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City of the Great Salt Steppe

The city of the Great Salt Steppe is the capitol city of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars.  The largest and most powerful tabaxi Kingdom in Ventenheim.


Random Tabaxi Names -
Odd Chain (Chain) Serene Mask (Mask) Faint Snowflake (Faint) Peak of Mountains (Peak) Silent Guest (Silent) Wave on the Shore (Wave) Blazing Fire (Blaze) Screech of Bats (Bat) Clever Star (Star) Ancient Quill (Ancient) Autumn Harvest (Autumn) Smooth Device (Smooth)

Industry & Trade

  • Tavern Fare and Drinks:
    Baked pheasant with leeks
  • Smoked salmon and wild berries
  • Chocolate covered ants and roast pelican
  • Barbecued tiger fish and papaya
  • Roast chicken with thyme
  • Stuffed trout, cabbage, succotash and plum pudding
  • Braised beef and pears with ginger
  • Meerkat dumplings with sage
  • Roast stag in antler sauce
  • Poached and peppered quail eggs
  • Spiced monkey tail and cashews
  • Roast heron and chopped sundew
  • Lobster in tomato cream sauce
  • Crab-stuffed lobster tail
  • Roast pheasant in oyster sauce
  • Poached duck with farro
  • Fried ostrich and egg omelet
  • Swamplight spirits, Absinthe
  • Desert lily brandy
  • Berry brandy
  • Cactus spirits
  • Goat’s milk and brandy
  • Herb and mint tea with brandy
  • Peach wine
  • Tangerine brandy
  • Fireweed whiskey
  • Wanderer whiskey
  • Bacon beer
  • Scorpionweed reserve
  • Corellon reserve
  • Moss mead
  • Lemon mead
  • Honeysuckle mead
  • Moradin mead
  • Silvermoon mead
  • Sundew mead
  • Sparkling Evermead
  • Glitter mead
  • Ventania Spirits, Gin


