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The Twilight Hunter

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

General Summary

Following up on rumors of mysterious killings in the hunters' village of Coldmore, Azrael and Bruswick venture deep into the Fellgrim Forest to learn what manner of beast is causing so much trouble.   Below is a summary of the adventure, compiled from Old Man Salty's ramblings.  

Curse You, Whitefang!

It's been nearly fifty-five years since Whitefang chowed down on my good arm and my less-good leg. Been strange things happenin' lately, and I know Whitefang's behind it all! Good thing these adventurers showed up when they did.   Shinybow and Firesword didn't wanna take me along, but I knew they'd come crawlin' back. I know these woods like the back of my hand, yes I do.   Turns out, the scary armored fella bit off more'n he could chew and got flattened by an umberhulk or some such. Damn shame, that. Coulda used 'im as bait for Whitefang.   Anyhow, the other 'un didn't have much choice but to let Old Man Salty lead. While we was stockin' up on road beers, the innkeeper, Mariam Shelley, asked us to keep an eye out for 'er hubby Franklin and their tyke, who ran off to find papa in the woods. I know Frankie, and he ain't a bad shot, but it'd been a few days since he left town, and Claire's just a little thing. Up to me, I'd say both o' them were already long-dead, but mustachio bumped me in the ribs 'fore I could say it. Plain rude, that.   Welp, we found Claire and convinced 'er to go home. Good thing, 'cuz she woulda slowed us down. I'm gonna get Whitefang if it's the last thing I do.   Found Franklin a bit later. Was cut up somethin' fierce, but he offered to tag along. Not gonna turn down free wolf-bait, no siree.   Near the hollow, I could smell it in the air. That stink of ol' Whitefang, piss markin' its territory. But somethin' else too. Metal and potion-stench and thunderstorms, like some hanky-panky "educated" hunter set up traps n' magic all 'round.   Whitefang didn't show. Instead, some honest-to-gods abomination stumbled outta the woods. Half-man, half-wolf, half-ugly-sumbitch. Ain't close to natural, whatever it was, but it dared me to step closer. Anyhow, I started blastin'!   Fight broke out pretty soon after. Ugly thing mauled the good leg, and I couldn't see worth a damn. All blood n' smoke, was too damn hazy, passed in and out. Frankie and ol' Wick held their own, I'll give 'em that. Peppered it with spells and all sortsa arrows. Its shriek was the second ugliest sound I ever did hear.   Wick got me up, and I had a clean shot. Shame I had to shoot through Frank, but he had a good run. Popped wolfman with an explosive bolt, real beaut this 'un was. Thought I had 'im too, but he just got angrier. Even more damn blood n' smoke. When I came to, ol' Wick had a bonafide land shark with 'im. Big, white, and feral as a barrel full o' mangy cats, but beggars can't be choosers. They tore wolfman half n' half, and he started moanin' about bein' a "failed experiment" or some such. What a hippie.   Suddenly, I smelt it. Fifty-five years, and I haven't forgotten the scent o' pure evil. Whitefang. Big as day and white as a yeti's backside. She prowled outta her lair. She looked mean as ever. This was my moment. I lined up the shot. Land shark clamped down 'er hind legs. Boom! I've waited so long for this, and it was over right quick. All it took was a heavy bolt, passin' clean through her jaws.   I still got it.   Wick and the big toothy fella looked like they were talkin', so I got started on cuttin' open ol' Whitefang. Whoo-wee, this'll make a fine cloak, yes it will.   After that, Wick shuffled through the wolfman's stuff. Turned out to be some "Raul Hasdrubal." Think I heard the name once upon a time, when I was still called Young Man Salty. Don't matter too much. Happened to be he was straight cuckoo. Tried turnin' 'imself into a beastie to stay on top of the huntin' game. Downright idiotic, that.   Anyhow, me and mustachio took Franklin back to Coldmore. Sad day for the Shelleys, but least the town can go back to livin' with a healthy respect for the woods, instead of downright fear. Killin' Whitefang wasn't what I thought it'd be. I'm glad I did it, but it almost feels like these woods're too small for me now.   So I says to Wick, "I'm comin' with ya," and he just laughs and says we better go. Started tellin' me all about this Kapital, and his "guild within a guild." Sounds like some club for pansies, but anybody huntin' the baddest beasties around is alright in my books.   Anyway, that's how I saved Coldmore from Whitefang. Figure a hero is owed, what, two or three free pints, at least?

Rewards Granted

Crafted from the Bloodhound

Bloodhound's Caress
Bloodhound's Widebrim
Report Date
24 Jun 2023
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