Valerick Organization in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil


This massive landmass is home to all manner of environment, climate of every type from north to south. The largest and most populated landmass on Tariek, the land, even in the shadow and recovering of the Sundering, is a land of opportunity, and of revitalization. They are a Union of Nations, and in some ways, are one Empire, the massive metropolis of Nightvale at her center the keystone city, the seat of power for this concept and ideal.


The Valarian League, as it is known, is a complex and massive geopolitical entity, with a plethora of moving parts. Nine nations, each with five or six provinces, and within that anywhere from three to five noble estates, basically the banner-men of the provincial protectorate. These protectorates answer to their nation's ruling body. The nations, then in turn, whilst having autonomy and indeed engaging in skirmishes quite frequently, answer to the Throne and the Valarian League, at least in theory. It is a multi-tiered strange combination of democratic monarchy as a confederation of sorts. However it can be made easier by separating it into four levels, of which only two would be covered in this book. The highest is Valarian Decree, which is issued from Nightvale, signed by the sitting Empress (or Emperor but it is an Empress at this time) and is a continental law. These are generally not going to be interacted with by the common citizen, unless they live in Nightvale itself. Otherwise these laws are generally targeted to the ruling powers of each nation-state, as well as their principal protectorate lords and ladies. It details things like taxes, what percentage of tax collected must be shipped to Nightvale, expected troop and resource commitments, perhaps a decree ending a territorial dispute of some kind. Things of that nature. Big, continental sized things that regular people will rarely be capable of interacting with. So the Empress is the the one who has to sign the policies but who exactly makes them.
The Valarian Council, is well, exactly that. A council, or parliament of sorts, Each nation has four unique seats, but they all work in the same organization. These seats represent the ruling class, the military, the people and the spiritual. The people of course means those whom are registered within a guild of some sort, so more so that seat actual represents the economy, not the people. That seat is elected every ten years, and whomever is elected will travel to Nightvale and spend the next ten years of their life, with their family, living in their nation's embassy in the metropolis and engaging in politics. In total this means there are thirty six seats, with the Empress of course being the last to cast a vote on any matter, so she is the swing vote. Another interesting rule of course, is that she does not sit in chambers, nor indeed take part in debate about any given decree. She only is brought in at the event of a dead even split, where she then will silently review both sides notes, which can be no more than twenty pages in length, along with the suggested decree. Then she will either sign it, as a vote of yes, torch it, as a final vote of no, or the third option will occur. She will dismiss them all for the day, take the rest of the day alone and make some alterations to the document to better fit her perception of what it should be aiming to do, then resubmit it in the morning for them to debate, with her vote of 'yes' already cast. At this point she, or more likely her Warden, will sit in and will answer any questions the other Leaders in question may have.
So of the four seats each nation has, a brief explanation of how those in them get/got there. One would wish to see the Valarian Council entry for more details, including a brief introduction to these individuals of importance as of the date described in this base setting material. But here briefly we will list the four types of seats, and a couple common ways that person ends up being replaced. Besides death, obviously, which is not a common occurrence, but is also common enough that most nations send their representative with a second and third of that person's choosing. These two basically help draft policy, arguments, do legal and political research when required. But they are also there in case of...unfortunate circumstances. If this happens, the second takes over, and on the even more unlikely, but not unheard of, possibility it happens again, then the third takes the seat.
'People's' (Economic) Seat: This seat is up for being cycled every ten years, by Imperial Decree, regardless of how a nation state runs its own affairs, its people must have an elected person in this seat. But 'person' of course refers to someone who is a licensed member of a professional guild, be it a trade, or merchant or some other sort. Miners, fishermen and the sort, they get left out in the cold on this. They don't get to vote. Craftsmen guilds, merchant guilds, even legal thieves guilds in the two nations that have them, get to vote, along with licensed magisters, as they are counted under the umbrella of 'guild' for this circumstance and law. So if no guild license, you don't get to vote for this. Another way it can change, though its happened only twice, is if the nation's populace is so upset by its own government, that they revolt and demand change from top to bottom and are willing to use violence to do it. This has been a rare thing, though there are questions moving forward, and always whispers. In the last twenty years or thereabouts, first it was the Whalers and Fishermen, as whaling fishing the oceans are a big part of the coastal economy and diet for all nations with an external coastline. This grew to encompass river fishermen too, and became the Oceanic Harvest and Fishery Guild. Then only four years ago, the dockworkers, the Stevedores, did it. A lot of blood flowed there, and there was an incident in Geata-Iarainn particularly that whilst unrelated initially, the poor handling of the workers caught up and injured in it, by the wealthy merchants and shipping company owners, fueled the movement even more. So now you have the Dockers Guild, representing the warehouse and shipping loaders and unloaders, the Stevedore crews. Such incidents of violent revolution, and it was violent, across the continent, well they generally end in an agreement of recognition for the newly formed guild, and the calling of a snap election (snap is relative. An election in this regard takes about a year) for the 'People's' seat for that country, along with many other political positions down the chain. This is not to replace the current person and finish their term either, no