  1. Fortress of the Queen’s Claws - To enforce the Queen's padding and keep any threats away from the castle several hundred elite guards live and patrol this section of the city. Notable members are General Blade in the Wind who is the highest ranking guard and Velvet Grass blade who is an inquisitor stationed here.  He is a shadow minister and a manager of whispers. 
  2. The Queen’s Padding - This section of the city is reserved for administrators close to the queen as well as managerial staff for the many cooks, valets, and maids that work in the castle.  The tabaxi stationed here procure all the needed supplies and foods for the massive castle that sits on the large hillside a mile away.  This area also acts as a buffer for visiting dignitaries so that they may be forced to wait there cooling their heels instead of attending their appointment.  All based on the queens whims. 
  3. Geothermal Vents - Tabaxi wizards have used these geothermal vents to regulate the weather over the area and to use the power for heating water and creating steam.  A vital source of energy for the kingdom. 
  4. Kettleclaw Tower - An ancient tower of great importance to the rulers of this kingdom.
  5. Moka Rang Tavern and Inn - A popular tavern in the city and one of the few taverns that is accepting of outsiders.  Most ambassadors, ETC and RHTC officers, as well as the occasional adventurer will usually wind up here.  The owner is an older Tabaxi woman with the markings of a Serval cat named Grain Wrangler.  She employs a half elven woman (long black hair, named Rina Usparen) as the bartender to keep locals comfortable and relax their guard.  She also employs a halfling woman to listen in on conversations and report and interesting information to her which she sells to the Minister of shadows.  The halfling woman is a blonde haired girl from Kazler's Bridge, she got stranded in Serpico a few years ago and eventually made her way up to the Kingdom, named Donnaren Vitaly.
  6. Ringtail Circus - These permanent striped tents house the famous Ringtail Circus of the kingdom.  They often bring in outside performers for one week engagements.  To be invited is a great honor for travelling troupes, bards and mummers.  When no guests are using the tents the local Ringtail performers put on a show utilizing tabaxi agility and grace.  These performers are fiercely proud of their talent and ability and relish the chance to show up out of towners. 
  7. Razorsling Tavern - The largest tavern and inn in the city, It is also fairly open to outsiders.  It is far and away more expensive than the Moka Rang but splashing a bit of coin will get you a serious upgrade.  Their suites and amenities are some of the best in all of Ventenheim. Booths and barstools are all cushioned with Bulvak Leather dyed either dark crimson or Aqua blue. The owner of the establishment is an older snow leopard looking Tabaxi named Dark Amber Moving spirits.  He employs a well dressed tabby bartender named Cusp of Dawn.  
  8. Temple to Makalua’a - A great place to find members of the Verdant Sigil if you are aligned with Nature.  The main Druid in charge here is a Grey tiger striped tabaxi woman named Keeper of the green.  The interior is a series of huge stone arches each one covered in climbing plants constantly flowering. A series of small streams move inbetween large stones.  half of the temple is devoted to saltwater and sea life and the other half is devoted to fresh water jungle.  Small birds, bats and insects flit around peacefully playing amongst the flowers. 
  9. The Nimble Cheetah Inn and Tavern - A tavern much more reserved the elite and wealthy Tabaxi of the city.  outsiders are frowned upon more for their lack of class than race.  If you have the coin and power you can find acceptance quickly amongst the posh patrons. The owner is a rotund cheetah looking man named Eaton the stones.  His bartender is an attractive tabaxi woman with cheetah features as well named Dancer of the sea flowers. The large circular structure is made of polished dark stone with white marble inlays.  It clearly used to be some kind of temple many hundreds of years ago.  History check would reveal old sigils of Vellenox. 
  10. Cloud Nimbus Watchtower - another tall tower made of reddish stone in the middle of the market side of the city. An older order of Tabaxi patrol this named the Cloud Nimbus Wardens.  Still strong warriors they fell out of favor with the current queen and now their tower and order are relegated to figure head status.  They no longer have any real power in the city. 
  11. The Salt Docks - One of the main shipping docks bringing in supplies from all over the Wyvern Sea. 
  12. The Warrior of the lost edge Statue - An ancient Tabaxi warrior who fell in battle across the sea in Penthaheim.  It is a cautionary tale told to young tabaxi to dissuade them from leaving the kingdom and seeking glory.  Falling to the sword of a human or an elf or a dwarf is considered dishonorable. 
  13. Leafsmoker Smoke Bar - A popular spot amongst locals and visitors alike this bar has hundreds of varietals of pipeweed. The owner is a tabaxi that looks like a Maine Coon, his hair is long and shaggy and he sports a wide white beard.  There are dozens of cushioned circular booths around table filled with all manner of smoking devices.  Twisty Hooka's, wooden bongs, and ornate pipes are all available, of course you can always bring your own.  They have different blends and species from all over Ventenheim.  


