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Serpico City

One of the largest cities on Ventenheim, Serpico is home to all races and values trade and commerce over religion, or regional disputes. An Enormous port city it is controlled mostly by the East Tellenheim company and their rival the Rodriguez Hortalez Trading Company. Though many other powerful companies have sprung up in the last hundred years. The weak government in the region means these powerful companies control most of the law and order. Serpico may be the breeding ground for the future which carves the continents up into mega cities serving trade and commerce over all else. Legend has it that the ancient castle had a serpent carved into the uppermost tower, but since no one alive has ever seen it no one knows for sure.
Story Hooks in Serpico -
Revenge quest - An old Lukan by the name of Ael Ibn Baythom seeks to hurt the ETC and begin a campaign to rid the city of them. Baythom wants to plant the seeds of revolution by blowing up an important warehouse on the docks. Framing the RHTC would be a bonus.
  Dance on the Cold Rock - A young Tabaxi girl by the name of Dance on the Cold Rock is stranded in Serpico. She just wants to go home but she is being magically tracked by her thieves guild.
Tabaxi Caravan - Several Wagons and tents sit just outside of the city. Most of the tabaxi and their families are exiles from The Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars for crimes or political protests. They are known as the Wandering Moon over broken ground.
Knowledge Theft - Approximately 15 years ago the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars invaded the city. They made off with an enormous amount of books and artifacts to add to their great library. The defeat suffered by the militia and guard forces of the Lukans paved the way for the ETC and RHTC to move in and influence the government with immediate cash flow. Many of the cities denizens hold a serious resentment towards tabaxi. Especially those from that particular Kingdom.


Serpico easily has the largest population of Humans in the entirety of Ventenheim.  It is one of the only cities that mirrors a western city.


The city’s lawmakers are descended of the old families that used to rule this place. They are called the Lukan’s. Centuries ago the Lukan’s were part of a three way power struggle between the royal families and the church of Corsun. The Lukan’s were a mercenary group who became powerful fighters. Originally hired to protect the city once, the leader of the Lukan’s realized the position he was in (Mamluk or Jannisery) with the royal families squabbling and the corrupt clergy. He took over the city and ruled it for 15 years.
Eventually he was assassinated by one, or both, of the other two powers and the city once more fell into governing chaos. But it was long enough to establish the Lukan’s as one of the pillars of power in the city.
Now under ETC and RHTC rule the Lukan’s are just figure heads doing the dirty job of lawmaking, writing, and posing as a tribunal. The Royals are all gone now and the church is now competing with ten different religions. All that said it doesn’t mean that the Lukan’s are toothless or impotent. There are plenty of clever and vicious magister’s who would like to go back to the old ways.


There are actually two guard forces in Serpico, though outsiders certainly wouldn’t know that. The olde guard known as the Signet Shield used to be the original guard force a century ago when this area had a monarchy. These days the entire area is ruled by the two Trading companies, though not always peacefully. The East Tellenheim Company pays the salaries of the Signet Shield who enforce the laws of the local government but only at the allowance of the ETC.
The second force is the known as the Balustrade. A former mercenary group beaten long ago by the Lukans, they swore fealty to them and became a reserve force. Now they have been bought out by the RHTC and follow the coin. They are often deployed to arrest officers of the other trading company and generally disrupt business where they can. Though both guard forces are known for corruption the Balustrade definitely hire more rogues and thugs and can be bought all the easier.

Industry & Trade

Serpico is the nerve center of all inter continental trade in the west.  It is easily the largest port for the trading companies and for ships coming from Oraheim, Penthaheim, and the Eigerlands.  Many inhabitants of the other continents are very wary of traveling further into Ventenheim than they have to.  There are also dozens of shops who sell rare goods that can only be found in Ventenheim.  Tabaxi craftwork, wood sculpture and rare metal work by the various races near Kittilus.