once elected, that person is starting a brand new ten year term. Besides this of course, one final option can cause removal of the person in that seat. But its only happened twice. That of course is his own nation bringing him up on capital charges for something. At that point he is immediately removed, and the second place candidate is sent, post-haste. Now this may seem like it should happen far more, what with scheming and all. But remember its capital charges, not national. So we are talking about Rape, Murder, or Direct and Open Heresy. That last one requires a higher standard than regular heresy, for this one requires actual concrete evidence, and without coercion or tortured confessions. This is why it is so rare that it has only happened twice. It is a hard process and messy. Indeed there is a belief, not necessarily unwarranted, that most nations will just have you have an...unfortunate accident, should they come into material that would make prosecuting you for such things a necessary expense. Though no one talks openly about such things, after all you never know who may be listening.
Ruling Class Seat: This seat is appointed as well, and once again for life unless your nation state removes you, or there is a regime change. Most appointees are family of the actual ruler, or tied closely to the ruling body of the nation state they are representing. Younger siblings, trusted inlaws, loyal retainers, these are the types of people one will expect to see here. Unlike the 'People's Seat' this position is for life, however there are a two ways that can be stopped. The first is a death within your noble family that opens a position which you are the next in line for, and are needed for. The other is if you simply request it because you feel you would be more useful in your previous post perhaps, or a different one that has opened up, and see if your nation's leader(s) will grant it. There is a third technical loophole used by many however. One of the benefits of being a noble, your Warden(s) count as speaking for you, if you so order it. So if you wish to avoid such a dull life, have a warden you feel you can trust, who is savvy, smart, and of a intellectual and well spoken sort, then you simply send him/her with a written, signed and sealed letter stating that this individual should be paid the weight and respect your own voice should be, for they speak for you.
Spiritual Seat: So this seat is reserved for the chosen representative for each of the Nine temples of the Ascended. None but they know how they choose such a person, and none but they know what terms, if any, exist for them, if any at all. It may not even be electoral, the churches are quite secretive about it, though it is believed to be an elected position amongst the faiths, with one or two being appointed positions. Their political side, of course, is to 'protect the faith' as it were. They are likely the least qualified to govern logistically, yet one of the most vocal groups of the four. How one leaves this seat, besides death, is really only via excommunication or divine mandate. That second one has been seen but once, when Vosana's representative simply up and left for years. The letter she had sent to her fellows back home in Valewyr had declared 'I must undertake a pilgrimage, for Solarian was shown to me, and her voice ordered me to fetch it for our new Empress. I cannot disobey. It is her will." She was hunted, accused publicly of treason, even branded a heretic. No one truly knew where she had gone. But six years later, she returned triumphant, and and as Cyndra Fiorabrynd the II was revealed, and took her rightful place, none could deny she had been correct. However this is the only documented occurrence of such a thing.
Military Seat: This one is reserved for a trusted and decorated officer who likely has seen their days in the field better off ended. They still have a sharp military mind, a mind for logistics and numbers, even for strategy. But the physical stress of campaign, of soldiering through the elements, would likely be too much for them. It is a position that is bittersweet, for it is equal too, or even higher than in some ways, Field Marshal or Commander of the Army, or Commandant of the Navy. But it is also your government telling you that they feel your time is limited, for whatever reason. That you can no longer be serviceable in the field. That you are a physical liability. For some, those who serve and do so out of a true nationalist and patriotic pride, with hunger to take the fight to the enemies without, the filthy Green-Skins or the twisted Bestials, or even the strange and illusive Dark Fey, this is a blow. This seat is also for life, or until your nation decides they need you more elsewhere and appoint someone else. 'Life' however is relative here as many of those in these seats don't last long. twenty to forty years perhaps for the longer lived races. The bittersweet over time loses the sweet, and becomes quite bitter. Between feeling forgotten, tossed aside, and feeling bitter for never even getting to go home after so many years of valiant service...... Many drink, drug or otherwise let themselves go, all the way into the grave. Yet the propaganda about the office never changes, making sure it sounds like a dream. The nation-states never admit such an officer drank himself to death, no its always something else. Such deaths always get a 'makeover' to look like something else, likely from agents of the nation in question's clandestine agency assigned to watch him, before newspapers could get the story the next morning. Witnesses will be bought or paid off, or disappear if that's what it takes. The story will be fitting to the officer's age, along with distinction. Perhaps he will be found to have journals detailing he'd been sick for weeks, and a local physician had diagnosed a growth upon his neck as a cancer, a tumor. He had valiantly soldiered on, continuing to serve his nation and people, until the cancer took him. Or perhaps he died peacefully in his sleep, after finishing and getting something signed that will be celebrated as a big deal for the people even though it'll never matter to them. Or perhaps a fight will be staged, blood, injuries, even some fresh cadavers (uncompliant witnesses, perhaps) will be armed with weapons, the officer's blood in question, and the officer's weapons will match the injuries on these assailants perfectly. "S/he was a attacked of no provocation of their own. (Insert Name) fought valiantly, and indeed managed to slay all (insert number) of his/her attackers, but unfortunately succumbed to his/her injuries!" Will be the essence of the story, the headline news even more edited and idolized.


