Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

Webbed Forest

The boundaries of the Webbed Forest spread a little more each year. In the next decade, the Research Center predicts it will take over a third of the Arachnae Wilderness, halting a majority of land-based trade. Unfortunately, the spider's silk covering a majority of the forest is durable and sticky. In order to control its growth, new technologies are required.    However, these webs keep the Sullen Swamp and the Morchellan community safe from other dangers. As such, the Fungi Coven is hesitant to assist in the "control" of the region. As the only known resource for a consumable treatment for manicsight, there's some concern about the true motivations for controlling the forest.


There are two main features of the Webbed Forest.    First, the trees are covered in webs, creating wall and ceiling-like barriers around the forest. Walking through the region is like walking through a labyrinth with people who failed to traverse the area pinned to the webs and rotting away.   Second, there are reports of webbed tunnels and caverns in the area. The intention behind their creation is as unclear as their function. There are no reports from survivors.

Fauna & Flora

Many creatures make their homes in the Webbed Forest alongside the plant-life. The most well known creatures are probably the Glow Dogs. Their tails have bulbs that can emit a glow similar to lantern light. These adorable animals often act as companions for people who work at night, like acquisitionists and grave diggers.   The other creatures of note in the webbed forest are some variation of spider or serpent. These two types of creatures range in size, shape, variation, and magical signature. While difficult to detect, people with arcanesight can see the differences between each species of spider and snake.    While many of these creatures live in harmony, the spiders and serpents are often in opposition to one another. Corpses litter the grounds of the Webbed Temple. In her travel log, Jhen Whispershadow claims they are vying for control of the territory.
Location under
Malmi's Fountain inside the Webbed Temple
Ancient Civilizations
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds, speckled by Lauren Nelson


Author's Notes

This article is part of my active side project: Compendium of Spiders

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Aug 13, 2024 14:30 by Seraph Abell

First of all, I need to tell your simple header is so aesthetic.   Second of all, I love the information provided. I like the glow dogs especially, those are interesting! Good boys and girls. They deserve a treat. Also the spiders vs snakes is an interesting one. LOL. Idk why I just think that's interesting.

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.