South Serpico - The southern half of the city is 100' lower than the northern half and it is carved into five wards.
Callafin Ward -
The docks and wharf which sit on the east side.
Mule Ward -
The western most ward, mostly laborers and locals.
Tungsten Angle -
The northern ward which abuts the central wall. This area is filled with ETC and RHTC offices and shops. Several warehouses hold goods going to other destinations. Both guard forces are present here as well as many beasts of burden moving cargo and many dock workers going back and forth to the wharf. An observant visitor will notice that many of the crates and warehouse are marked with ETC livery and their subsidiaries.
Lukan Villa -
The southern most section of the city is separated by two bridges. It contains many castles and manors many of which are now occupied by the Lukans the previous ruling class of the city. The bridges are known as North Span and Southern Star, in the middle is a large tower.
Sesto Ward - 
The large southern ward above the Lukans is very residential on the west and very commercial on the east. The eastern side is a maze of warehouses and offices mostly used by the Rodrigues Hortalez company.
The song of the leaf Park -
The large park in the north of the Sesto Ward is a 3 mile wide oval that contains all manner of trees and bushes and grasses from Ventenheim. In the center are three trees that resemble treants but over 130 feet tall. The three stand back to back and have lowered heads as if in contemplation. The legend says that they are sentinels for the Great Forest Spirit Oppapan and that they wait for his return. Or they could just be big trees that happen to have a weird shape.
North Serpico
Bay Castle Ward -
The eastern ward on the north side abuts the ancient mega structure known only as Bay Castle. Whatever great architectural wonder is gone now leaving only a slab of rock and accretion the size of a large town. Ancient Broken pillars stretch off into the sea giving the impression that the great castle once did as well. The city that is built around it though is home to taverns and homes for the wealthy servants of the rich company officers who live up in the Northern wards.
Manto Ward -
The long ward on the wall going down to Southern Serpico is filled with shops, taverns, and merchants. It is a multi class shopping district used by all inhabitants of the city.
Belton Ward -
The western side of North Serpico is filled with expensive manor homes inhabited by Officers of both companies. It is heavily guarded and has a six foot grated fence that keeps out the riffraff. Inside the upper crust monitor their business and deal with their petty squabbles over the size of their lawns and leaves in fountains from neighbors trees.
Centerville -
This part of the city is the knowledge center. Several universities and business schools can be found here as well as a large library and boarding schools for the rich fail sons. There are two large parks usually filled with college kids as well as plenty of ancient statues to long gone rulers dotted amongst the buildings.
Rouchestershire Ward -
The Northern side is reserved for the truly upper class. It has the fancier inns and taverns as well as shops reserved for the ultra wealthy. The Eastern tip is reserved for the top officers of ETC and RHTC who are also governing the city. Their huge castles overlook the city and ocean with breath taking views.


Taverns and Inns -

The Cock and Crow - Callafin Ward -
Owner Green Elven Woman, Yara Wren. Bartender Green Elven man Zinter Cowbird.
  Blue Valhalla - Bay Castle Ward -
Owner Dwarven woman named Graitchel Tratch, Bartender Half elven woman named Harala Kernaroy.
Notable patrons - ETC officer Vista Ostertage,  Captain Dredge Dreffer, Lt. Uncilious Betch, and the old Admiral Pelatan Vought.
  The Thirsty Scorpion - The Sesto Ward -
owned by a Goliath barbarian man named Hispardem. His bartender is a Green Elven Woman named paizy Starr. Notable Patrons: Kurt Loder a human man with a bard's lute who claims to be immortal. Wulfgar Conch a dwarven man who is a former Signet Shield Guard.
  The Rabbit’s Lament - Callafin Ward -
A speakeasy or hidden bar behind a ceramics stand. A wall swivels in the kiln and opens into a large wooden bar filled with stolen art and documents. Only a member of the local thieves guild would know this. DC 14 Perception check reveals that the tavern is strangely empty and all of the patrons seem to be a tight knit group.  This is a secret tavern for members of the Hare's Catch.
The current owner is a Air Genasi man with one eye named Vasily Tenterden. The Bartender is rabbitfolk woman named Woodknot Grassgreen.
  Chimerae’s Consent - Rouchestershire Ward
Popular with the officers of the Rodrigues Hortalez Trading Company. On any given night you will see well dressed officers and their servants. They tend to wear a lot of dark blue suits with teal piping. The owner is a half elven man named Ristle Evylin. The bartender is usually a human woman named Gillie Variss. She grew up in town and is up on the scuttlebutt.
  Olde Fizzythane’s - Rouchestershire Ward
The most popular with the ETC. The bar is draped in crimson and gold to match the colors of the company. The room and bar itself are of a fine yellow gold wood grown in southern Ventenheim and is very expensive. Polished and glossy, many fine portraits of the owners hang on the walls painted in vibrant oils. The ownership group are all former members of the company who have retired and live in ocean side villa's on the east coast of Ventenheim.
The bartender is a Halfling man named Chaucer Roost. He puts on a dumb act but pays attention to everything that he hears. He often has excellent dirt on any of the goings on of the ETC.