The culture of Valerick is a heavily varies sort, but overall a very pious, loyalist and nationalist sort of culture. They are conservative in spirituality and religion, they are conservative in social and societal issues, but they are impressively forward thinking in technology and science by comparison. The sport of Caid is an exception to their conservative stance in regards to social matters however. They believe magick is dangerous, drastically so, and demand it be regulated with the heavy handed means that exist today, indeed, a notable number vocally wish more. The world around them is, rightfully so, perceived as dark and full of terrors. So once again the expense of the militant approach such as the Exemplaris, along with the more literal cost of lives approach of the Crusaders, has heavy support. Indeed some voices don't feel it is enough. This is an overarching and simplified statement of course, as each nation-state is culturally very different from one another. But the consensus, at the Continental level, for the matters that level of governance handles, is 'damn fine job lads and lasses' mixed with an audible minority saying 'it needs to be more! It needs to be tougher on this or that! We should just kill all magisters it'd be safer that way!'

Public Agenda

The public agenda of Valerick as a continent, so Empress Cyndra Fiorabrynd, well that is simply to protect her people, to insure they can survive and thrive, and to insure the Valarian peoples are vigilant and ready to fight the Great Enemy wherever they manage to breach into our world. This of course is the very broad view, but those on the council each have their own interests representing their personal interests, and the interests of their nation, or at least those who voted for them.


The continent is the asset, so I mean anything you find in any part of it, you best believe the throne can get it if they wish.


