
We all want something in life, but that doesn't mean we should allow our desires to decide for us or become slaves to them. - Illumine Priestess

Basic Information


Large hulking mass that lack eyes with only a large mouth being seen from it.

Biological Traits

Powerful Jaws: The Jaws of an Unsatiable are the primary weapon of choice, being able to crush anything that manages to get its hands on before it consumes it, whether flesh or stone.   Monstrous Size: When it comes to size, the Unsatiable is by far one of the largest gloomlings, often getting more significant the more they eat.   Desire to Consume: An Unsatiable desire drives them so much that it has blinded them to seek to consume everything even though it does not need to and later vomit an acidic concoction made up of everything they ate previously.

Genetics and Reproduction

An Unsatiable is created through the twisted affliction known as Gloomification, mainly through the emotion of desire, which leads to obsession and greed, which will turn them into monsters who will never be content.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unsatiable grows like any other Gloomling, but their hunger grows increasingly insatiable as they become adapted and later elder. Their teeth become sharper and can increase in size the more they eat.

Ecology and Habitats

You can find an Unsatiable lurking in the darkness for something to eat, yet they will not stay for long as their desire to devour makes the wander during day in shady places to eat

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite not needing to eat, the Unsatiable is driven by a hunger to consume everything in its path. It desires to claim everything in its path even though it will never be able to have it.

Biological Cycle

Like any other Gloomspawn, rest in a dark place until light fades from the land, yet not all wait for it and go out with any given chance to feed.


With its only true purpose to consume all, an Unsatiable is genuinely a one-tracked and simple-minded Gloomling that makes up for its keen sense of smell used to help see since they do not have eyes and bone-breaking strength. It crushes and grabs anything in reach to be torn to pieces once it gets into its mouth, even at times cannibalizing its kind if unable to feed on anything else.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unsatiable are always under the command of a Glooming Elder and follow its orders, along with servants of the Gloom, who can also take control of them so long as they don't overstep their boundaries with them. They can be challenging to deal with and will eat other Gloomspawn if given the chance unless they are directed to a food source. The rare few that make it to the status of Elder will often eat the Gloomlings under them to become larger and wreak havoc, turning those under them into servants to bring them more food to eat.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

It can be found in any place in the world.

Average Intelligence

They are not the most cunning, often thinking only about eating more than anything else.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing: Average   Smell: Excellent   Sight: None
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Strike Class Gloomling
Average Height
6 - 12 ft
Average Weight
500 - 900 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution

Endless Hunger

Don't aim for its mouth; it will only eat whatever is near it. - Freebooter
  While most can say besting an Unsatiable is an easy feat for them being blind and stupid, it is easier said than done. It mainly has to do with being able to shrug off most damage done to it, as its desire to consume is much stronger than the pain it feels and will come charging through Radiance to get a bite out of something. It will often eat living and nonliving things to satisfy the emptiness it is, only to puke it out not long after into a sludge that can melt through most things, making it deadly to all who touch it. For that reason, most people often avoid getting close to it to avoid a painful end in its jagged mouth. The only true way to bring one of them is to use its hunger against it by luring it into a trap, or a more disturbing way is to have it eat itself should its own flesh be tantalizing enough.

Cover image: by Jester%


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