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High Elder Johannas Vitrum

  Johannas Vitrum (full title High Elder Sir Johannas Vitrum di Compta) is the current High Elder and defacto leader of The Brotherhood of Steel.  


A healthy old man, Johannas is the peak phsyical description of a Brother of Steel. An older man with plenty of scars and wounds, Johannas often wears gilded bronze armor complete with a fur collar for comfort. Often imposing, Johannas often diffuses most situations with a smile and greeting, though many in the Brotherhood know of his commanding and intense nature, as well.  


Johannas speaks very few words, though those words carry tremendous weight. As the High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, his orders govern the actions of the Knight organization as a whole. When issues of the Brotherhood of Steel clash with the issues of the Ravnican Guilds, it is often Johannas who has to settle the dispute. Johannas is a no-nonsense truthspeaker, his word has always been held as his bond. Though he is far older than most of the members of the Brotherhood, he is often regarded as the most elite soldier amongst them. With the commanding respect of the Brotherhood, he has also garnered respect of those who reside in Compton, the headquarters neighborhood for the entire organization. He has also been spoken of highly by Rumple and Tajic, for the deeds he and his Brotherhood accomplished in the roughest area in District 10.  


Johannas is a wise tactician and principled man. His combat skills rival that of the elite Skyjek. A man forged from the hardships of the street life, Johannas has a unique perspective when solving problems, though he often prefers peacful negotiation to absolute combat.  



Loved by many, Johannas is a hero amongst the people of Compton for his perseverance and unwavering loyalty to the people of Ravnica. Believing the guilds offer little more than legalized corruption, Johannas serves the community through his Brotherhood that seeks to protect the citizens of Ravnica at all costs, from any threat to their way of life.  


Though he has many friends, as High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, Johannas has made grave enemies of the Goblin gangs and criminals that run throughout Precinct 4 and abroad in District 10. Johannas has taken great measures to limit the illegal weapons and drug dealings in Precinct 4 and in District 10 abroad, firmly placing him and his Brotherhood between the criminal scum and citizens of Ravnica.  


Johannas was born into a small shelter in Compton to two loving parents. Though both of his parents would die of drug abuse, Johannas would be taken in by the Brotherhood of Steel at a young age and groomed to be a Journeyman Knight. Excelling in combatives and the Knight Code, Johannas would climb the ranks of the Brotherhood before being named Head Knight at the age of 40. 2 years later, Johannas would play a pivotal role with his Brotherhood in quelling the riots of The Day of Shadows, elevating his status in the order to Elder. As an Elder, it is rumored that Johannas dueled Aurelia, the Warleader in one-on-one combat that ended in a draw, though these reports are unconfirmed. The only evidence of the duel occuring is on the truthful word of Aurelia and Johannas themselves, who both wanted the duel and outcome to be private to preserve the status of their opponent.   After nearly 20 years as an Elder, Johannas went through the trials to become the High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel and passed with flying colors. Since then, he has remained the defacto leader of the Brotherhood of Steel until he can appoint and challenge a worthy replacement.
Brothers are not the ones who always win, but the ones who always fight.
Johannas Vitrum di Compta
Lawful Good
Current Status
Leading the Brotherhood of Steel
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
4th of Prahz, 99958
4th Precinct
Current Residence
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs


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