Year 0 SUD- Empress Theodora the II takes the throne and rallies the ravaged peoples in Nightvale, demanding and leading them for her mother had succeeded, the Eternal Night had Broken, the Sun was rising, the sky was clearing. The time of the Void was coming to an end. The land flared to life as if awakening from a nightmare, the Manna within it fighting back. "The time for fear and loss is over, the era of reclamation is at hand." She called upon her people, the flow of Aeir letting her voice flow through the streets. "So I ask you Valarian's, my brave kinsmen, who stands with us, who stands with Valerick, who stands with our home!!!"
Year 69 SUD- Theodora the II dies and in a rare event, leaves a name for her candidate for the thrown. Folgrim Thorsmac Elivar, a young dwarf tactician who's brilliance had already been shown in a variety of skirmishes. He would push the influence and strength of Nightvale outwards, capturing back half the continent over his four hundred year reign but more importantly, he set about training tactics and strategy to the national groups, the people whom intended to stay and try to reclaim their former homelands. The reclamation wars would last throughout his reign and the next.
Year 469 SUD- Death of Emperor Folgrim. Nightvale falls off a bit here, for it goes through a period of internal strife, politicking and a complete era of revamping the governmental system. Perhaps this bold final rush would fail, and the Valarian people were not meant to overcome this challenge.
Year 470-796 SUD- Petty internal conflicts on and off for three hundred years keep crippling the continent's ability to take back its land. The Void still flickers, tearing holes in and spawning nightmares in different places, and none seem to know how to purify these scarred areas. A time of darkness and despair but yet the peoples try and hold on.
797 SUD- Cyndra Fiora, the ancestor and progenitor of the current line of rulers, takes the throne. She spends the next two years quelling the Vrocks, and extracts punishment in blood and coin from the Gnomish peoples for the 300 years of atrocities they committed. Both races nearly are wiped out by this stage, and their rebound has been a slow painful journey.
799 SUD- Cyndra Fiora declares that no more shall internal squabbles occur, they will focus outward and reclaim their land. She decrees tieflings as legal citizens of Valerick, and delcares her first target, marching as the year turns to 799. Raechin will be the first nation to be reclaimed!
800 SUD- In a victory of a speed that seemed to defy logic, Raechin's capital of Longreach is reclaimed and rebuilt by the end of the next year, and an imperial army sets to work fanning out to reclaim other long lost key regions and settlements. But Cyndra was not done. She turned south east, her skill and ferocity would fall upon the nation of Susma next. The Joten would be driven back into the desert wastes where they belonged.
811 SUD-Susma's long lost capital, Tiate, is reclaimed and once again another army is left here, the descendants of the survivors who escaped the Void's assault. Committed. They would not fail and Susma would be the second nation to be reborn and expand again.
821 SUD- Cyndra continues leading her march. Rohara is the next to be reclaimed, as the grounds upon which her capital had stood were reclaimed, and the rebuild commenced with vigor. Adra would again rule the plains.
845 SUD- Cyndra did not stop and achieved another victory, wheeling around her forces, and pushing through to Valewyr, and the forth of her armies managed to reclaim the lands where Valewood once stood. This forth army would reclaim what was lost, and by 850 SUD those four nations, Susma, Raechin, Valewyr, and Rohara, would be restablished in their capitals, refugees flowing in, people who somehow had managed to survive out there, reproduce, small pockets of people who'd hid in caves, tangled forests, forgotten ruins. A great triumph made of victory after victory.
850 SUD- Empress Cyndra Fiora passes on, and her daughter Sienna takes the throne. She rules in relative peace, consolidating her mother's gains, for 19 years
869 SUD- Sienna Fiora dies of Ratte Fever, and her 18 year old daughter Cyndra Fiora the II took power and like her grandmother, she had no intention on merely waiting. Her peopl's voices were raised, the Elves of Depenwood ready for war. So they would march.
871 SUD- Cyndra Fiora the II claims her first victory, as Kelethan is reclaimed, almost intact, where the descendants of elven refugees are reunited with large swathes of their people who did not die, but they fought, for two generations, and into the third, three elven generations refused to break. Depenwood is free, the elves rise and begin to rebuild.
