Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!


Overtaken by vines, the trees in this region sit lower in the canopy than the rest of the Arachnae Wilderness. The vines, now a woody tomb, hold fast during the harshest of magic storms . Serpents reside in the roots, canopy, and hollowed out trees.   Between the vines and the weather, this region was thought to be impossible to traverse until Jhen Whispershadow and Bellie Spindle made their way through the woods. Resting in break in the trees is a long-forgotten ruin of what used to be the proud city of Kahlizon.

Fauna & Flora

The Arachnae Wilderness is known for being swarmed with spiders; however, Ka'lon is a pocket within the woods completely devoid of them. Serpents rule this region, instead. Even the flora has taken on a serpent-like appearance. Vines has engulfed much of the trees. It's interesting to note, however, both flora and fauna leave the ancient ruins alone.

Natural Resources

The Den of Papyrus and Weaver's Guild now believe this region will be an excellent location to harvest magic. As naturally occurring magical artifacts are not well understood and considered dangerous, it will be some time before they tap into the magical resources of this region.


Before nature had reclaimed these lands as her own, a community of Serpentfolk lived here in peace with the neighboring wildlife.   Recently, Jhen Whispershadow and Bellie Spindle adventured through the region. Jhen claims to have communed with the spirits of the Serpentfolk, attaining dubious information about the Ruins of Kahlizon and its history.   According to Jhen Whispershadow's travel log, the city was called Kahlizon. It was a small but mighty community. They worshiped Basi, the deity of truesight and healing.  
The Spiderfolk in the region did not like the word of Basi spreading throughout the land. They wiped out Kahlizon and disappeared from Tarantellia themselves. Neither Serpentfolk nor Spiderfolk has been seen on the Claw Continent in several centuries.
— Jhen Whispershadow
  In her writing, Jhen claims the ever-changing weather patterns are caused by Basi's grief and blessings to this land. The excessive influx of magical energy exacerbates shifts in the wind and each ounce of rain.
Alternative Name(s)
Kahlizon (ancient name)
Location under
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds, speckled by Lauren Nelson


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Aug 21, 2024 05:47

I like the tumult being the result of a clash of now vanished Serpentfolk and Spiderfolk and a mourning God.