear right in front of me; only terror filled my mind, unable to focus on anything else. - Recovering Survivor
  Unlike most other Gloomlings, people who face most of them can run or fight back against them. The Terrorizer removes that chance should they become near one of these dark beings. Much of it comes from the fact that just the slightest whiff of its fear-inducing mist causes people to panic, and it spreads to others around them. Making even the bravest of fights break down, being tormented by the darkest fears within their minds. Those that end up too long in its mist will often be unable to move and will usually meet a long and tormenting experience that the Terrorizer will feed upon its victim state to grow stronger with the more fear absorbed, the more devastating its mist becomes. No one will be safe from its effect unless they can overcome their fears or have the proper protection to slay the creature that is the cause of it.


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