892 SUD- Like her grandmother, Cyndra Fiora the II refuses to rest on one victory. Knowing no easy reclamations are left, she returned to Nightvale, rallying an army larger than any her grandmother had been blessed with. seventy-five thousand strong, as they poured in to answer her call, from Nightvale and beyond, young, full of fire and a readiness to die if necessary to see their lands reclaimed. She spent four years training them, and another fifteen campaigning with them, which whittled their numbers down to fifty thousand, but they were battle hardened veterans now, as was Cyndra Fiora the II. So they launched there most ambitious campaign. The jungles of Mora. The goal? Tortuga, the known capital of the mariner nation. It was no contest, and inside a year, Cyndra's battle hardened army shredded their way through all resistance. They did not stop here, spending eight years roving the jungles, campaigning against all foes, accelerating the reclamation of the country greatly, as those of Morain descent settled and rebuilt Tortuga, and their homeland.
906 SUD- Cyndra Fiora now 55, a steely, cold, veteran commander, led her jungle march even further, crossing into the lands of Waston in 903. By 906, they reached the what remained of the capital Rydan, utterly destroying the Yuan-Ti host that awaited them, and once returned to their home, the gnomish descendants got to work rebuilding, but also reclaiming and continuing what bits of their forebearers research and sciences that could be found amongst the ruins.
925 SUD- Three events. Now 74 years old, Cyndra Fiora manages to take back the ruins of Haramir. Her campaign has been long, her children all dead, but her own granddaughter, just twenty-one, fighting with her for the last two years, takes up the crown as her grandmother falls in battle with the twisted bestial mer. Kang-Chorath's reclamation begins in earnest. Empress Cyndra Fiorabrynd is crowned by her army, her official coronation would take place the next year upon her triumphant return to Nightvale. Waston perfects, and begins distribution of, firearms! Although whispers suggest they were, and continue too, hold back one generation of technology on that front, clearly wishing to keep weapon superiority.
926-968 SUD- Cyndra Brynd campaigns with her army around all the reclaimed lands, crushing Void incursions, helping the churches of the Ascended rebuild, helping her empire's nation states rebuild, and hunting down any and all Children of the Void she can. She dies in the saddle, heart attack, in Agun of 968 SUD
969-1130 SUD- This period is known as the first regressive period. No territory was lost, but no ruler was on the throne, for Cyndra Brynd had not, to anyone's knowledge, had a heir. Political espionage, plotting, civil unrest, all these things run rampant, and under it, the forces of Madness start trying to slip into the consciousness of many. It is a dark time.
Jundar 1131- On the morning of the new year, seemingly a miracle. Upon the throne, as if returned to establish law and loyalty. In a light of purity, Theodora appears upon the throne, as if reborn. It is as if she has missed nothing, and immediately rallies all, the disgruntled, the upset, the angry, and mends all hurts, all discomfort with a promise. "In fourteen years hence, we will feast in the hallowed halls of Geata-Iarainn!!!! Our people's last long lost citadel will be ours again!!! Now calm your squabbling with each other. The enemy is north, on the icy lands of your dwarven brothers, sisters and neighbors. They fought valiantly to help free and reclaim your homes, it is high time we all repay that debt!!!!!!!" The army that would leave Nightvale to reclaim Suranth? Three hundred thousand strong, committed with their hero at their head. The empress whom the Theodorian Throne is named after. The symbol of Valarian hearts and minds, the face minted to every coin of currency minted as the economics of the continent begin to rebuild.
1145 SUD- That massive host loses nearly half their numbers, but do not fail, how could they? And good to her word, those soldiers whom survived, all of them swear they were greeted with a feast, and by an impossibility. The Ascended Champions, their gods, at the head table, insisting they dine together, as equals. Many are the veterans who, til their dying day, claimed to have feasted with the Gods in Suranth. This very incident is why the Theodorian Crusaders were formed,, it is their belief she Ascended then, for she disappeared with a promise. "The throne will be empty until 1457. But then shall she return, descendant of both Fiora and Brynd, the legacy of both burning bright within her. Crown her, and her line shall insure 1000 years of peace." This of course is despite the fact that those who were there reported she did not Ascend, but merely disappeared. The Gods did not embrace or welcome her, they merely sent her home.
1146-1456 SUD- The second age of darkness, this one marked by the mess between the Gnomish people and the Vrocks. Genocide, mass slavery, ending in a Vrock rising around the continent that saw the tables turned and the gnomish people slaughtered en masse. To this day neither race's populations have recovered. It is estimated that the Vrocks lost sixty percent of their population, and the gnomes seventy in that last half decade, the violent rising.
1457 SUD- Cyndra Fiorabrynd the First is crowned, as she arrives in a blast of sun-fire, Solarian in hand, to save the Valarian Council from a trio of strange ebon skinned elf like individuals, stopping their calls to the Void before the ritual spell could be completed. The council crowns her unanimously.