Local Business -

  Malathane’s Mystics - Magic shop - Bay Castle Ward
Run by an older Air Genasi woman named Illitin Malathane. She is very experienced in magical artifacts and pricing. She may also be a good source of information on the Hydellical Mechanoid. She may know the legend and a possible tome to search for.
The book is called "Killifen's Compendium of Automatons" by Zolo Killifen.
  Borger Hammer - Blacksmith - Tungsten Angle 
The blacksmith here is a minotaur by the name of Scarv of the one horn.  The left side of his head is incredibly scarred and that portion of his horns and skull is missing.  His left eye is useless as well but he's still one of the most skilled smiths in the city.
  Ubiloft’s Magical Emporium - Artificer and magical alchemy - Callafin Ward
  Xelott’s gems and metals - gems and metal work and identification - Manto Ward
This strangely octagonal building is run by a Snerfneblin man named Unx Xelott.  He has a fascinating backstory that involves escaping the underdark with several drow royal families having a steep price on his head.  Somehow, though, he has immunity if he stays in Serpico.  Details are difficult to come by.  
  Corwin Leather - Tungsten Angle 
A leatherwork shoppe widely known to be a favorite of sailors and adventurers.  The owner is a former pirate and smuggler Beveton Corwin.  With the right coin he can offer more than just quality leather.
Umfeltufter’s HaberdasheryRouchestershire Ward
High end clothing run by a Firbolg man named Wellis Umfeltuft.
  The Far end of Muspelheim - General goods -
Run by a dwarven man named Harvork Muspel
Roucherstershire University LibraryRouchestershire Ward
The famous University of Serpico was founded over 110 years ago by wealthy colonists from Penthos. The Library is one of the largest in Ventenheim, smaller than only the one in The Great Salt Steppe. It is patrolled by Assembly of the weave officers and many Signet Guards. Tabaxi are seriously watched after the great raid from a decade ago.

Guilds and Factions

  • Arch Masons Guild - Construction Brickmaker – crafts bricks from clay, stone, or other materials.
  • Keystone Guild - Brickmasons – builds with mineral products such as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar as a bonding agent.
  • Carpenter – makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
  • Construction Worker – a laborer in the physical construction of a built environment and its infrastructure.
  • General Contractor – supervises a construction site, manages its vendors and trades, and communicates information to all involved parties.
  • Glass Guild - Glazier – fits glass into windows and doors.
  • Whitestone artisans Guild - Plasterers – applies plaster to walls, ceilings, or other surfaces.
  • SPA, Street projects Association -Roadlayer/Streetlayer – paves roads or streets.
  • Guild of the Ladder - Roofer/Thatcher – builds and repairs roofs.

The Nave of the Weave - Magical shoppes, alchemists, and artificers.
Gallefrey University - A prominent business school specializing in economics and trade as well as using magic for these purposes. They also have the largest library in the city known as the Wyrmfrey Master Library. Most days you will meet a popular Acolyte named Ibu Yasfin. A green elven man in his twenties. He will tell people of the great raid by the tabaxi fifteen years ago and how they are desperate to rebuild their stock.
Ellaryst College - A popular wizard school.
Jethro Tull Bard school - One of the most famous bard and music schools in all of Tanaheim.


NPC's and Informants -

057 Arveene Dundragon, - Human (Lamborginus) Fighter (Great Weapon S18 D10 C17 I17 W11 C15; 13 hp;  Arveene likes to drink and fight.  She is knowledgeable on the different thieves guilds in town and how both Guard forces operate. 
058 Shava Diamonddew, Elf (From the Inorh Forest) Rogue; S14 D18 C10 I15 W16 C15; 8 hp; Shava used to work with the Thieves guild the Hare's Catch.  She dabbled with the Abyssal Knife but quickly removed herself.  She would know where they might be hiding underground in the catacombs.  She could be persuaded to guide them with gold or shard coin.
059 Callie Greenbottle, Green Elven Woman, Fighter (From Quellis S18 D15 C16 I12 W12 C15; 13 hp; Callie worked with the Signet Shield guards.  She technically is still on staff, she could pass as an active duty guardsperson with her armor and painted shield. 
074 Gurdis Amastacia, Dwarf (Stoneport) Wizard; S17 D16 C19 I17 W9 C9; 10 hp; Has been working as a ships mage for the RHTC for several months now. 
075 Quelenna Galanodel, Elf (City of Eduin / Vellen Falls) Rogue; S14 D19 C13 I17 W9 C15; 9 hp; She has been posing as an ETC officer in order to do corporate espionage for the RHTC.  Very knowledgeable about the city of Serpico.  She may also be able to guide the team to the underground crypt. 
076 Cade Thorngage, Halfling (Stout) Fighter (Two-Weapon S13 D19 C16 I10 W14 C15; 13 hp;


Kizzlitarn Lizard Mount Rental and Lizard Pasture:
Kizzlitarn Crest is a Loxodon man who raises the large docile riding lizards of the Great Steppe.  He runs a large pasture just outside of the city of Serpico for those that don't trust carriages on the bumpy roads of the continent.  Lizard riding is a difficult task however as they are tough to control and take quite a bit of constitution to ride over several hours or days.  Kizzlitarn himself has put on quite a bit of weight lately and will not ride any of his mounts himself.  He has an assistant who works with him, however, who is a short stubby bugbear man named Kartooth.  Kartooth struggles with common and seems a bit slow, he is a talented lizard rider however and can show prospective renters how to ride.  
Renting a lizard is a 50 gold deposit, and a 150 gold fee.
To ride the lizards requires a dex check of DC 14 and a subsequent constitution check of DC13 after a few hours.
Founding Date
SF 543
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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