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General Torred

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

General Torred commands the Terror Troops, the band of soldiers tasked with defending the Keep on the Borderlands. His current whereabouts are unknown, although he is likely a prisoner of the Poisoned Cup.  
Beware an old man in a profession where men usually die young.
— Unknown


Torred is an older human man with stark-white hair. He is a seasoned warrior and seems to be feared and respected in equal parts by the people living in the keep.  


Usually patient and even-tempered, he handles the pressures of defending the keep with a stoic grace. However, he will not tolerate breaches to the chain of command; those who do so have witnessed the general's rare but cold fury.  


After the collapse of Gaes, he defended the Keep on the Borderlands, while Korigir saw to its management. When Kapital first traveled to the keep, Torred and a few of his Terror Troops rescued them from an ambush by the Horned Society; they seemed to pique his interest by surviving against such an overwhelming force.   After Korigir offered Kapital payment for investigating the Caves of Chaos, Torred assured them of the mission's importance and agreed to speak with them again should they return with more information.   When a nichny infiltrated the keep and attacked Korigir, Torred and Kapital arrived to defend the castellan. Outnumbered, the nichny cast word of recall and disappeared with Korigir. Torred immediately organized search-and-rescue teams to fan out and look for the castellan.   Curiously, the nichny delivered the following prophecy in some dialect of Primordial, directed at General Torred.  
It is not my blade you should fear, but it is [Mizzryn's] that will kill you.
— Nichny
  When the Poisoned Cup seized control of the keep, Torred was not one of the soldiers who escaped to the Caves of Chaos with Kapital. His current status is unknown.
Current Residence


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