1457-1526 SUD- The rule of Cyndra Fiorabrynd the first is a calm and prosperous one, that sees the Anvil of Creation discovered. This discovery in 1473 in Susma would pave the way, as they destroyed it, releasing all that creative potential into the world, to a population boom, and a technology race for the ages. One that by 1525 would see Clocks, watches, timepieces of all sorts for individuals, glasses, and two brand new technologies. Locomotives, coal and steam powered trains, and Magnlock Sky-Ships, impressive Gnomish flying machines utilizing magnetic metals and that property in unique ways to operate clockwork machinery to fly. By 1525, Nightvale was full swing in an industrial revolution and the rest of the continent would follow. She would pass away on the 17th of Agun 1526 SUD peacefully in her sleep. Unfortunately Solarian is stolen but two days later, and every heir shed had, seemingly, was murdered. One is missing, presumed dead in the tundra of Suranth. So the council elects one Julien Armago to the throne, and he is named Empreror
1526-1594 SUD- This 68 year period established a new belief, this one enforced by the Exemplaris. Eight emperors held the throne over this sixty-eight year period, and conspiracy for regicidal power grabs were rampant and uncontrolled as if a curse. Magisters researched in secret, risking their lives beside mad kings as 'advisors, and realized the truth. It was not a curse so much as a magical requirement. A prophecy spoken, meaning one of Cyndra Fiorabrynd's descendants had to still be alive.
1564 SUD- A high priest of Sir Kartheart who had taken the Slayer vows in 1527 for some great shame he would not share, marched into the Under-Realms, determined to die fighting the Dark Kin he held responsible for his great shame. He resurfaces, alive, and with a strange looking claymore he carries wrapped with great reverence, strapped across his pack. Any whom attempt to ask he shuts down with a vicious growl, and the promise of an axe. Any who try to touch it lose their lives. During that same year, a massive accomplishment occurs. The last section of track and last Sky-Port are built to close the gaps in the thirty-nine year mad dash to insure all major (principal cities of provinces or the national capitals) had both locomotive and sky-ship service. This took place in Tortuga, both projects, in a rare show of solidarity between competing technologies and economies, waited on the other. No one is sure which was ahead, but the foremen in charge of both projects had been working the city together in proximity for three months. They'd had drinks together on many occasions in that time. It is believed they co-ordinated their crews. All we know is, midday was being chimed, the last rail pin, on the last section of track was hammered home at the same time the last bolt in the last hanger door was cranked in at the sky-port. It is unsure if they finished at the exact same time, but the project management both sounded their end of work bells at the same time, insuring they chimed five times instead of three, signalling project completion. It was a moment that made front-line news in every city across the continent over the next two weeks, as the story spread. A rare feel good story amongst the madness of the Eight Kings period.
1591 SUD- This Slayer, Tormull, finds the sixteen year old young woman, and Solarian calls out to her. The Blade heats up, letting him know he is close. She is a prisoner of some slavers, Morain flesh peddlers raiding a Depenwood fishing village. There were fifteen of them. By the time Tormull was finished, there were fifteen bodies. He saved her life, spirited her away, and trained her in secret, informing her of all the voice of the sword had told him, her lineage, her history, her heritage and birthright.
8th of Jundar, 1595-Current Day SUD- After appearing in court before the mad King Oberos the Merciless in a furious gout of pure sun fire, Tormull slew all four of the mans most trusted guards, whilst the young woman confidently strolled up to the throne. Oberos was known as a man of large appetite for drink, for children, and for fighting. He was known for knowing his way around a pistol and an axe. The pistol shot deflected off a wall of light, as if the sun penetrated the roof of Celestia Keep, and shielded her. So Oberos lunged forward with his axe, confident in his nearly two decades of experience as a pirate, mercenary and soldier.....He didn't even land a blow. Solarian seperated his head from his body in a golden arc, and the young woman simply knudged it aside with her boot, wiped the crown clean on the dead man's shirt, and sat upon the throne. Tormull rounded up those in the keep, roused the council and gathered them all. The woman rose, smiling at them all. 'My grandmother sends her regards. She says I am ready." Solarian flared to life in agreement, and the council, shocked and amazed to see the weapon again, let their emotions out. "Long live Empress Cyndra Fiorabrynd the II!!!"

