Benevolent Coalition

The Benevolent Coalition was an alliance formed between the Arimanus Sovereignty, the Circles of Icunda, the Jhaturian Sultanate, and a handful of other minor nations during the Dusk War. They fought against the Kingdom of Salvone, and were eventually victorious.

During the Dusk War, many in the Benevolent Coalition viewed themselves as holy crusaders tasked with defeating the evil of the Kingdom of Salvone. As a reflection of this belief in the fundamental holiness of their mission, they named themselves after the The Court of Benevolence


The Benevolent Coalition fell apart in 4250 P.D.C., shortly after the execution of Mateo Salazar. Without a common enemy to unite them, the Arimanians and Jhaturians returned to their cold relations with one another, and the Circles of Icunda withdrew back into the jungles of the Faylen Gulf

Alliance, Generic


The Benevolent Coalition and the Kingdom of Salvone fought against one another during the Dusk War.

Cover image: by Owen Fulton