Dawn Session 2 Report

General Summary

After traveling across the Reza Floodplains with Dimitrios Pepakis in tow, the adventurers reached the grand city of Ahquet and made their way to the Ziggurat of the Sovereign in the center of the city. On their way there, the players encountered and recruited two additional teammates: 

Kriita, a Changeling rogue taking the form of a human woman.

- Raveena, a Yuan-ti fighter. 

When the players reached the Ziggurat, they received a reward of 50 GP each from Sovereign Nasir for safely bringing the Law Keeper to his court. After the players were paid, the Sovereign offered to hire the players to seek out and capture whatever object they had witnessed falling from the sky several nights earlier. The Sovereign explained that his own soldiers and champions were stretched thin due to a territorial conflict with the city-state of Rumeru, so he was in need of capable individuals to help him figure out what this celestial object may have been. He promised to pay the characters 2000 GP for information about the object, and 10,000 GP if they could retrieve the object and return it to him. 

The players accepted the quest, and were granted a pair of horses and a cart by the Sovereign to aid them in their journey. After some brief shopping in Ahquet, the party made their way southwest along the Reza Tariq

Just before the road branches away from the Kiernahr River, the players encountered a pair of villagers sitting on top of their house, silently (but frantically) waving at them to stop. As the players cautiously approached, a stealth roll of 3 from Kriita alerted the two ankheg burrowed beneath the ground to their presence, and combat begun! 

Combat will be finished during Dawn Session 3. 

Character(s) interacted with

Ubar Nasir, Dimitrios Pepakis.
Report Date
28 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Owen Fulton