Demography and Population

Continent wide, very roughly, the population stands around eight and a half million people, which given the land mass itself, is actually rather sparse. However, despite the slow decline of the races like elves and dwarves, those of humans and halflings their populations are accelerating quite rapidly. Only four hundred years ago humans were less numerous than dwarves, vrocks, halflings and gnomes. Only elves and tieflings were less numerous. But now the rough estimated demographics from scholars who take interest in studying such things suggest well...see below;
Humans 34% (2.95 million)
Halflings 25% (2.17 million)
Dwarves 15% (1.3 million)
Gnomes 10% (867000)
Vrocks 7% (607000)
Elves 7% (606000)
Tieflings* 2% (173000)
Now these numbers are a rough example in the text of that research tome, but for your purposes, they will do. These are more or less accurate at the time.

*It is worth noting that Tieflings could be more numerous than this, and just not have been counted, pretending to be human. Many tieflings in less than...forward communities where they struggle to comprehend the decrees and law that allows the existence of such beings simply hide their 'twist' as they call it, and play the human.


The entire continent technically, but more via fealty instead of occupation.

Technological Level

Early Reinassance-Mid Industrial Revolution, depending mostly on where one is geographically.


The Ascended Champions, blessings unto their memory, for they paid in blood so we may live and prosper upon the land that is ours to live, love and defend.

Agriculture & Industry

That sphere of influence 40 kilometres around Nightvale is all prime and highly productive farmland.

Trade & Transport

Nightvale, being the seat of power, sits a city of all trade, of all forms. She has no less than five heavily trafficked Sky-Ports, along with monstrous rail-yard and dock districts. Within the city itself one can take a train within the city, indeed trains between districts are a thing that the city embraced and built for. Citizens now are used to the supports crisscrossing down supporting tracks over neighborhoods, the large stone and mortar bridges, and the elevated rail station buildings. Old neighborhoods bought out and torn down, the city expanded, walls torn down and rebuilt to make room. A truly busy place and a prime example of the mood of the continent, busy, industry and growth on all sides, and a mood of true optimism in most people, a fine veneer it is, though if one looks too hard behind the curtain....
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Economic System
Market economy
Copper Stars Silver Moons Gold Suns
Legislative Body
As stated previously, this falls to the Valarian Council, and is signed off by the Empress.
Judicial Body
This falls mostly upon the nation-states within their own. But Valerick does have a standing continental army, and indeed they hold the ability to step in if needed, but they do not often do so outside the walls of Nightvale. Nightvale however, has a comprehensive city watch, and military barracks. A million people live within those walls, with another five hundred thousand or so live within her direct sphere of influence, forty kilometres in every direction from her walls., so these programs are massive bits of work and infrastructure.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages


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