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Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Korigir, the Iron Wall, is the castellan of the Keep on the Borderlands. He was captured by a mysterious nichny and not even General Torred has been able to track him down.  


Korigir is an older human man, hardened by many wars, but he is by no means a fighter.  


Although he isn't motivated by a moral obligation to "do good," he wishes that he was. He is an effective planner who isn't above cutting deals with unsavory figures. He is not an authority figure by choice, but because someone has to step up.  


A military engineer by trade, he famously managed Fiora, a Gaolian city that didn't fall for six years, despite being 100 miles into enemy territory. This achievement earned him the moniker of "the Iron Wall."   Despite defending the city, he did so by committing numerous war crimes and making deals with Fiora's crime syndicates. While he was applauded for his strategic brilliance, he was also court-martialed for the costs of his success.   After the collapse of Gaes, he managed the Keep on the Borderlands, while General Torred saw to its defenses. When Kapital first approached him for work, he sent them to investigate the Caves of Chaos and "an unknown mage who had uncovered something ancient and powerful within."   When a nichny infiltrated the keep, Korigir armed himself with a decorative axe and hid under his desk. Once General Torred and Kapital arrived to defend the castellan, the nichny cast word of recall and transported itself and Korigir out of the keep.   It should be noted that word of recall typically requires the target to be willing; it is unclear if Korigir allowed himself to be kidnapped.
True Neutral
Current Residence


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