*The Hidden Veil and The Tail Strip club is located underneath the Haunted Hermit. It is owned and operated by a beautiful tabaxi woman with dark grey fur who is always impeccably dressed in purple and gold leathers cut out in suggestive ways. Available dancers this night are : Misty Rain over the Quarter Moon, Amber waves of Grain, Sensual Tiger of the Reeds, and a male tabaxi named Warm Thicket with a bright rod. On the central dias surrounded by people of all races dances a Fire Genasi woman with an Aasimar with greenish gold skin in the wings to take over. The edge around the colorful dias is covered in all manner of coins.
14. The Haunted Hermit* - A run down townie bar filled with old locals mostly tabaxi men and woman.
15. The Great Sea Chain - An enormous metal chain with links each measuring over 16ft. wide and 10ft. tall. The giant sea chain remains up most days to stop most ships from docking.
16. The Claw and Blade Barracks - More official Royal guards are stationed here by the busy docks to monitor traffic. They often do surprise inspections of trading vessels to obtain intel on the companies coming in. All information is passed to the queen by her shadow ministers and whisper agents. Lead investigator is Nettle in the Craw, a tabaxi man with a large face scar who looks like a Leopard.
17. Gypsum Docks - More busy docks dealing in overseas trade. Most of the Ventenheim ships are directed here rather than the Salt docks.
18. Winter’s Eclipse Barony Mansion - One of the powerful families of Ventenheim who strive to stay on the Queen's good side are the Winter's Eclipse family. They were gifted this mansion and a large plot of farm land 20 years ago. The current owner is Baroness Blanket of Winter's Eclipse. She also maintains a large whisper network to keep up with the queen's.
19. Miztakal Fountain - A series of fountains connected at the base.  All carved from white marble the water itself is enchanted to flow into different big cat shapes.  Very popular with small children, there is lower section reserved for small tabaxi kids to play in. 
20. The Crescent Moon Emporium - A large shopping center with the Crescent Moon Emporium at it's center.  It's amazing selection of goods from around the world is unmatched.  It is always mentioned as a must see attraction for visitors.  Vendors and trading companies often send spies and buyers to try to obtain some of the inventory or find out where the Emporium got them.  The building itself is a wide circular three story structure made of white stone with curved staircases and ramps connecting the floors.  Multi colored long silken tapestries are strung floor to ceiling to indicate what types of goods can be found on different floors and sections.  Most of the management are tabaxi while most of the lower level employees are made of different races like Aarokocra, Vanara, Genasi, and Halflings. 
  21. The Great Library - see below** 22. The Unfurled Fan Theater - A large red brick theater with gold painted columns and arches in the front.  Known for being one of the most ornate and popular theaters in Ventenheim.  They have a troupe of actors who are some of the most talented and highest paid in the land.  The troupe is called the Silver Strand wrapped around Lightning. 
23.  Bristleback's Whiskers potions and Majyks - Several domes structures dot this area each with small plumes of colored smoke wafting upward.  Each dome caters to a particular magical craft, potions, items, weapons, and enchantments.  Violaclaw Bristleback is the main proprietor but she has no skills herself except management. Each dome employs a serious craftsperson skilled in the arcane arts. Odd Chain runs the Magic weapons shoppe, she looks like a white cat with shaggier hair.  Serene Mask runs the potions shoppe she is a grey and black spotted Tabaxi.  Faint Snowflake Runs the artificer workshop she looks like an orange and black furred cat with large breasts.  
24. Malakar’s Bazaar - A smaller shopping center 25. Royal Farm - A large farm devoted solely to the Queen and her tables.

Guilds and Factions

Random Shops and Tabaxi Names 
  • Chandler - Tricking Treat
  • Herbalits - Lantern Flame
  • Scrimshaw/Bone Carver- Water Lancer
  • Soapmaker- Bright Jewel
  • Weaver - True Wing
  • Quilter - Beak on the Raven
  • Cartwright - Stone On Water
  • Ropemaker - Veil Darkly
  • Dyemaker - Jade Bubble
  • Tailor - Lost Shore
  • Haberdasher - Shady Dream
Baker/Confectioner - Reed on the Wind
Random Guards - 
Steady Rock (Rock)  
  • Serpent Scale (Scale)
  • Wing of a Gull(Angel)
  • Belly of a Beast (Beast)
  • Spell of Rain (Spell)
  • Grand Gate (Grand)
  • Shady Storm (Shady)
  • Happy Owl (Happy)
  • Active Bottle (Active)
  • Seven Wish (Wish)


The Great Library of Ever Borne Knowledge - The library's enormous double gates, which stood three times as tall as a man, formed its main entrance facing east. Its doors were forged from a strange black metal, each of which featured the sigil of the library, the image of castle with flames set atop each of its towers.
Immediately beyond the imposing front gates was the Court of Air, a vast cobblestone courtyard around which were The library's establishments and amenities that catered to visitors and "Seekers", those who arrived with the purpose of finding knowledge and wisdom.   To venture beyond the Court of Air into the sheltered Inner Ward of the library, Seekers had to pass through the magnificent, and magically-protected Emerald Door.[15] The Inner Ward housed the Great Library of itself,  the great repository of knowledge known far and wide across the Realms, along with the personal living quarters of the keep's Avowed.   Beneath the keep were a series of secured chambers used for spellcasting, catacombs, sewers, and subterranean passageways inhabited by unusual creatures. Deepest of these was the Chamber of Lost Lore, an continually-illuminated room that allowed those with permission to commune with long-deceased scholars and sages.

Articles under City of the Great Salt Steppe


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